IDs for generic XInput controllers

Compatible with the Xbox 360 controller, the Xbox One controller, and anything that masquerades as either of those.


WINDOWS: we assume the user is using the default drivers that ship with windows.

LINUX: we assume the user is using the xpad driver, specifically Valve's version, steamos-xpad-dkms (we got weird errors when using xboxdrv). For full instructions on installation, see:

MAC: we assume the user is using the 360 Controller driver, specifically this one:

Static variables

@:value(4)staticinlineread onlyA:Int = 4

@:value(5)staticinlineread onlyB:Int = 5

@:value(12)staticinlineread onlyBACK:Int = 12

@:value(17)staticinlineread onlyDPAD_DOWN:Int = 17

@:value(18)staticinlineread onlyDPAD_LEFT:Int = 18

@:value(19)staticinlineread onlyDPAD_RIGHT:Int = 19

@:value(16)staticinlineread onlyDPAD_UP:Int = 16

@:value(-1)staticinlineread onlyGUIDE:Int = -1

@:value(8)staticinlineread onlyLB:Int = 8

@:value(new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : 20, down : 21, left : 22, right : 23 }))staticread onlyLEFT_ANALOG_STICK:FlxGamepadAnalogStick = new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : 20, down : 21, left : 22, right : 23 })

@:value(14)staticinlineread onlyLEFT_STICK_CLICK:Int = 14

@:value(10)staticinlineread onlyLEFT_TRIGGER:Int = 10

@:value(9)staticinlineread onlyRB:Int = 9

@:value(new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(2, 3, { up : 24, down : 25, left : 26, right : 27 }))staticread onlyRIGHT_ANALOG_STICK:FlxGamepadAnalogStick = new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(2, 3, { up : 24, down : 25, left : 26, right : 27 })

@:value(15)staticinlineread onlyRIGHT_STICK_CLICK:Int = 15

@:value(11)staticinlineread onlyRIGHT_TRIGGER:Int = 11

@:value(13)staticinlineread onlySTART:Int = 13

@:value(6)staticinlineread onlyX:Int = 6

@:value(7)staticinlineread onlyY:Int = 7