A customized extension to FlxMouse that lets us add in accessibility stuff like using the keyboard to control mouse moving/clicking
Inherited Variables
Defined by FlxMouse
read onlycursor:Null<Bitmap>
The current cursor bitmap, if there is one. To set, use the load
read onlycursorContainer:Sprite
A display container for the mouse cursor. It is a child of FlxGame and sits at the right "height". Not used on flash with the native cursor API.
read onlydeltaScreenX:Int
Distance in pixels the mouse has moved in screen space since the last frame in the X direction.
read onlydeltaScreenY:Int
Distance in pixels the mouse has moved in screen space since the last frame in the Y direction.
read onlydeltaViewX:Int
Distance in pixels the mouse has moved in view space since the last frame in the X direction.
.read onlydeltaViewY:Int
Distance in pixels the mouse has moved in view space since the last frame in the Y direction.
.@:value(true)enabled:Bool = true
Whether or not mouse input is currently enabled.
.read onlyjustPressedTimeInTicks:Int
Time in ticks of last left mouse button press.
.read onlyjustPressedTimeInTicksMiddle:Int
Time in ticks of last middle mouse button press.
.read onlyjustPressedTimeInTicksRight:Int
Time in ticks of last right mouse button press.
.read onlyreleased:Bool
Check to see if the left mouse button is currently not pressed.
.read onlyreleasedMiddle:Bool
Check to see if the middle mouse button is currently not pressed.
.read onlyreleasedRight:Bool
Check to see if the right mouse button is currently not pressed.
.@:value(false)useSystemCursor:Bool = false
Tells flixel to use the default system mouse cursor instead of custom Flixel mouse cursors.
Defined by FlxPointer
@:value(0)read onlygameX:Int = 0
The position relative to the FlxGame
's position in the window,
where 0
is the left edge of the game and FlxG.width
is the right
.@:value(0)read onlygameY:Int = 0
The position relative to the FlxGame
's position in the window,
where 0
is the top edge of the game and FlxG.height
is the bottom
.@:value(0)read onlyscreenX:Int = 0
The world position relative to the main camera's scroll position
@:value(0)read onlyscreenY:Int = 0
The world position relative to the main camera's scroll position
@:value(0)read onlyviewX:Int = 0
The world position relative to the main camera's scroll position, cam.viewMarginX
is the left edge of the camera and cam.viewMarginRight
is the right
.Inherited Methods
Defined by FlxMouse
@:value({ YOffset : 0, XOffset : 0, Scale : 1 })load(?Graphic:Dynamic, Scale:Float = 1, XOffset:Int = 0, YOffset:Int = 0):Void
Load a new mouse cursor graphic - if you're using native cursors on flash, check registerNativeCursor() for more control.
Graphic | The image you want to use for the cursor. |
Scale | Change the size of the cursor. |
XOffset | The number of pixels between the mouse's screen position and the graphic's top left corner. Has to be positive when using native cursors. |
YOffset | The number of pixels between the mouse's screen position and the graphic's top left corner. Has to be positive when using native cursors. |
@:has_untypedinlineregisterNativeCursor(name:String, cursorData:MouseCursorData):Void
Shortcut to register a native cursor in flash
name | The ID name used for the cursor |
cursorData | MouseCursorData contains the bitmap, hotspot etc |
registerSimpleNativeCursorData(name:String, cursorBitmap:BitmapData):MouseCursorData
Shortcut to register a simple MouseCursorData
name | The ID name used for the cursor |
cursorData | MouseCursorData contains the bitmap, hotspot etc |
Set a Native cursor that has been registered by name Warning, you need to use registerNativeCursor() before you use it here
name | The name ID used when registered |
setSimpleNativeCursorData(name:String, cursorBitmap:BitmapData):MouseCursorData
Shortcut to create and set a simple MouseCursorData
name | The ID name used for the cursor |
cursorData | MouseCursorData contains the bitmap, hotspot etc |
Defined by FlxPointer
The position relative to the game's position in the window, where (0, 0)
is the
top-left edge of the game and (FlxG.width, FlxG.height)
is the bottom-right
Note: Fields gameX
and gameY
also store this result
result | An existing point to store the results, if unspecified, one is created |
.getPositionInCameraView(?camera:FlxCamera, ?result:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
Fetch the position of the pointer relative to given camera's scroll
position, where
(cam.viewMarginLeft, cam.viewMarginTop)
is the top-left of the camera and
(cam.viewMarginRight, cam.viewMarginBottom)
is the bottom right of the camera
Note: Fields viewX
and viewY
also store this result for FlxG.camera
camera | If unspecified, |
result | An existing point to store the results, if unspecified, one is created |
The pointer's location relative to camera's viewport.
getScreenPosition(?camera:FlxCamera, ?result:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
Fetch the position of the pointer relative to given camera's scroll
position, where
(cam.viewMarginLeft, cam.viewMarginTop)
is the top-left of the camera and
(cam.viewMarginRight, cam.viewMarginBottom)
is the bottom right of the camera
Note: Fields viewX
and viewY
also store this result for FlxG.camera
camera | If unspecified, |
result | An existing point to store the results, if unspecified, one is created |
getViewPosition(?camera:FlxCamera, ?result:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
Fetch the world position relative to the main camera's scroll
position, where
(cam.viewMarginLeft, cam.viewMarginTop)
is the top-left of the camera and
(cam.viewMarginRight, cam.viewMarginBottom)
is the bottom right
Note: Fields viewX
and viewY
also store this result
camera | If unspecified, |
result | An existing point to store the results, if unspecified, one is created |
getWorldPosition(?camera:FlxCamera, ?result:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
Fetch the world position of the pointer on any given camera
Note: Fields x
and y
also store this result
camera | If unspecified, |
result | An existing point to store the results, if unspecified, one is created |
@:access(flixel.group.FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup)overlaps(objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
Checks to see if this pointer overlaps some FlxObject
or FlxGroup
objectOrGroup | The object or group being tested |
camera | Helps determine the world position. If unspecified, |
inlinesetGlobalScreenPositionUnsafe(newX:Float, newY:Float):Void
Directly set the underyling screen position variable. WARNING! You should never use this unless you are trying to manually dispatch low-level mouse / touch events to the stage.
@:haxe.warning("-WDeprecated")setRawPositionUnsafe(x:Float, y:Float):Void
Directly set the underyling position variable. WARNING! You should never use this unless you are trying to manually dispatch low-level mouse / touch events to the stage.