Contains a bunch of FlxBasics for vaious organizational purposes, namely collision, updating and drawing.


When used as an arg in FlxG.collide or FlxG.overlap, groups will use quadtrees to greatly reduce the number of overlap checks, resulting in much better peformance compared to having individual overlap checks on each pair of objects.

Drawing and Updating

Calling update or draw on a group will call update or draw on each member. Typically, to update or draw a group you add it to the state, or to a group that was added to the state, this way, the state will update and draw it's members based on the desired framerates.


Though objects can be in various organizational groups, it's highly recommended that they only get drawn or updated by one containing group. For this reason FlxContainer was made, objects can only be in one FlxContainer at a time, adding them to a second will remove them from their previous container, but not from any group.
