.. | |
CircleSprite | |
FlxActionMode | |
FlxAnalog | A virtual thumbstick - useful for input on mobile devices. |
FlxBar | FlxBar is a quick and easy way to create a graphical bar which can be used as part of your UI/HUD, or positioned next to a sprite. It could represent a loader, progress or health bar. |
FlxBarFillDirection | |
FlxBitmapTextButton | A button with |
FlxButton | A simple button class that calls a function when clicked by the mouse. |
FlxButtonState | |
FlxDPadMode | |
FlxSpriteButton | A simple button class that calls a function when clicked by the mouse. |
FlxTypedButton | A simple button class that calls a function when clicked by the mouse. |
FlxVirtualActionButtons | |
FlxVirtualDPadButtons | |
FlxVirtualInputID | |
FlxVirtualPad | A gamepad which contains 4 directional buttons and 4 action buttons. It's easy to set the callbacks and to customize the layout. |
FlxVirtualPadButton | |
FlxVirtualPadButtons | |
FlxVirtualStick | A virtual thumbstick - useful for input on mobile devices. |
InvisibleCircleButton | Special button that covers the virtual stick and tracks mouse and touch |