Access operating system level settings and operations.

Static variables


Determines if the screen saver is allowed to start or not.

staticread onlyapplicationDirectory:String

The path to the directory where the application is installed, along with its supporting files. In many cases, this directory is read-only, and attempts to write to files, create new files, or delete files in this directory are likely fail.

staticread onlyapplicationStorageDirectory:String

The application's dedicated storage directory, which unique to each application and user. Useful for storing settings on a user-specific and application-specific basis.

This directory may or may not be removed when the application is uninstalled, and it depends on the platform and installer technology that is used.

staticread onlydesktopDirectory:String

The path to the directory containing the user's desktop.

staticread onlydeviceModel:String

staticread onlydeviceVendor:String

staticread onlydocumentsDirectory:String

The path to the directory containing the user's documents.

staticread onlyendianness:Endian

The platform's default endianness for bytes.

staticread onlyfontsDirectory:String

The path to the directory where fonts are installed.

staticread onlynumDisplays:Int

The number of available video displays.

staticread onlyplatformLabel:String

staticread onlyplatformName:String

staticread onlyplatformVersion:String

staticread onlyuserDirectory:String

The path to the user's home directory.

Static methods


Attempts to exit the application. Dispatches onExit, and will not exit if the event is canceled. When exiting using this method, Lime will gracefully shut down a number of subsystems, including (but not limited to) audio, graphics, timers, and game controllers.

To properly exit a Lime application, it's best to call Lime's System.exit() instead of calling Haxe's built-in Sys.exit(). When targeting native platforms especially, Lime's is built on C++ libraries that expose functions to clean up resources properly on exit. Haxe's Sys.exit() exits immediately without giving Lime a chance to clean things up. With that in mind, the proper and correct way to exit a Lime app is by calling lime.system.System.exit(), and to avoid using Sys.exit().


Returns information about the video display with the specified ID.


The number of milliseconds since the application was initialized.

@:value({ lazy : false, args : 0 })staticinlineload(library:String, method:String, args:Int = 0, lazy:Bool = false):Dynamic


Opens a file with the suste, default application.

In a web browser, opens a URL with target _blank.

@:value({ target : "_blank" })staticopenURL(url:String, target:String = "_blank"):Void

Opens a URL with the specified target web browser window.