Determines linear motion along a set of points.


@:value(0)read onlydistance:Float = 0

The full length of the path.


@:value({ y : 0, x : 0 })addPoint(x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0):LinearPath

@:value({ index : 0 })getPoint(index:Int = 0):FlxPoint

@:value({ UseDuration : true })setMotion(DurationOrSpeed:Float, UseDuration:Bool = true):LinearPath

Starts moving along the path.



Duration or speed of the movement.


Whether to use the previous param as duration or speed.

Inherited Variables

Defined by Motion

@:value(0)x:Float = 0

Current x position of the Tween.

@:value(0)y:Float = 0

Current y position of the Tween.

Defined by FlxTween

@:value(false)active:Bool = false

read onlybackward:Bool

@:value(0)duration:Float = 0

@:value(0)read onlyexecutions:Int = 0

How many times this tween has been executed / has finished so far - useful to stop the LOOPING and PINGPONG types after a certain amount of time

read onlyfinished:Bool

@:value(0)loopDelay:Float = 0

Seconds to wait between loops of this tween, 0 by default


The manager to which this tween belongs

Available since




Value between 0 and 1 that indicates how far along this tween is in its completion. A value of 0.33 means that the tween is 33% complete.

@:value(0)read onlyscale:Float = 0

@:value(0)startDelay:Float = 0

Seconds to wait until starting this tween, 0 by default

read onlytime:Float

The total time passed since start

Available since



Inherited Methods

Defined by Motion

Defined by FlxTween


Immediately stops the Tween and removes it from its manager without calling the onComplete callback.

Yields control to the next chained Tween if one exists.


Immediately stops the Tween and removes it from its manager without calling the onComplete callback or yielding control to the next chained Tween if one exists.

If control has already been passed on, forwards the cancellation request along the chain to the currently active Tween.

Available since




Specify a tween to be executed when this one has finished (useful for creating "tween chains").


How many seconds to delay the execution of the next tween in a tween chain.