FlxGame is the heart of all Flixel games, and contains a bunch of basic game loops and things. It is a long and sloppy file that you shouldn't have to worry about too much! It is basically only used to create your game object in the first place, after that FlxG and FlxState have all the useful stuff you actually need.


@:value({ startFullscreen : false, skipSplash : false, drawFramerate : 60, updateFramerate : 60, gameHeight : 0, gameWidth : 0 })new(gameWidth:Int = 0, gameHeight:Int = 0, ?initialState:InitialState, updateFramerate:Int = 60, drawFramerate:Int = 60, skipSplash:Bool = false, startFullscreen:Bool = false)

Instantiate a new game object.



The width of your game in pixels. If 0, the Project.xml width is used. If the demensions don't match the Project.xml, scaleMode will determine the actual display size of the game.


The height of your game in pixels. If 0, the Project.xml height is used. If the demensions don't match the Project.xml, scaleMode will determine the actual display size of the game.


A constructor for the initial state, ex: PlayState.new or ()->new PlayState(). Note: Before Flixel 6, this took a Class<FlxState>, this has been deprecated, but is still available, for backwards compatibility.


How frequently the game should update. Default is 60 fps.


Sets the actual display / draw framerate for the game. Default is 60 fps.


Whether you want to skip the flixel splash screen with FLX_NO_DEBUG.


Whether to start the game in fullscreen mode (desktop targets only).

See also:


read onlydebugger:FlxDebugger

The debugger overlay object.

@:value(true)filtersEnabled:Bool = true

Enables or disables the filters set via setFilters().

@:value(10)focusLostFramerate:Int = 10

Framerate to use on focus lost. Default is 10.

@:value(false)@:allow(flixel.system.frontEnds.VCRFrontEnd)read onlyrecording:Bool = false

Flag for whether a new recording is being made.

@:value(false)@:allow(flixel.system.frontEnds.VCRFrontEnd)read onlyreplaying:Bool = false

Flag for whether a replay is currently playing.

read onlysoundTray:FlxSoundTray

The sound tray display container.

@:value(0)read onlyticks:Int = 0

Time in milliseconds that has passed (amount of "ticks" passed) since the game has started.



Sets the filter array to be applied to the game.

Inherited Variables

Defined by Sprite


@:flash.propertyread onlydropTarget:DisplayObject

@:flash.propertyread onlygraphics:Graphics



Defined by DisplayObjectContainer


@:flash.propertyread onlynumChildren:Int


@:flash.propertyread onlytextSnapshot:TextSnapshot

Defined by InteractiveObject









Defined by DisplayObject



@:flash.property@:require(flash10)write onlyblendShader:Shader





@:flash.propertyread onlyloaderInfo:LoaderInfo


@:flash.propertyread onlymouseX:Float

@:flash.propertyread onlymouseY:Float



@:flash.propertyread onlyparent:DisplayObjectContainer

@:flash.propertyread onlyroot:DisplayObject











@:flash.propertyread onlystage:Stage







Inherited Methods

Defined by Sprite

@:value({ bounds : null, lockCenter : false })startDrag(lockCenter:Bool = false, ?bounds:Null<Rectangle>):Void

@:value({ bounds : null, lockCenter : false })@:require(flash10_1)startTouchDrag(touchPointID:Int, lockCenter:Bool = false, ?bounds:Null<Rectangle>):Void


Defined by DisplayObjectContainer

Defined by InteractiveObject


Defined by DisplayObject




@:value({ shapeFlag : false })hitTestPoint(x:Float, y:Float, shapeFlag:Bool = false):Bool


Defined by EventDispatcher

@:value({ useWeakReference : false, priority : 0, useCapture : false })addEventListener<T>(type:EventType<T>, listener:T ‑> Void, useCapture:Bool = false, priority:Int = 0, useWeakReference:Bool = false):Void

@:value({ useCapture : false })removeEventListener<T>(type:EventType<T>, listener:T ‑> Void, useCapture:Bool = false):Void