@link http://www.photonstorm.com
Static methods
staticcreate(CellWidth:Int, CellHeight:Int, Width:Int = -1, Height:Int = -1, Alternate:Bool = true, Color1:FlxColor = 0xffe7e6e6, Color2:FlxColor = 0xffd9d5d5):FlxSprite
Creates a FlxSprite of the given width and height filled with a checkerboard pattern. Each grid cell is the specified width and height, and alternates between two colors. If alternate is true each row of the pattern will be offset, for a proper checkerboard style. If false each row will be the same colour, creating a striped-pattern effect. So to create an 8x8 grid you'd call create(8,8)
CellWidth | The grid cell width |
CellHeight | The grid cell height |
Width | The width of the FlxSprite. If -1 it will be the size of the game (FlxG.width) |
Height | The height of the FlxSprite. If -1 it will be the size of the game (FlxG.height) |
Alternate | Should the pattern alternate on each new row? Default true = checkerboard effect. False = vertical stripes |
Color1 | The first fill colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
Color2 | The second fill colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
FlxSprite of given width/height
staticcreateGrid(CellWidth:Int, CellHeight:Int, Width:Int, Height:Int, Alternate:Bool, Color1:FlxColor, Color2:FlxColor):BitmapData
staticoverlay(Sprite:FlxSprite, CellWidth:Int, CellHeight:Int, Width:Int = -1, Height:Int = -1, Alternate:Bool = true, Color1:FlxColor = 0x88e7e6e6, Color2:FlxColor = 0x88d9d5d5):FlxSprite
Creates a checkerboard pattern of the given width/height and overlays it onto the given FlxSprite. Each grid cell is the specified width and height, and alternates between two colors. If alternate is true each row of the pattern will be offset, for a proper checkerboard style. If false each row will be the same colour, creating a striped-pattern effect. So to create an 8x8 grid you'd call create(8,8,
Sprite | The FlxSprite you wish to draw the grid on-top of. This updates its pixels value, not just the current frame (don't use animated sprites!) |
CellWidth | The grid cell width |
CellHeight | The grid cell height |
Width | The width of the FlxSprite. If -1 it will be the size of the game (FlxG.width) |
Height | The height of the FlxSprite. If -1 it will be the size of the game (FlxG.height) |
Alternate | Should the pattern alternate on each new row? Default true = checkerboard effect. False = vertical stripes |
Color1 | The first fill colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
Color2 | The second fill colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
The modified source FlxSprite