- flash
- accessibility
- desktop
- display
- ActionScriptVersion - flash.display
- Bitmap - flash.display
- BitmapData - flash.display
- BitmapDataChannel - flash.display
- BlendMode - flash.display
- CapsStyle - flash.display
- ColorCorrection - flash.display
- ColorCorrectionSupport - flash.display
- DisplayObject - flash.display
- DisplayObjectContainer - flash.display
- FrameLabel - flash.display
- GradientType - flash.display
- Graphics - flash.display
- GraphicsBitmapFill - flash.display
- GraphicsEndFill - flash.display
- GraphicsGradientFill - flash.display
- GraphicsPath - flash.display
- GraphicsPathWinding - flash.display
- GraphicsShaderFill - flash.display
- GraphicsSolidFill - flash.display
- GraphicsStroke - flash.display
- GraphicsTrianglePath - flash.display
- IBitmapDrawable - flash.display
- IGraphicsData - flash.display
- IGraphicsFill - flash.display
- IGraphicsPath - flash.display
- IGraphicsStroke - flash.display
- InteractiveObject - flash.display
- InterpolationMethod - flash.display
- JointStyle - flash.display
- LineScaleMode - flash.display
- Loader - flash.display
- LoaderInfo - flash.display
- MovieClip - flash.display
- NativeMenu - flash.display
- PixelSnapping - flash.display
- Scene - flash.display
- Shader - flash.display
- ShaderData - flash.display
- ShaderParameter - flash.display
- ShaderParameterType - flash.display
- ShaderPrecision - flash.display
- Shape - flash.display
- SpreadMethod - flash.display
- Sprite - flash.display
- Stage - flash.display
- Stage3D - flash.display
- StageAlign - flash.display
- StageDisplayState - flash.display
- StageQuality - flash.display
- StageScaleMode - flash.display
- TriangleCulling - flash.display
- display3D
- textures
- Context3D - flash.display3D
- Context3DBlendFactor - flash.display3D
- Context3DBufferUsage - flash.display3D
- Context3DCompareMode - flash.display3D
- Context3DMipFilter - flash.display3D
- Context3DProfile - flash.display3D
- Context3DProgramType - flash.display3D
- Context3DRenderMode - flash.display3D
- Context3DStencilAction - flash.display3D
- Context3DTextureFilter - flash.display3D
- Context3DTextureFormat - flash.display3D
- Context3DTriangleFace - flash.display3D
- Context3DVertexBufferFormat - flash.display3D
- Context3DWrapMode - flash.display3D
- IndexBuffer3D - flash.display3D
- Program3D - flash.display3D
- VertexBuffer3D - flash.display3D
- errors
- events
- ErrorEvent - flash.events
- Event - flash.events
- EventDispatcher - flash.events
- EventPhase - flash.events
- FocusEvent - flash.events
- GameInputEvent - flash.events
- IEventDispatcher - flash.events
- IOErrorEvent - flash.events
- KeyboardEvent - flash.events
- MouseEvent - flash.events
- ProgressEvent - flash.events
- TextEvent - flash.events
- TouchEvent - flash.events
- UncaughtErrorEvents - flash.events
- external
- filters
- geom
- media
- AVCaptionStyle - flash.media
- AVPlayState - flash.media
- AVResult - flash.media
- AVSource - flash.media
- AVStream - flash.media
- Camera - flash.media
- ID3Info - flash.media
- Microphone - flash.media
- MicrophoneEnhancedMode - flash.media
- MicrophoneEnhancedOptions - flash.media
- Sound - flash.media
- SoundChannel - flash.media
- SoundCodec - flash.media
- SoundLoaderContext - flash.media
- SoundTransform - flash.media
- StageVideo - flash.media
- VideoStreamSettings - flash.media
- net
- FileFilter - flash.net
- FileReference - flash.net
- NetConnection - flash.net
- NetStream - flash.net
- NetStreamInfo - flash.net
- NetStreamMulticastInfo - flash.net
- NetStreamPlayOptions - flash.net
- ObjectEncoding - flash.net
- Responder - flash.net
- SharedObject - flash.net
- SharedObjectFlushStatus - flash.net
- URLLoader - flash.net
- URLLoaderDataFormat - flash.net
- URLRequest - flash.net
- URLRequestHeader - flash.net
- URLRequestMethod - flash.net
- system
- ApplicationDomain - flash.system
- Capabilities - flash.system
- IME - flash.system
- IMEConversionMode - flash.system
- ImageDecodingPolicy - flash.system
- LoaderContext - flash.system
- Security - flash.system
- SecurityDomain - flash.system
- SecurityPanel - flash.system
- System - flash.system
- TouchscreenType - flash.system
- text
- AntiAliasType - flash.text
- Font - flash.text
- FontStyle - flash.text
- FontType - flash.text
- GridFitType - flash.text
- StyleSheet - flash.text
- TextField - flash.text
- TextFieldAutoSize - flash.text
- TextFieldType - flash.text
- TextFormat - flash.text
- TextFormatAlign - flash.text
- TextFormatDisplay - flash.text
- TextInteractionMode - flash.text
- TextLineMetrics - flash.text
- TextSnapshot - flash.text
- ui
- ContextMenu - flash.ui
- ContextMenuBuiltInItems - flash.ui
- ContextMenuClipboardItems - flash.ui
- GameInput - flash.ui
- GameInputControl - flash.ui
- GameInputDevice - flash.ui
- KeyLocation - flash.ui
- Keyboard - flash.ui
- KeyboardType - flash.ui
- Mouse - flash.ui
- MouseCursor - flash.ui
- MouseCursorData - flash.ui
- Multitouch - flash.ui
- MultitouchInputMode - flash.ui
- utils
- xml
- Lib - flash
- Memory - flash
- Vector - flash
- flixel
- addons
- api
- display
- shapes
- FlxShape - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeArrow - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeBox - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeCircle - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeCross - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeDonut - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeDoubleCircle - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeGrid - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeLightning - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeLine - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeSquareDonut - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeType - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- LightningStyle - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- LineSegment - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- BackdropBlitMode - flixel.addons.display
- BackdropDrawParams - flixel.addons.display
- FlxBackdrop - flixel.addons.display
- FlxExtendedMouseSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxExtendedSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxGridOverlay - flixel.addons.display
- FlxMouseSpring - flixel.addons.display
- FlxNestedSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxPieDial - flixel.addons.display
- FlxPieDialShape - flixel.addons.display
- FlxPieDialUtils - flixel.addons.display
- FlxShaderMaskCamera - flixel.addons.display
- FlxSliceSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxSpriteAniRot - flixel.addons.display
- FlxStarField2D - flixel.addons.display
- FlxStarField3D - flixel.addons.display
- FlxTiledSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxZoomCamera - flixel.addons.display
- MouseCallback - flixel.addons.display
- shapes
- editors
- ogmo
- DecalData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- DecalLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- EntityData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- EntityLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- FlxOgmo3Loader - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- FlxOgmoLoader - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- GridLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- LayerData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- LevelData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- Point - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectEntityData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectLayerData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectTilesetData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- TileLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- pex
- spine
- tiled
- FlxTiledMapAsset - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- FlxTiledTileAsset - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TileAnimationData - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledGroupLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledImageLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledImageTile - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledLayerType - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledMap - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledObject - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledObjectLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledPropertySet - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTile - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTileLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTilePropertySet - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTileSet - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- ogmo
- effects
- chainable
- FlxEffectSprite - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxGlitchDirection - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxGlitchEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxOutlineEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxOutlineMode - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxRainbowEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxShakeEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxTrailEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxWaveDirection - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxWaveEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxWaveMode - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- IFlxEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxClothConstraint - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxClothPoint - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxClothSprite - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxSkewedSprite - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxTrail - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxTrailArea - flixel.addons.effects
- chainable
- nape
- plugin
- system
- text
- tile
- transition
- FlxTransitionSprite - flixel.addons.transition
- FlxTransitionableState - flixel.addons.transition
- GraphicTransTileCircle - flixel.addons.transition
- GraphicTransTileDiamond - flixel.addons.transition
- GraphicTransTileSquare - flixel.addons.transition
- Transition - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionCameraMode - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionData - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionEffect - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionFade - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionStatus - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionTileData - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionTiles - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionType - flixel.addons.transition
- TweenEndValues - flixel.addons.transition
- ui
- interfaces
- ICursorPointable - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IEventGetter - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFireTongue - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIButton - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIClickable - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIState - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIWidget - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IHasParams - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- ILabeled - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IResizable - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- Anchor - flixel.addons.ui
- AnchorPoint - flixel.addons.ui
- BorderDef - flixel.addons.ui
- ButtonLabelStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- CheckStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxBarStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxBaseMultiInput - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxButtonPlus - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxClickArea - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxInputText - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxMultiGamepad - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxMultiGamepadAnalogStick - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxMultiKey - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxSlider - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxTypedUIGroup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUI - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUI9SliceSprite - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIAssets - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIBar - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIButton - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUICheckBox - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIColorSwatch - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIColorSwatchSelecter - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUICursor - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUICursorInputFlag - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIDropDownHeader - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIDropDownMenu - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIDropDownMenuDropDirection - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIGroup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIInputText - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUILine - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIList - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUILoadingScreen - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIMouse - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUINumericStepper - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIPopup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIRadioGroup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIRegion - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISlider - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISprite - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISpriteButton - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIState - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISubState - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITabMenu - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIText - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITileTest - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltip - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltipData - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltipManager - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltipStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITypedButton - flixel.addons.ui
- FontDef - flixel.addons.ui
- FontFixer - flixel.addons.ui
- GamepadAutoConnectPreference - flixel.addons.ui
- LineAxis - flixel.addons.ui
- MaxMinSize - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedBool - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedFloat - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedInt - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedString - flixel.addons.ui
- Rounding - flixel.addons.ui
- SectionCounter - flixel.addons.ui
- SortMethod - flixel.addons.ui
- SortValue - flixel.addons.ui
- StickInput - flixel.addons.ui
- StrNameLabel - flixel.addons.ui
- SwatchData - flixel.addons.ui
- SwatchGraphic - flixel.addons.ui
- U - flixel.addons.ui
- UIEventCallback - flixel.addons.ui
- VarValue - flixel.addons.ui
- WidgetList - flixel.addons.ui
- XY - flixel.addons.ui
- interfaces
- util
- FlxAsyncLoop - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSM - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSMStack - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSMState - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSMTransitionTable - flixel.addons.util
- FlxScene - flixel.addons.util
- FlxSimplex - flixel.addons.util
- PNGEncoder - flixel.addons.util
- StatePool - flixel.addons.util
- Transition - flixel.addons.util
- weapon
- animation
- effects
- graphics
- atlas
- AseAtlas - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasArray - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasBase - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasCel - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasColor - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasFrame - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasLayer - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasMeta - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasSlice - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasSliceKey - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasTag - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasTagDirection - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasTagRepeat - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseBlendMode - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseObject - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasBase - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasFrame - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasPos - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasRect - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasSize - flixel.graphics.atlas
- FlxAtlas - flixel.graphics.atlas
- FlxNode - flixel.graphics.atlas
- HashOrArray - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlas - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlasArray - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlasFrame - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlasHash - flixel.graphics.atlas
- frames
- bmfont
- BMFont - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontChar - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontCommon - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontInfo - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontKerning - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontPadding - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontPage - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontSpacing - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontXml - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- FlxAtlasFrames - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxBitmapFont - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFilterFrames - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrame - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrameAngle - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrameCollectionType - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrameType - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFramesCollection - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxImageFrame - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxTileFrames - flixel.graphics.frames
- TexturePackerFrameData - flixel.graphics.frames
- TexturePackerFrameRect - flixel.graphics.frames
- TexturePackerObject - flixel.graphics.frames
- bmfont
- tile
- FlxAsepriteUtil - flixel.graphics
- FlxGraphic - flixel.graphics
- atlas
- group
- input
- actions
- ActionSetJson - flixel.input.actions
- ActionSetJsonArray - flixel.input.actions
- FlxAction - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionAnalog - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionDigital - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInput - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalog - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogClickAndDragMouseMotion - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogGamepad - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogMouseMotion - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogMousePosition - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogSteam - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigital - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalGamepad - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalIFlxInput - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalKeyboard - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalMouse - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalMouseWheel - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalSteam - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionManager - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionSet - flixel.input.actions
- FlxAnalogAxis - flixel.input.actions
- FlxAnalogState - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputDevice - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputDeviceID - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputDeviceObject - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputType - flixel.input.actions
- FlxSteamController - flixel.input.actions
- ResetPolicy - flixel.input.actions
- gamepad
- id
- LogitechID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- MFiID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- MayflashWiiRemoteID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- OUYAID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- PS4ID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- PSVitaID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- SwitchJoyconLeftID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- SwitchJoyconRightID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- SwitchProID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- WiiRemoteID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- XInputID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- lists
- FlxBaseGamepadList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadAnalogList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadAnalogStateList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadAnalogValueList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadButtonList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadMotionValueList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadPointerValueList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- mappings
- FlxGamepadMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- FlxTypedGamepadMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- LogitechMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- MFiMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- Manufacturer - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- MayflashWiiRemoteMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- OUYAMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- PS4Mapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- PSVitaMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- SwitchJoyconLeftMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- SwitchJoyconRightMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- SwitchProMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- WiiRemoteMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- XInputMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- FlxAnalogToDigitalMode - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepad - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAcceptMode - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAnalogStick - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAnalogStickSettings - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAttachment - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadButton - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadInputID - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadManager - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadMappedInput - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadModel - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxTypedGamepadAnalogStick - flixel.input.gamepad
- id
- keyboard
- mouse
- touch
- FlxBaseKeyList - flixel.input
- FlxInput - flixel.input
- FlxInputState - flixel.input
- FlxKeyManager - flixel.input
- FlxPointer - flixel.input
- FlxSwipe - flixel.input
- IFlxInput - flixel.input
- IFlxInputManager - flixel.input
- actions
- math
- path
- CenterMode - flixel.path
- FlxBasePath - flixel.path
- FlxDiagonalPathfinder - flixel.path
- FlxPath - flixel.path
- FlxPathAnchorMode - flixel.path
- FlxPathDirection - flixel.path
- FlxPathDrawData - flixel.path
- FlxPathLoopType - flixel.path
- FlxPathSimplifier - flixel.path
- FlxPathType - flixel.path
- FlxPathfinder - flixel.path
- FlxPathfinderData - flixel.path
- FlxPathfinderDataFactory - flixel.path
- FlxTilemapDiagonalPolicy - flixel.path
- FlxTypedBasePath - flixel.path
- FlxTypedPathfinder - flixel.path
- FlxTypedPathfinderData - flixel.path
- sound
- system
- debug
- completion
- console
- interaction
- tools
- Eraser - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- GraphicCursorCross - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Mover - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Pointer - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- ToggleBounds - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Tool - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Transform - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Interaction - flixel.system.debug.interaction
- tools
- log
- stats
- watch
- DebuggerUtil - flixel.system.debug
- FlxDebugger - flixel.system.debug
- FlxDebuggerLayout - flixel.system.debug
- Tooltip - flixel.system.debug
- TooltipOverlay - flixel.system.debug
- VCR - flixel.system.debug
- Window - flixel.system.debug
- frontEnds
- AssetFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- BitmapFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- BitmapLogFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- CameraFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- ConsoleFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- DebuggerFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- FlxAssetType - flixel.system.frontEnds
- InputFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- LogFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- PluginFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- SignalFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- SoundFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- VCRFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- WatchFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- macros
- replay
- scaleModes
- BaseScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- FillScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- FixedScaleAdjustSizeScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- FixedScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- PixelPerfectScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- RatioScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- RelativeScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- StageSizeScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- ui
- FlxAngelCodeAsset - flixel.system
- FlxAngelCodeXmlAsset - flixel.system
- FlxAsepriteJsonAsset - flixel.system
- FlxAssets - flixel.system
- FlxBGSprite - flixel.system
- FlxBasePreloader - flixel.system
- FlxBitmapFontGraphicAsset - flixel.system
- FlxGraphicAsset - flixel.system
- FlxGraphicSource - flixel.system
- FlxJsonAsset - flixel.system
- FlxLinkedList - flixel.system
- FlxPreloader - flixel.system
- FlxQuadTree - flixel.system
- FlxShader - flixel.system
- FlxSoundAsset - flixel.system
- FlxSplash - flixel.system
- FlxTexturePackerJsonAsset - flixel.system
- FlxTilemapGraphicAsset - flixel.system
- FlxVersion - flixel.system
- FlxXmlAsset - flixel.system
- GraphicLogo - flixel.system
- GraphicVirtualInput - flixel.system
- VirtualInputData - flixel.system
- debug
- text
- FlxBitmapFont - flixel.text
- FlxBitmapText - flixel.text
- FlxInputText - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextCase - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextChange - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextFilterMode - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextManager - flixel.text
- FlxText - flixel.text
- FlxTextAlign - flixel.text
- FlxTextBorderStyle - flixel.text
- FlxTextFormat - flixel.text
- FlxTextFormatMarkerPair - flixel.text
- IFlxInputText - flixel.text
- MoveCursorAction - flixel.text
- TypingAction - flixel.text
- TypingCommand - flixel.text
- WordSplitConditions - flixel.text
- Wrap - flixel.text
- tile
- FlxBaseTilemap - flixel.tile
- FlxTile - flixel.tile
- FlxTileProperties - flixel.tile
- FlxTileblock - flixel.tile
- FlxTilemap - flixel.tile
- FlxTilemapAutoTiling - flixel.tile
- FlxTilemapBuffer - flixel.tile
- FlxTypedTilemap - flixel.tile
- GraphicAuto - flixel.tile
- GraphicAutoAlt - flixel.tile
- GraphicAutoFull - flixel.tile
- tweens
- ui
- CircleSprite - flixel.ui
- FlxActionMode - flixel.ui
- FlxAnalog - flixel.ui
- FlxBar - flixel.ui
- FlxBarFillDirection - flixel.ui
- FlxBitmapTextButton - flixel.ui
- FlxButton - flixel.ui
- FlxButtonState - flixel.ui
- FlxDPadMode - flixel.ui
- FlxSpriteButton - flixel.ui
- FlxTypedButton - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualActionButtons - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualDPadButtons - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualInputID - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualPad - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualPadButton - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualPadButtons - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualStick - flixel.ui
- InvisibleCircleButton - flixel.ui
- util
- helpers
- typeLimit
- DrawStyle - flixel.util
- FlxArrayUtil - flixel.util
- FlxAxes - flixel.util
- FlxBitmapDataPool - flixel.util
- FlxBitmapDataUtil - flixel.util
- FlxCollision - flixel.util
- FlxColor - flixel.util
- FlxColorTransformUtil - flixel.util
- FlxDestroyUtil - flixel.util
- FlxDirection - flixel.util
- FlxDirectionFlags - flixel.util
- FlxGradient - flixel.util
- FlxHorizontalAlign - flixel.util
- FlxPool - flixel.util
- FlxSave - flixel.util
- FlxSaveStatus - flixel.util
- FlxSignal - flixel.util
- FlxSort - flixel.util
- FlxSpriteUtil - flixel.util
- FlxStringUtil - flixel.util
- FlxTimer - flixel.util
- FlxTimerManager - flixel.util
- FlxTypedSignal - flixel.util
- FlxVerticalAlign - flixel.util
- GradientMatrix - flixel.util
- Harmony - flixel.util
- IFlxDestroyable - flixel.util
- IFlxPool - flixel.util
- IFlxPooled - flixel.util
- IFlxSignal - flixel.util
- LabelValuePair - flixel.util
- LineStyle - flixel.util
- LoadFailureType - flixel.util
- LoadResult - flixel.util
- PoolFactory - flixel.util
- SaveFailureType - flixel.util
- TriadicHarmony - flixel.util
- CollisionDragType - flixel
- FlxBasic - flixel
- FlxCamera - flixel
- FlxCameraFollowStyle - flixel
- FlxG - flixel
- FlxGame - flixel
- FlxObject - flixel
- FlxRenderMethod - flixel
- FlxSprite - flixel
- FlxState - flixel
- FlxStrip - flixel
- FlxSubState - flixel
- FlxType - flixel
- IFlxBasic - flixel
- IFlxSprite - flixel
- addons
- haxe
- crypto
- display
- ClassFieldOccurrence - haxe.display
- ClassFieldOrigin - haxe.display
- ClassFieldOriginKind - haxe.display
- CompletionItemResolveParams - haxe.display
- CompletionItemResolveResult - haxe.display
- CompletionMode - haxe.display
- CompletionModeKind - haxe.display
- CompletionParams - haxe.display
- CompletionResponse - haxe.display
- CompletionResult - haxe.display
- Define - haxe.display
- DeterminePackageResult - haxe.display
- DisplayItem - haxe.display
- DisplayItemKind - haxe.display
- DisplayItemOccurrence - haxe.display
- DisplayLiteral - haxe.display
- DisplayLocal - haxe.display
- DisplayModuleType - haxe.display
- DisplayModuleTypeKind - haxe.display
- DisplayModuleTypeParameter - haxe.display
- EnumFieldOccurrence - haxe.display
- EnumFieldOrigin - haxe.display
- EnumFieldOriginKind - haxe.display
- FieldCompletionSubject - haxe.display
- FieldResolution - haxe.display
- FileParams - haxe.display
- FindReferencesKind - haxe.display
- FindReferencesParams - haxe.display
- FsPath - haxe.display
- GotoDefinitionResult - haxe.display
- GotoTypeDefinitionResult - haxe.display
- HaxeNotificationMethod - haxe.display
- HaxeRequestMethod - haxe.display
- HaxeResponseErrorData - haxe.display
- HaxeResponseErrorSeverity - haxe.display
- HoverDisplayItemOccurence - haxe.display
- HoverExpectedNameKind - haxe.display
- HoverResult - haxe.display
- ImportStatus - haxe.display
- InitializeParams - haxe.display
- InitializeResult - haxe.display
- JsonAbstract - haxe.display
- JsonAbstractBinop - haxe.display
- JsonAbstractCast - haxe.display
- JsonAbstractUnop - haxe.display
- JsonAnon - haxe.display
- JsonAnonStatus - haxe.display
- JsonAnonStatusKind - haxe.display
- JsonBinop - haxe.display
- JsonBinopKind - haxe.display
- JsonClass - haxe.display
- JsonClassField - haxe.display
- JsonClassFieldReference - haxe.display
- JsonClassFieldScope - haxe.display
- JsonClassFields - haxe.display
- JsonClassKind - haxe.display
- JsonClassKindKind - haxe.display
- JsonDoc - haxe.display
- JsonEnum - haxe.display
- JsonEnumField - haxe.display
- JsonEnumFields - haxe.display
- JsonExpr - haxe.display
- JsonFieldKind - haxe.display
- JsonFieldKindKind - haxe.display
- JsonFunctionArgument - haxe.display
- JsonFunctionSignature - haxe.display
- JsonMetadata - haxe.display
- JsonMetadataEntry - haxe.display
- JsonMethodKind - haxe.display
- JsonModulePath - haxe.display
- JsonModuleType - haxe.display
- JsonModuleTypeKind - haxe.display
- JsonModuleTypes - haxe.display
- JsonPackagePath - haxe.display
- JsonPos - haxe.display
- JsonStaticFieldPath - haxe.display
- JsonTConstant - haxe.display
- JsonTConstantKind - haxe.display
- JsonTExpr - haxe.display
- JsonTodo - haxe.display
- JsonType - haxe.display
- JsonTypeKind - haxe.display
- JsonTypeParameter - haxe.display
- JsonTypeParameters - haxe.display
- JsonTypePath - haxe.display
- JsonTypePathWithParams - haxe.display
- JsonTypedef - haxe.display
- JsonTypes - haxe.display
- JsonUnop - haxe.display
- JsonVarAccess - haxe.display
- JsonVarAccessKind - haxe.display
- Keyword - haxe.display
- KeywordKind - haxe.display
- Literal - haxe.display
- LocalOrigin - haxe.display
- Location - haxe.display
- Metadata - haxe.display
- MetadataTarget - haxe.display
- Module - haxe.display
- Package - haxe.display
- PatternCompletion - haxe.display
- Platform - haxe.display
- Position - haxe.display
- PositionParams - haxe.display
- Range - haxe.display
- Response - haxe.display
- SignatureHelpParams - haxe.display
- SignatureHelpResult - haxe.display
- SignatureInformation - haxe.display
- SignatureItem - haxe.display
- SignatureItemKind - haxe.display
- StructExtensionCompletion - haxe.display
- Timer - haxe.display
- ToplevelCompletion - haxe.display
- Version - haxe.display
- ds
- exceptions
- extern
- io
- iterators
- macro
- AbstractType - haxe.macro
- AnonType - haxe.macro
- BaseType - haxe.macro
- Case - haxe.macro
- Catch - haxe.macro
- ClassField - haxe.macro
- ClassType - haxe.macro
- CompilerConfiguration - haxe.macro
- DefType - haxe.macro
- DefineDescription - haxe.macro
- EnumField - haxe.macro
- EnumType - haxe.macro
- ExceptionsConfig - haxe.macro
- Expr - haxe.macro
- ExprOf - haxe.macro
- Field - haxe.macro
- Function - haxe.macro
- FunctionArg - haxe.macro
- ImportExpr - haxe.macro
- IncludePosition - haxe.macro
- MetaAccess - haxe.macro
- Metadata - haxe.macro
- MetadataDescription - haxe.macro
- MetadataEntry - haxe.macro
- NullSafetyMode - haxe.macro
- ObjectField - haxe.macro
- PlatformConfig - haxe.macro
- Position - haxe.macro
- Ref - haxe.macro
- TFunc - haxe.macro
- TVar - haxe.macro
- TypeDefinition - haxe.macro
- TypeParamDecl - haxe.macro
- TypeParameter - haxe.macro
- TypePath - haxe.macro
- TypedExpr - haxe.macro
- Var - haxe.macro
- VarScopingConfig - haxe.macro
- xml
- zip
- CallStack - haxe
- Constructible - haxe
- DynamicAccess - haxe
- EnumTools - haxe
- EnumValueTools - haxe
- Exception - haxe
- FlatEnum - haxe
- Function - haxe
- IMap - haxe
- Int32 - haxe
- Int64 - haxe
- Int64Helper - haxe
- Json - haxe
- Log - haxe
- NotVoid - haxe
- PosInfos - haxe
- Serializer - haxe
- Timer - haxe
- Unserializer - haxe
- ValueException - haxe
- hscript
- Argument - hscript
- CType - hscript
- ClassDecl - hscript
- Const - hscript
- Error - hscript
- Expr - hscript
- ExprDef - hscript
- FieldAccess - hscript
- FieldDecl - hscript
- FieldKind - hscript
- FunctionDecl - hscript
- Interp - hscript
- Metadata - hscript
- ModuleDecl - hscript
- ModuleType - hscript
- Parser - hscript
- Token - hscript
- Tools - hscript
- TypeDecl - hscript
- VarDecl - hscript
- lime
- app
- graphics
- cairo
- Cairo - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoAntialias - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoContent - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoExtend - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFillRule - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFilter - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFontFace - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFontOptions - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoGlyph - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoHintMetrics - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoHintStyle - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoLineCap - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoLineJoin - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoOperator - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoPattern - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoStatus - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoSubpixelOrder - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoSurface - lime.graphics.cairo
- opengl
- GL - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLActiveInfo - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLBuffer - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLContextAttributes - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLFramebuffer - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLProgram - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLQuery - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLRenderbuffer - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLSampler - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLShader - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLShaderPrecisionFormat - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLSync - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLTexture - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLTransformFeedback - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLUniformLocation - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLVertexArrayObject - lime.graphics.opengl
- CairoRenderContext - lime.graphics
- Canvas2DRenderContext - lime.graphics
- DOMRenderContext - lime.graphics
- FlashRenderContext - lime.graphics
- Image - lime.graphics
- ImageBuffer - lime.graphics
- ImageChannel - lime.graphics
- ImageFileFormat - lime.graphics
- ImageType - lime.graphics
- OpenGLES2RenderContext - lime.graphics
- OpenGLES3RenderContext - lime.graphics
- OpenGLRenderContext - lime.graphics
- PixelFormat - lime.graphics
- RenderContext - lime.graphics
- RenderContextAttributes - lime.graphics
- RenderContextType - lime.graphics
- WebGL2RenderContext - lime.graphics
- WebGLRenderContext - lime.graphics
- cairo
- math
- media
- net
- system
- CFFI - lime.system
- CFFIPointer - lime.system
- Clipboard - lime.system
- Deque - lime.system
- Display - lime.system
- DisplayMode - lime.system
- Endian - lime.system
- JSAsync - lime.system
- JobData - lime.system
- JobList - lime.system
- State - lime.system
- System - lime.system
- ThreadEvent - lime.system
- ThreadEventType - lime.system
- ThreadMode - lime.system
- ThreadPool - lime.system
- Tls - lime.system
- Transferable - lime.system
- WorkFunction - lime.system
- WorkOutput - lime.system
- text
- ui
- utils
- ArrayBuffer - lime.utils
- ArrayBufferView - lime.utils
- AssetBundle - lime.utils
- AssetCache - lime.utils
- AssetLibrary - lime.utils
- AssetManifest - lime.utils
- AssetType - lime.utils
- Assets - lime.utils
- BytePointer - lime.utils
- Bytes - lime.utils
- CompressionAlgorithm - lime.utils
- DataPointer - lime.utils
- Float32Array - lime.utils
- Float64Array - lime.utils
- Int16Array - lime.utils
- Int32Array - lime.utils
- Int8Array - lime.utils
- Log - lime.utils
- LogLevel - lime.utils
- Preloader - lime.utils
- UInt16Array - lime.utils
- UInt32Array - lime.utils
- UInt8Array - lime.utils
- UInt8ClampedArray - lime.utils
- nape
- callbacks
- BodyCallback - nape.callbacks
- BodyListener - nape.callbacks
- Callback - nape.callbacks
- CbEvent - nape.callbacks
- CbType - nape.callbacks
- CbTypeIterator - nape.callbacks
- CbTypeList - nape.callbacks
- ConstraintCallback - nape.callbacks
- ConstraintListener - nape.callbacks
- InteractionCallback - nape.callbacks
- InteractionListener - nape.callbacks
- InteractionType - nape.callbacks
- Listener - nape.callbacks
- ListenerIterator - nape.callbacks
- ListenerList - nape.callbacks
- ListenerType - nape.callbacks
- OptionType - nape.callbacks
- PreCallback - nape.callbacks
- PreFlag - nape.callbacks
- PreListener - nape.callbacks
- constraint
- AngleJoint - nape.constraint
- Constraint - nape.constraint
- ConstraintIterator - nape.constraint
- ConstraintList - nape.constraint
- DistanceJoint - nape.constraint
- LineJoint - nape.constraint
- MotorJoint - nape.constraint
- PivotJoint - nape.constraint
- PulleyJoint - nape.constraint
- UserConstraint - nape.constraint
- WeldJoint - nape.constraint
- dynamics
- Arbiter - nape.dynamics
- ArbiterIterator - nape.dynamics
- ArbiterList - nape.dynamics
- ArbiterType - nape.dynamics
- CollisionArbiter - nape.dynamics
- Contact - nape.dynamics
- ContactIterator - nape.dynamics
- ContactList - nape.dynamics
- FluidArbiter - nape.dynamics
- InteractionFilter - nape.dynamics
- InteractionGroup - nape.dynamics
- InteractionGroupIterator - nape.dynamics
- InteractionGroupList - nape.dynamics
- geom
- AABB - nape.geom
- ConvexResult - nape.geom
- ConvexResultIterator - nape.geom
- ConvexResultList - nape.geom
- Geom - nape.geom
- GeomPoly - nape.geom
- GeomPolyIterator - nape.geom
- GeomPolyList - nape.geom
- GeomVertexIterator - nape.geom
- IsoFunction - nape.geom
- IsoFunctionDef - nape.geom
- MarchingSquares - nape.geom
- Mat23 - nape.geom
- MatMN - nape.geom
- Ray - nape.geom
- RayResult - nape.geom
- RayResultIterator - nape.geom
- RayResultList - nape.geom
- Vec2 - nape.geom
- Vec2Iterator - nape.geom
- Vec2List - nape.geom
- Vec3 - nape.geom
- Winding - nape.geom
- phys
- Body - nape.phys
- BodyIterator - nape.phys
- BodyList - nape.phys
- BodyType - nape.phys
- Compound - nape.phys
- CompoundIterator - nape.phys
- CompoundList - nape.phys
- FluidProperties - nape.phys
- GravMassMode - nape.phys
- InertiaMode - nape.phys
- Interactor - nape.phys
- InteractorIterator - nape.phys
- InteractorList - nape.phys
- MassMode - nape.phys
- Material - nape.phys
- shape
- space
- util
- Config - nape
- TArray - nape
- callbacks
- openfl
- display
- Application - openfl.display
- Bitmap - openfl.display
- BitmapData - openfl.display
- BitmapDataChannel - openfl.display
- BlendMode - openfl.display
- CapsStyle - openfl.display
- DisplayObject - openfl.display
- DisplayObjectContainer - openfl.display
- FrameLabel - openfl.display
- FrameScript - openfl.display
- GradientType - openfl.display
- Graphics - openfl.display
- GraphicsBitmapFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsEndFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsGradientFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsPath - openfl.display
- GraphicsPathWinding - openfl.display
- GraphicsQuadPath - openfl.display
- GraphicsShader - openfl.display
- GraphicsShaderFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsSolidFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsStroke - openfl.display
- GraphicsTrianglePath - openfl.display
- IGraphicsData - openfl.display
- IGraphicsPath - openfl.display
- InteractiveObject - openfl.display
- InterpolationMethod - openfl.display
- JointStyle - openfl.display
- LineScaleMode - openfl.display
- Loader - openfl.display
- MovieClip - openfl.display
- MovieClip2 - openfl.display
- Preloader - openfl.display
- Scene - openfl.display
- Shader - openfl.display
- ShaderParameter - openfl.display
- Shape - openfl.display
- SpreadMethod - openfl.display
- Sprite - openfl.display
- Stage - openfl.display
- StageAlign - openfl.display
- StageDisplayState - openfl.display
- StageScaleMode - openfl.display
- Timeline - openfl.display
- TriangleCulling - openfl.display
- Window - openfl.display
- display3D
- errors
- events
- Event - openfl.events
- EventDispatcher - openfl.events
- EventType - openfl.events
- FocusEvent - openfl.events
- GameInputEvent - openfl.events
- IEventDispatcher - openfl.events
- IOErrorEvent - openfl.events
- KeyboardEvent - openfl.events
- MouseEvent - openfl.events
- ProgressEvent - openfl.events
- TextEvent - openfl.events
- TouchEvent - openfl.events
- UncaughtErrorEvents - openfl.events
- filters
- geom
- media
- net
- system
- text
- ui
- utils
- AssetBundle - openfl.utils
- AssetCache - openfl.utils
- AssetLibrary - openfl.utils
- AssetType - openfl.utils
- Assets - openfl.utils
- ByteArray - openfl.utils
- CompressionAlgorithm - openfl.utils
- Dictionary - openfl.utils
- Endian - openfl.utils
- Future - openfl.utils
- IAssetCache - openfl.utils
- IDataInput - openfl.utils
- IDataOutput - openfl.utils
- IExternalizable - openfl.utils
- Object - openfl.utils
- QName - openfl.utils
- Assets - openfl
- Lib - openfl
- Vector - openfl
- display
- spinehaxe
- animation
- Animation - spinehaxe.animation
- AnimationState - spinehaxe.animation
- AnimationStateData - spinehaxe.animation
- AttachmentTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- BaseListeners - spinehaxe.animation
- ColorTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- CurveTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- DeformTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- DrawOrderTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- EventListeners - spinehaxe.animation
- EventQueue - spinehaxe.animation
- EventTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- EventType - spinehaxe.animation
- IkConstraintTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- Listeners - spinehaxe.animation
- PathConstraintMixTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- PathConstraintPositionTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- PathConstraintSpacingTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- RotateTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- ScaleTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- ShearTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- Timeline - spinehaxe.animation
- TimelineType - spinehaxe.animation
- TrackEntry - spinehaxe.animation
- TransformConstraintTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- TranslateTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- atlas
- attachments
- AtlasAttachmentLoader - spinehaxe.attachments
- Attachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- AttachmentLoader - spinehaxe.attachments
- AttachmentType - spinehaxe.attachments
- BoundingBoxAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- MeshAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- PathAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- RegionAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- VertexAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- ArrayUtils - spinehaxe
- BlendMode - spinehaxe
- Bone - spinehaxe
- BoneData - spinehaxe
- Constraint - spinehaxe
- Event - spinehaxe
- EventData - spinehaxe
- Exception - spinehaxe
- IkConstraint - spinehaxe
- IkConstraintData - spinehaxe
- IllegalArgumentException - spinehaxe
- IllegalStateException - spinehaxe
- JsonNode - spinehaxe
- LinkedMesh - spinehaxe
- MathUtils - spinehaxe
- PathConstraint - spinehaxe
- PathConstraintData - spinehaxe
- Pool - spinehaxe
- Poolable - spinehaxe
- PositionMode - spinehaxe
- RotateMode - spinehaxe
- RuntimeException - spinehaxe
- SerializationException - spinehaxe
- Skeleton - spinehaxe
- SkeletonData - spinehaxe
- SkeletonJson - spinehaxe
- Skin - spinehaxe
- Slot - spinehaxe
- SlotData - spinehaxe
- SpacingMode - spinehaxe
- TransformConstraint - spinehaxe
- TransformConstraintData - spinehaxe
- TransformMode - spinehaxe
- Updatable - spinehaxe
- animation
- Any
- Array
- ArrayAccess
- Bool
- Class
- Date
- Dynamic
- EReg
- Enum
- EnumValue
- Float
- Int
- IntIterator
- Iterable
- Iterator
- KeyValueIterable
- KeyValueIterator
- Lambda
- List
- Map
- Math
- Null
- Reflect
- Std
- String
- StringBuf
- StringTools
- Type
- UInt
- UnicodeString
- ValueType
- Void
- Xml
- XmlType
An Iterator
is a structure that permits iteration over elements of type T
Any class with matching hasNext()
and next()
fields is considered an Iterator
and can then be used e.g. in for
-loops. This makes it easy to implement
custom iterators.
See also:
Returns the current item of the Iterator
and advances to the next one.
This method is not required to check hasNext()
first. A call to this
method while hasNext()
is false
yields unspecified behavior.
On the other hand, iterators should not require a call to hasNext()
before the first call to next()
if an element is available.