Uses bit flags to create a list of orthogonal directions. useful for
many FlxObject
features like allowCollisions
and touching
Available since
.Static variables
staticread onlydegrees:Float
Calculates the angle (in degrees) of the facing flags. Returns 0 if two opposing flags are true.
Available since
.Static methods
staticfromBools(left:Bool, right:Bool, up:Bool, down:Bool):FlxDirectionFlags
Generates a FlxDirectonFlags instance from 4 bools
Available since
.staticinlinehas(this:Int, dir:FlxDirectionFlags):Bool
Returns true if this contains all of the supplied flags.
staticinlinehasAny(this:Int, dir:FlxDirectionFlags):Bool
Returns true if this contains any of the supplied flags.
staticinlinewith(this:Int, dir:FlxDirectionFlags):FlxDirectionFlags
Creates a new FlxDirections
that includes the supplied directions.
staticinlinewithout(this:Int, dir:FlxDirectionFlags):FlxDirectionFlags
Creates a new FlxDirections
that excludes the supplied directions.