Callback Type applied to Interactors and Constraints.
Callback types are ranged over by listeners.
Static variables
staticread onlyANY_BODY:CbType
Default CbType given to all Bodys
Due to the way the Callback system in Nape works, you can use this CbType to match against 'all' Bodys In a Listener (Assuming you do not 'remove' this type from the object)
staticread onlyANY_COMPOUND:CbType
Default CbType given to all Compounds
Due to the way the Callback system in Nape works, you can use this CbType to match against 'all' Compounds In a Listener (Assuming you do not 'remove' this type from the object)
staticread onlyANY_CONSTRAINT:CbType
Default CbType given to all Constraints
Due to the way the Callback system in Nape works, you can use this CbType to match against 'all' Constraints In a Listener (Assuming you do not 'remove' this type from the object)
read onlyconstraints:ConstraintList
List of all Constraints using this CbType.
This list contains only those Constraints that are inside of a Space
This list is not only readonly, but also immutable.
read onlyinteractors:InteractorList
List of all Interactors using this CbType.
This list contains only those Interactors that are inside of a Space
This list is not only readonly, but also immutable.
read onlyuserData:Dynamic<Dynamic>
Dynamic object for user to store additional data.
This object cannot be set, only its dynamically created
properties may be set. In AS3 the type of this property is *
This object will be lazily constructed so that until accessed
for the first time, will be null internally.
Construct OptionType with given excludes.
Equivalent to new OptionType(this).excluding(excludes)
The excludes argument is typed Dynamic, and is permitted to be one of:
CbType, CbTypeList, Array<CbType>, flash.Vector<CbType>
excludes | The CbTypes to exclude. |
A new OptionType whose included types are just 'this' and whose excluded types are those given as argument.
# | If excludes is null. |
Construct OptionType with given extra includes.
Equivalent to new OptionType(this).including(includes)
The includes argument is typed Dynamic, and is permitted to be one of:
CbType, CbTypeList, Array<CbType>, flash.Vector<CbType>
includes | The CbTypes to include. |
A new OptionType whose includes are equal to this CbType and all the CbTypes given as argument.
# | If includes is null. |