WeldJoint constraining two bodies to be exactly locked together.
The equation for this constraint is:
[ body2.localPointToWorld(anchor2) ] = [ body1.localPointToWorld(anchor1) ] [ body2.rotation ] [ body1.rotation + phase ]This constraint is equivalent to using a PivotJoint and AngleJoint together except that it is solved as a single constraint and thus will be more stable.
This constraint is 3 dimensional.
Although this constraint is very stable, if you chain bodies together using this constraint, you should except to see a small amount of rotation about the anchor points so you should chose them accordingly.
new(body1:Null<Body>, body2:Null<Body>, anchor1:Vec2, anchor2:Vec2, phase:Float = 0.0)
Construct a new WeldJoint.
body1 | The first body in WeldJoint. |
body2 | The second body in WeldJoint. |
anchor1 | The first local anchor for joint. |
anchor2 | The second local anchor for joint. |
phase | The angular phase of joint. (default 0) |
The constructed WeldJoint.
Anchor point on first Body.
This anchor point is defined in the local coordinate system of body1.
Anchor point on second Body.
This anchor point is defined in the local coordinate system of body2.
First Body in constraint.
This value may be null, but trying to simulate the constraint whilst
this body is null will result in an error.