class FlxTypedPathfinder<Tilemap, Data>
package flixel.path
import flixel.path.FlxPathfinder
extended by FlxDiagonalPathfinder
Typed version of FlxPathfinder
in case you're using
a different FlxPathfinderData
or FlxTilemap type.
new(factory:FlxPathfinderDataFactory<Tilemap, Data>)
Creates a FlxTilemapPathPolicy.
factory | A method to create |
inlinecomputePathData(map:Tilemap, startIndex:Int, endIndex:Int, stopOnEnd:Bool = true):Data
Pathfinding helper function, floods a grid with distance information until it finds the end point. NOTE: Currently this process does NOT use any kind of fancy heuristic! It's pretty brute.
map | The map we're moving through. |
startIndex | The starting tile's map index. |
endIndex | The ending tile's map index. |
stopOnEnd | Whether to stop at the end or not. default true. |
An array of FlxPoint nodes. If the end tile could not be found, then a null Array is returned instead.
findPath(map:Tilemap, start:FlxPoint, end:FlxPoint, simplify:FlxPathSimplifier = LINE):Null<Array<FlxPoint>>
Find a path through the tilemap. Any tile with any collision flags set is treated as impassable. If no path is discovered then a null reference is returned.
map | The map we're moving through. |
start | The start point in world coordinates. |
end | The end point in world coordinates. |
simplify | The simplification method to run on the raw path. Default value is LINE. |
An Array of FlxPoints, containing all waypoints from the start to the end. If no path could be found, then a null reference is returned.
inlinefindPathIndices(map:Tilemap, startIndex:Int, endIndex:Int):Null<Array<Int>>
Find a path through the tilemap. Any tile with any collision flags set is treated as impassable. If no path is discovered then a null reference is returned.
map | The map we're moving through. |
startIndex | The start point in world coordinates. |
endIndex | The end point in world coordinates. |
An Array of FlxPoints, containing all waypoints from the start to the end. If no path could be found, then a null reference is returned.