The current frame rate (measured in frames-per-second) of the window.
On some platforms, a frame rate of 60 or greater may imply vsync, which will perform more quickly on displays with a higher refresh rate
The current frame rate (measured in frames-per-second) of the window.
On some platforms, a frame rate of 60 or greater may imply vsync, which will perform more quickly on displays with a higher refresh rate
read onlyonKeyDown:_Event_lime_ui_KeyCode_lime_ui_KeyModifier_Void<(KeyCode, KeyModifier) ‑> Void> = new Event<KeyCode -> KeyModifier>()
read onlyonKeyUp:_Event_lime_ui_KeyCode_lime_ui_KeyModifier_Void<(KeyCode, KeyModifier) ‑> Void> = new Event<KeyCode -> KeyModifier>()
read onlyonMouseDown:_Event_Float_Float_lime_ui_MouseButton_Void<(Float, Float, MouseButton) ‑> Void> = new Event<Float -> Float -> MouseButton>()
read onlyonMouseMoveRelative:_Event_Float_Float_Void<(Float, Float) ‑> Void> = new Event<Float -> Float>()
read onlyonMouseUp:_Event_Float_Float_Int_Void<(Float, Float, Int) ‑> Void> = new Event<Float -> Float -> Int>()
read onlyonMouseWheel:_Event_Float_Float_lime_ui_MouseWheelMode_Void<(Float, Float, MouseWheelMode) ‑> Void> = new Event<Float -> Float -> MouseWheelMode>()
read onlyonRender:_Event_lime_graphics_RenderContext_Void<RenderContext ‑> Void> = new Event<RenderContext>()
read onlyonRenderContextRestored:_Event_lime_graphics_RenderContext_Void<RenderContext ‑> Void> = new Event<RenderContext>()
read onlyonTextEdit:_Event_String_Int_Int_Void<(String, Int, Int) ‑> Void> = new Event<String -> Int -> Int>()