The data used by Pathfinders to "solve" a single pathfinding request. A new Instance gets created whenever you request pathfinder computations. Extend this class if your pathfinding needs require special iterative data.

Available since




new(map:Tilemap, startIndex:Int, endIndex:Int)

Mainly a helper class for FlxTilemapPathPolicy. Used to store data while the paths are computed, but also useful for analyzing the data once it's done somputing.



The total number of tiles in the map


The start index of the path


The end index of the path


read onlydistances:Array<Int>

The distance of every tile from the starting position

read onlyendIndex:Int

The end index of path

read onlyexcluded:Array<Int>

Every index has the tileIndex that reached it first while computing the path

read onlyfoundEnd:Bool

Whether a path from startIndex to endIndex was found

read onlymap:Tilemap

The end index of path

read onlymoves:Array<Int>

Every index has the tileIndex that reached it first while computing the path

read onlystartIndex:Int

The start index of path



If the desired start to end path was successful, this returns the tile indices used to get there the fastest. If unsuccessful, null is returned.


If possible, this returns the tile indices used to get there the fastest. If impossible, null is returned.