
finalread onlyversion:Int

The version integer of the current Haxe compiler build.

finalread onlyverbose:Bool

If --verbose mode is enabled, this is true.

finalread onlystdPath:Array<String>

A list of paths being used for the standard library.

finalread onlyplatformConfig:PlatformConfig

The compilation configuration for the target platform.

finalread onlyplatform:Platform

The target platform.

finalread onlypackageRules:Map<String, PackageRule>

Special access rules for packages depending on the compiler configuration.

For example, the "java" package is "Forbidden" when the target platform is Python.

finalread onlymainClass:TypePath

The path of the class passed using the -main argument.

finalread onlyfoptimize:Bool

If --no-opt is enabled, this is false.

finalread onlydebug:Bool

If --debug mode is enabled, this is true.

finalread onlyargs:Array<String>

Returns an array of the arguments passed to the compiler from either the .hxml file or the command line.