Helper class that wraps steam API so that flixel can do some basic book-keeping on top of it
Also cuts down a bit on the (cpp && steamwrap) clutter by letting me stuff all those conditionals and imports over here and just letting them resolve to no-ops if steamwrap isn't detected.
Not meant to be exposed to end users, just for internal use by FlxGamepadManager. If a user wants to use the Steam API directly they should just be making naked calls to steamwrap themselves.
.Static variables
staticread onlyCONTROLLER_CONNECT_POLL_TIME:Float = 0.25
The wait time between polls for connected controllers
staticread onlyMAX_ORIGINS:Int
The maximum number of origins (input glyphs, basically) that can be assigned to an action
staticread onlyORIGIN_DATA_POLL_TIME:Float = 1.0
The wait time between polls for action origins (checking which input glyphs are associated with an action, in case the player has re-configured them)