finalread onlywildcardCatch:TypePath
Path of a native class or interface, which can be used for wildcard catches.
finalread onlynativeThrows:Array<TypePath>
Base types which may be thrown from Haxe code without wrapping.
finalread onlynativeCatches:Array<TypePath>
Base types which may be caught from Haxe code without wrapping.
finalread onlybaseThrow:TypePath
Path of a native base class or interface, which can be thrown.
This type is used to cast haxe.Exception.thrown(v)
calls to.
For example throw 123
is compiled to throw (cast Exception.thrown(123):ec_base_throw)
finalread onlyavoidWrapping:Bool
Hint exceptions filter to avoid wrapping for targets, which can throw/catch any type Ignored on targets with a specific native base type for exceptions.