WiiRemote hardware input ID's when using the device directly Hardware ID's: "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01-TR" and "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01" -- the latter does not have the Motion-Plus attachment

NOTE: On Windows this requires the HID-Wiimote driver by Julian Löhr, available here: https://github.com/jloehr/HID-Wiimote

Static variables

@:value(9)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_A:Int = 9

@:value(10)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_B:Int = 10

@:value(6)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_DPAD_DOWN:Int = 6

@:value(7)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_DPAD_LEFT:Int = 7

@:value(8)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_DPAD_RIGHT:Int = 8

@:value(5)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_DPAD_UP:Int = 5

@:value(19)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_HOME:Int = 19

@:value(13)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_L:Int = 13

@:value(20)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_ONE:Int = 20

@:value(14)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_R:Int = 14

@:value(18)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_SELECT:Int = 18

@:value(17)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_START:Int = 17

@:value(21)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_TWO:Int = 21

@:value(12)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_X:Int = 12

@:value(11)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_Y:Int = 11

@:value(15)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_ZL:Int = 15

@:value(16)staticinlineread onlyCLASSIC_ZR:Int = 16

@:value(new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : 28, down : 29, left : 30, right : 31 }))staticread onlyLEFT_ANALOG_STICK:FlxGamepadAnalogStick = new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : 28, down : 29, left : 30, right : 31 })

the nunchuk only has the "left" analog stick

@:value(4)staticinlineread onlyLEFT_TRIGGER_FAKE:Int = 4

@:value(9)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_A:Int = 9

@:value(10)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_B:Int = 10

@:value(11)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_C:Int = 11

@:value(6)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_DPAD_DOWN:Int = 6

@:value(7)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_DPAD_LEFT:Int = 7

@:value(8)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_DPAD_RIGHT:Int = 8

@:value(5)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_DPAD_UP:Int = 5

@:value(17)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_HOME:Int = 17

@:value(16)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_MINUS:Int = 16

@:value(4)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_NULL_AXIS:Int = 4

@:value(13)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_ONE:Int = 13

@:value(15)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_PLUS:Int = 15

@:value(3)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_TILT_PITCH:Int = 3

@:value(2)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_TILT_ROLL:Int = 2

@:value(14)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_TWO:Int = 14

@:value(12)staticinlineread onlyNUNCHUK_Z:Int = 12

@:value(11)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_A:Int = 11

@:value(12)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_B:Int = 12

@:value(new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : REMOTE_DPAD_UP, down : REMOTE_DPAD_DOWN, left : REMOTE_DPAD_LEFT, right : REMOTE_DPAD_RIGHT, threshold : 0.5, mode : ONLY_DIGITAL }))staticread onlyREMOTE_DPAD:FlxGamepadAnalogStick = new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : REMOTE_DPAD_UP, down : REMOTE_DPAD_DOWN, left : REMOTE_DPAD_LEFT, right : REMOTE_DPAD_RIGHT, threshold : 0.5, mode : ONLY_DIGITAL })

@:value(23)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_DPAD_DOWN:Int = 23

@:value(24)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_DPAD_LEFT:Int = 24

@:value(25)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_DPAD_RIGHT:Int = 25

@:value(22)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_DPAD_UP:Int = 22

@:value(26)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_DPAD_X:Int = 26

@:value(27)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_DPAD_Y:Int = 27

@:value(15)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_HOME:Int = 15

@:value(14)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_MINUS:Int = 14

@:value(4)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_NULL_AXIS:Int = 4

@:value(9)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_ONE:Int = 9

Things to add: - Accelerometer (in both remote and nunchuk) - Gyroscope (in Motion-Plus version only) - IR camera (position tracking) - Rumble - Speaker

@:value(13)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_PLUS:Int = 13

@:value(2)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_TILT_PITCH:Int = 2

@:value(3)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_TILT_ROLL:Int = 3

@:value(10)staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_TWO:Int = 10

@:value(new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(2, 3, { up : 32, down : 33, left : 34, right : 35 }))staticread onlyRIGHT_ANALOG_STICK:FlxGamepadAnalogStick = new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(2, 3, { up : 32, down : 33, left : 34, right : 35 })

the classic controller has both the "left" and "right" analog sticks

@:value(5)staticinlineread onlyRIGHT_TRIGGER_FAKE:Int = 5