Some handy functions for FlxSprite (FlxObject) manipulation, mostly drawing-related. Note that stage quality impacts the results of the draw() functions - use FlxG.stage.quality = openfl.display.StageQuality.BEST; for best results.
Static variables
staticread onlyflashGfxSprite:Sprite = new Sprite()
Useful helper objects for doing Flash-specific rendering. Primarily used for "debug visuals" like drawing bounding boxes directly to the screen buffer.
Static methods
staticalphaMask(output:FlxSprite, source:FlxGraphicSource, mask:FlxGraphicSource):FlxSprite
Takes two source images (typically from Embedded bitmaps) and puts the resulting image into the output FlxSprite.
Note: It assumes the source and mask are the same size. Different sizes may result in undesired results.
It works by copying the source image (your picture) into the output sprite. Then it removes all areas of it that do not
have an alpha color value in the mask image. So if you draw a big black circle in your mask with a transparent edge, you'll
get a circular image to appear.
May lead to unexpected results if source
does not have an alpha channel.
output | The FlxSprite you wish the resulting image to be placed in (will adjust width/height of image) |
source | The source image. Typically the one with the image / picture / texture in it. |
mask | The mask to apply. Remember the non-alpha zero areas are the parts that will display. |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticalphaMaskFlxSprite(sprite:FlxSprite, mask:FlxSprite, output:FlxSprite):FlxSprite
Takes the image data from two FlxSprites and puts the resulting image into the output FlxSprite.
Note: It assumes the source and mask are the same size. Different sizes may result in undesired results.
It works by copying the source image (your picture) into the output sprite. Then it removes all areas of it that do not
have an alpha color value in the mask image. So if you draw a big black circle in your mask with a transparent edge, you'll
get a circular image appear.
May lead to unexpected results if sprite
's graphic does not have an alpha channel.
sprite | The source FlxSprite. Typically the one with the image / picture / texture in it. |
mask | The FlxSprite containing the mask to apply. Remember the non-alpha zero areas are the parts that will display. |
output | The FlxSprite you wish the resulting image to be placed in (will adjust width/height of image) |
The output FlxSprite for chaining
staticinlinebeginDraw(FillColor:FlxColor, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>):Void
Helper function that the drawing functions use at the start to set the color and lineStyle.
FillColor | The ARGB color to use for drawing |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
staticbound(sprite:FlxSprite, MinX:Float = 0, MaxX:Float = 0, MinY:Float = 0, MaxY:Float = 0):FlxSprite
Makes sure a FlxSprite doesn't leave the specified area - most common use case is to call this every frame in update(). If you call this without specifying an area, the game area (FlxG.width / height as max) will be used. Takes the graphic size into account.
sprite | The FlxSprite to bound to an area |
MinX | The minimum x position allowed |
MaxX | The maximum x position allowed |
MinY | The minimum y position allowed |
MaxY | The minimum y position allowed |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticcameraBound(sprite:FlxSprite, ?camera:FlxCamera, edges:FlxDirectionFlags = ANY):FlxSprite
Checks the sprite's screen bounds and keeps it entirely within the camera.
sprite | The FlxSprite to restrict. | ||
camera | The camera resitricting the sprite. If left null, | ||
edges |
The FlxSprite for chaining
.staticcameraWrap(sprite:FlxSprite, ?camera:FlxCamera, edges:FlxDirectionFlags = ANY):FlxSprite
Checks the sprite's screen bounds of the FlxSprite and keeps them within the camera by wrapping it around.
sprite | The FlxSprite to wrap. | ||
camera | The camera to wrap around. If | ||
edges |
The FlxSprite for chaining
.staticdrawCircle(sprite:FlxSprite, X:Float = -1, Y:Float = -1, Radius:Float = -1, FillColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
This function draws a circle on a FlxSprite at position X,Y with the specified color.
sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
X | X coordinate of the circle's center (automatically centered on the bitmap if -1) |
Y | Y coordinate of the circle's center (automatically centered on the bitmap if -1) |
Radius | Radius of the circle (makes sure the circle fully fits on the sprite's graphic if < 1, assuming and and y are centered) |
FillColor | The ARGB color to fill this circle with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticdrawCurve(sprite:FlxSprite, StartX:Float, StartY:Float, EndX:Float, EndY:Float, ControlX:Float, ControlY:Float, FillColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.TRANSPARENT, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
This function draws a curve on a FlxSprite from position X1,Y1 to anchor position X2,Y2 using control points X3,Y3 with the specified color.
sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
StartX | X coordinate of the curve's start point. |
StartY | Y coordinate of the curve's start point. |
EndX | X coordinate of the curve's end/anchor point. |
EndY | Y coordinate of the curve's end/anchor point. |
ControlX | X coordinate of the curve's control point. |
ControlY | Y coordinate of the curve's control point. |
FillColor | The ARGB color to fill this curve with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. Filling a curve draws a line from End to Start to complete the figure. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticdrawEllipse(sprite:FlxSprite, X:Float, Y:Float, Width:Float, Height:Float, FillColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
This function draws an ellipse on a FlxSprite.
sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
X | X coordinate of the ellipse's start point. |
Y | Y coordinate of the ellipse's start point. |
Width | Width of the ellipse |
Height | Height of the ellipse |
FillColor | The ARGB color to fill this ellipse with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticdrawLine(sprite:FlxSprite, StartX:Float, StartY:Float, EndX:Float, EndY:Float, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
This function draws a line on a FlxSprite from position X1,Y1 to position X2,Y2 with the specified color.
sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
StartX | X coordinate of the line's start point. |
StartY | Y coordinate of the line's start point. |
EndX | X coordinate of the line's end point. |
EndY | Y coordinate of the line's end point. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticdrawPolygon(sprite:FlxSprite, Vertices:Array<FlxPoint>, FillColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
This function draws a polygon on a FlxSprite.
sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
Vertices | Array of Vertices to use for drawing the polygon |
FillColor | The ARGB color to fill this polygon with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticdrawRect(sprite:FlxSprite, X:Float, Y:Float, Width:Float, Height:Float, FillColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
This function draws a rectangle on a FlxSprite.
sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
X | X coordinate of the rectangle's start point. |
Y | Y coordinate of the rectangle's start point. |
Width | Width of the rectangle |
Height | Height of the rectangle |
FillColor | The ARGB color to fill this rectangle with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticdrawRoundRect(sprite:FlxSprite, X:Float, Y:Float, Width:Float, Height:Float, EllipseWidth:Float, EllipseHeight:Float, FillColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
This function draws a rounded rectangle on a FlxSprite.
sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
X | X coordinate of the rectangle's start point. |
Y | Y coordinate of the rectangle's start point. |
Width | Width of the rectangle |
Height | Height of the rectangle |
EllipseWidth | The width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners |
EllipseHeight | The height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners |
FillColor | The ARGB color to fill this rectangle with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticdrawRoundRectComplex(sprite:FlxSprite, X:Float, Y:Float, Width:Float, Height:Float, TopLeftRadius:Float, TopRightRadius:Float, BottomLeftRadius:Float, BottomRightRadius:Float, FillColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
This function draws a rounded rectangle on a FlxSprite. Same as drawRoundRect, except it allows you to determine the radius of each corner individually.
sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
X | X coordinate of the rectangle's start point. |
Y | Y coordinate of the rectangle's start point. |
Width | Width of the rectangle |
Height | Height of the rectangle |
TopLeftRadius | The radius of the top left corner of the rectangle |
TopRightRadius | The radius of the top right corner of the rectangle |
BottomLeftRadius | The radius of the bottom left corner of the rectangle |
BottomRightRadius | The radius of the bottom right corner of the rectangle |
FillColor | The ARGB color to fill this rectangle with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticdrawTriangle(sprite:FlxSprite, X:Float, Y:Float, Height:Float, FillColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, ?lineStyle:Null<LineStyle>, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
This function draws a simple, equilateral triangle on a FlxSprite.
sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
X | X position of the triangle |
Y | Y position of the triangle |
Height | Height of the triangle |
FillColor | The ARGB color to fill this triangle with. FlxColor.TRANSPARENT (0x0) means no fill. |
lineStyle | A LineStyle typedef containing the params of Graphics.lineStyle() |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticinlineendDraw(sprite:FlxSprite, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
Helper function that the drawing functions use at the end.
sprite | The FlxSprite to draw to |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticinlinefadeIn(sprite:FlxSprite, Duration:Float = 1, ?ResetAlpha:Bool, ?OnComplete:Null<TweenCallback>):FlxSprite
Fade in a sprite, tweening alpha to 1.
sprite | The object to fade. |
Duration | How long the fade will take (in seconds). |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticinlinefadeOut(sprite:FlxSprite, Duration:Float = 1, ?OnComplete:Null<TweenCallback>):FlxSprite
Fade out a sprite, tweening alpha to 0.
sprite | The object to fade. |
Duration | How long the fade will take (in seconds). |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticfill(sprite:FlxSprite, FillColor:FlxColor):FlxSprite
Fills this sprite's graphic with a specific color.
Sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
FillColor | The color with which to fill the graphic, format 0xAARRGGBB. |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticinlineflashTint(sprite:FlxSprite, tint:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, duration:Float = 0.5, ?func:Float ‑> Float, ?onComplete:() ‑> Void):FlxSprite
Uses FlxTween.num
to call setTint
on the target sprite
tint | The color to tint the sprite, where alpha determines the max strength |
duration | How long the flash lasts |
func | Controls the amount of tint over time. The input float goes from 0 to
1.0, an output of 1.0 means the tint is fully applied. If omitted,
onComplete | Called when the flash is complete |
.staticinlineflicker(Object:FlxObject, Duration:Float = 1, Interval:Float = 0.04, EndVisibility:Bool = true, ForceRestart:Bool = true, ?CompletionCallback:FlxFlicker ‑> Void, ?ProgressCallback:FlxFlicker ‑> Void):FlxFlicker
A simple flicker effect for sprites achieved by toggling visibility.
Object | The sprite. |
Duration | How long to flicker for (in seconds). |
Interval | In what interval to toggle visibility. Set to |
EndVisibility | Force the visible value when the flicker completes, useful with fast repetitive use. |
ForceRestart | Force the flicker to restart from beginning, discarding the flickering effect already in progress if there is one. |
CompletionCallback | An optional callback that will be triggered when a flickering has finished. |
ProgressCallback | An optional callback that will be triggered when visibility is toggled. |
The FlxFlicker object. FlxFlickers are pooled internally, so beware of storing references.
Helper function for the default line styles of drawLine() and drawCurve()
lineStyle | The lineStyle typedef |
Returns whether an object is flickering or not.
Object | The object to check against. |
staticscreenWrap(sprite:FlxSprite, Left:Bool = true, Right:Bool = true, Top:Bool = true, Bottom:Bool = true):FlxSprite
Checks the x/y coordinates of the FlxSprite and keeps them within the area of 0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height (i.e. wraps it around the screen)
sprite | The FlxSprite to keep within the screen |
Left | Whether to activate screen wrapping on the left side of the screen |
Right | Whether to activate screen wrapping on the right side of the screen |
Top | Whether to activate screen wrapping on the top of the screen |
Bottom | Whether to activate screen wrapping on the bottom of the screen |
The FlxSprite for chaining
staticinlinesetBrightness(sprite:FlxSprite, brightness:Float):Void
Change's this sprite's color transform to brighten or darken it. Mimics Adobe Animate's "Brightness" color effect
brightness | Use 1.0 to fully brighten, -1.0 to fully darken, or anything inbetween |
Just a helper function that is called in the draw functions to set the lineStyle via Graphics.lineStyle()
lineStyle | The lineStyle typedef |
staticinlinesetTint(sprite:FlxSprite, tint:FlxColor):Void
Change's this sprite's color transform to apply a tint effect. Mimics Adobe Animate's "Tint" color effect
tint | The color to tint the sprite, where alpha determines the strength |
.staticspace(objects:Array<FlxObject>, startX:Float, startY:Float, ?horizontalSpacing:Float, ?verticalSpacing:Float, spaceFromBounds:Bool = false, ?position:(FlxObject, Float, Float) ‑> Void):Void
Aligns a set of FlxObjects so there is equal spacing between them
objects | An Array of FlxObjects |
startX | The base X coordinate to start the spacing from |
startY | The base Y coordinate to start the spacing from |
horizontalSpacing | The amount of pixels between each sprite horizontally. Set to |
verticalSpacing | The amount of pixels between each sprite vertically. Set to |
spaceFromBounds | If set to true the h/v spacing values will be added to the width/height of the sprite, if false it will ignore this |
position | A function with the signature |
Stops flickering of the object. Also it will make the object visible.
Object | The object to stop flickering. |
The FlxObject for chaining
staticupdateSpriteGraphic(sprite:FlxSprite, ?drawStyle:Null<DrawStyle>):FlxSprite
Just a helper function that is called at the end of the draw functions to handle a few things related to updating a sprite's graphic.
Sprite | The FlxSprite to manipulate |
drawStyle | A DrawStyle typedef containing the params of BitmapData.draw() |
The FlxSprite for chaining