Native PSVita input values. (The only way to use these is to actually be using a PSVita with the upcoming openfl vita target!)

This will ONLY work with the gamepad API (available only in OpenFL "next", not "legacy") and will NOT work with the joystick API

Static variables

@:value(7)staticinlineread onlyCIRCLE:Int = 7

@:value(18)staticinlineread onlyDPAD_DOWN:Int = 18

@:value(19)staticinlineread onlyDPAD_LEFT:Int = 19

@:value(20)staticinlineread onlyDPAD_RIGHT:Int = 20

@:value(17)staticinlineread onlyDPAD_UP:Int = 17

@:value(15)staticinlineread onlyL:Int = 15

@:value(new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : 21, down : 22, left : 23, right : 24 }))staticread onlyLEFT_ANALOG_STICK:FlxGamepadAnalogStick = new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : 21, down : 22, left : 23, right : 24 })

@:value(16)staticinlineread onlyR:Int = 16

@:value(new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(2, 3, { up : 25, down : 26, left : 27, right : 28 }))staticread onlyRIGHT_ANALOG_STICK:FlxGamepadAnalogStick = new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(2, 3, { up : 25, down : 26, left : 27, right : 28 })

@:value(10)staticinlineread onlySELECT:Int = 10

@:value(8)staticinlineread onlySQUARE:Int = 8

@:value(12)staticinlineread onlySTART:Int = 12

@:value(9)staticinlineread onlyTRIANGLE:Int = 9

@:value(6)staticinlineread onlyX:Int = 6