

The base class from which all other scale modes extend from. You can implement your own scale mode by extending this class and overriding the appropriate methods.


FillScaleMode is a scaling mode which stretches and squashes the game to exactly fit the provided window. This may result in the graphics of your game being distorted if the user resizes their game window.


FixedScaleAdjustSizeScaleMode is a scaling mode which maintains the game's scene at a fixed size. This will clip off the edges of the scene for dimensions which are too small. However, unlike FixedScaleMode, this mode will extend the width of the current scene to match the window scale. The result is that objects that would be offscreen on smaller window sizes will be visible in larger ones.


FixedScaleMode is a scaling mode which maintains the game's scene at a fixed size. This will clip off the edges of the scene for dimensions which are too small, and leave black margins on the sides for dimensions which are too large.


PixelPerfectScaleMode is a scaling mode which maintains the game's aspect ratio. When you shrink or grow the window, the width and height of the game will adjust, either scaling the game or adding black bars as needed.


RatioScaleMode is a scaling mode which maintains the game's aspect ratio. When you shrink or grow the window, the width and height of the game will adjust, either scaling the game or adding black bars as needed.


RelativeScaleMode is a scaling mode which stretches and squashes the game to exactly fit the provided window. It acts similar to the FillScaleMode, however there is one major difference. RelativeScaleMode takes two parameters, which represent the width scale and height scale.


StageSizeScaleMode is a scaling mode which maintains the game's scene at a fixed size. This will clip off the edges of the scene for dimensions which are too small. However, unlike FixedScaleMode, this mode will extend the width of the current scene to match the window scale. The result is that objects that would be offscreen on smaller window sizes will be visible in larger ones.