A class containing a set of functions for random generation. Should be accessed via FlxG.random
Current seed used to generate new random numbers. You can retrieve this value if, for example, you want to store the seed that was used to randomly generate a level.
initialSeed:Int = 1
The global base random number generator seed (for deterministic behavior in recordings and saves). If you want, you can set the seed with an integer between 1 and 2,147,483,647 inclusive. Altering this yourself may break recording functionality!
inlinebool(Chance:Float = 50):Bool
Returns true or false based on the chance value (default 50%). For example if you wanted a player to have a 30.5% chance of getting a bonus, call bool(30.5) - true means the chance passed, false means it failed.
Chance | The chance of receiving the value. Should be given as a number between 0 and 100 (effectively 0% to 100%) |
Whether the roll passed or not.
color(?Min:FlxColor, ?Max:FlxColor, ?Alpha:Int, GreyScale:Bool = false):FlxColor
Returns a random color.
Min | An optional FlxColor representing the lower bounds for the generated color. |
Max | An optional FlxColor representing the upper bounds for the generated color. |
Alpha | An optional value for the alpha channel of the generated color. |
GreyScale | Whether or not to create a color that is strictly a shade of grey. False by default. |
A color value as a FlxColor.
float(Min:Float = 0, Max:Float = 1, ?Excludes:Array<Float>):Float
Returns a pseudorandom float value between Min (inclusive) and Max (exclusive). Will not return a number in the Excludes array, if provided. Please note that large Excludes arrays can slow calculations.
Min | The minimum value that should be returned. 0 by default. |
Max | The maximum value that should be returned. 1 by default. |
Excludes | Optional array of values that should not be returned. |
floatNormal(Mean:Float = 0, StdDev:Float = 1):Float
Returns a pseudorandom float value in a statistical normal distribution centered on Mean with a standard deviation size of StdDev. (This uses the Box-Muller transform algorithm for gaussian pseudorandom numbers)
Normal distribution: 68% values are within 1 standard deviation, 95% are in 2 StdDevs, 99% in 3 StdDevs. See this image: https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel-demos/blob/dev/Performance/FlxRandom/normaldistribution.png
Mean | The Mean around which the normal distribution is centered |
StdDev | Size of the standard deviation |
getObject<T>(Objects:Array<T>, ?WeightsArray:Array<Float>, StartIndex:Int = 0, ?EndIndex:Int):T
Returns a random object from an array.
Objects | An array from which to return an object. |
WeightsArray | Optional array of weights which will determine the likelihood of returning a given value from Objects. If none is passed, all objects in the Objects array will have an equal likelihood of being returned.
StartIndex | Optional index from which to restrict selection. Default value is 0, or the beginning of the Objects array. |
EndIndex | Optional index at which to restrict selection. Ignored if 0, which is the default value. |
A pseudorandomly chosen object from Objects.
int(Min:Int = 0, Max:Int = FlxMath.MAX_VALUE_INT, ?Excludes:Array<Int>):Int
Returns a pseudorandom integer between Min and Max, inclusive. Will not return a number in the Excludes array, if provided. Please note that large Excludes arrays can slow calculations.
Min | The minimum value that should be returned. 0 by default. |
Max | The maximum value that should be returned. 2,147,483,647 by default. |
Excludes | Optional array of values that should not be returned. |
Function to easily set the global seed to a new random number. Please note that this function is not deterministic! If you call it in your game, recording may not function as expected.
The new initial seed.
Shuffles the entries in an array in-place into a new pseudorandom order, using the standard Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm.
array | The array to shuffle. |
.inlinesign(Chance:Float = 50):Int
Returns either a 1 or -1.
Chance | The chance of receiving a positive value. Should be given as a number between 0 and 100 (effectively 0% to 100%) |
1 or -1
Pseudorandomly select from an array of weighted options. For example, if you passed in an array of [50, 30, 20] there would be a 50% chance of returning a 0, a 30% chance of returning a 1, and a 20% chance of returning a 2. Note that the values in the array do not have to add to 100 or any other number. The percent chance will be equal to a given value in the array divided by the total of all values in the array.
WeightsArray | An array of weights. |
A value between 0 and (SelectionArray.length - 1), with a probability equivalent to the values in SelectionArray.