class FlxPieDialUtils
package flixel.addons.display
import flixel.addons.display.FlxPieDial
Set of tools for drawing pie dial graphics
.Static methods
staticdrawCircle(bitmap:BitmapData, ?radius:Float, color:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):BitmapData
This function draws a circle on a FlxSprite at position X,Y with the specified color.
bitmap | The BitmapData to manipulate |
X | X coordinate of the circle's center (automatically centered on the sprite if -1) |
Y | Y coordinate of the circle's center (automatically centered on the sprite if -1) |
radius | Radius of the circle (makes sure the circle fully fits on the sprite's graphic if < 1, assuming and and y are centered) |
color | The ARGB color to fill this circle with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticdrawPolygon(bitmap:BitmapData, vertices:Array<FlxPoint>, fillColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):BitmapData
This function draws a polygon on a FlxSprite.
graphic | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
Vertices | Array of Vertices to use for drawing the polygon |
FillColor | The ARGB color to fill this polygon with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticinlinedrawShape(dest:BitmapData, radius:Int, color:FlxColor, shape:FlxPieDialShape, innerRadius:Int = 0):BitmapData
Draws the specified shape onto the bitmap
dest | The bitmap to draw to |
radius | The radius of the shape |
color | The color of the shape |
shape | The shape, Either |
innerRadius | The radius of the inner hollow portion, where |
staticdrawSweep(dest:BitmapData, degrees:Float, color:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE):Void
Draws a wedge section of a bitmap, used in FlxPieDial
dest | The btimap to draw to |
degrees | The angle of the wedge |
color | The color to fill the wedge |
staticgetPieDialGraphic(radius:Int, color:FlxColor, frames:Int, shape:FlxPieDialShape, clockwise:Bool, innerRadius:Int):FlxGraphic
staticgetRadialGaugeGraphic(shape:FlxPieDialShape, radius:Int, innerRadius:Int = 0, color:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE):FlxGraphic
staticrenderPieDial(shape:FlxPieDialShape, radius:Int, innerRadius:Int, frames:Int, clockwise:Bool = true, color:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE):BitmapData
Draws an animated pie dial graphic where each frame shows a more full amount, however the full gauge frame is on frame 0
radius | The radius of the shape |
color | The color of the shape |
frames | |
shape | The shape, Either |
clockwise | The direction the gauge |
innerRadius | The radius of the inner hollow portion, where |
staticrenderRadialGauge(shape:FlxPieDialShape, radius:Int, innerRadius:Int = 0, color:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE):BitmapData
Draws an animated pie dial graphic where each frame shows a more full amount, however the full gauge frame is on frame 0
radius | The radius of the shape |
color | The color of the shape |
shape | The shape, Either |
innerRadius | The radius of the inner hollow portion, where |