- flash
- accessibility
- desktop
- display
- ActionScriptVersion - flash.display
- Bitmap - flash.display
- BitmapData - flash.display
- BitmapDataChannel - flash.display
- BlendMode - flash.display
- CapsStyle - flash.display
- ColorCorrection - flash.display
- ColorCorrectionSupport - flash.display
- DisplayObject - flash.display
- DisplayObjectContainer - flash.display
- FrameLabel - flash.display
- GradientType - flash.display
- Graphics - flash.display
- GraphicsBitmapFill - flash.display
- GraphicsEndFill - flash.display
- GraphicsGradientFill - flash.display
- GraphicsPath - flash.display
- GraphicsPathWinding - flash.display
- GraphicsShaderFill - flash.display
- GraphicsSolidFill - flash.display
- GraphicsStroke - flash.display
- GraphicsTrianglePath - flash.display
- IBitmapDrawable - flash.display
- IGraphicsData - flash.display
- IGraphicsFill - flash.display
- IGraphicsPath - flash.display
- IGraphicsStroke - flash.display
- InteractiveObject - flash.display
- InterpolationMethod - flash.display
- JointStyle - flash.display
- LineScaleMode - flash.display
- Loader - flash.display
- LoaderInfo - flash.display
- MovieClip - flash.display
- NativeMenu - flash.display
- PixelSnapping - flash.display
- Scene - flash.display
- Shader - flash.display
- ShaderData - flash.display
- ShaderParameter - flash.display
- ShaderParameterType - flash.display
- ShaderPrecision - flash.display
- Shape - flash.display
- SpreadMethod - flash.display
- Sprite - flash.display
- Stage - flash.display
- Stage3D - flash.display
- StageAlign - flash.display
- StageDisplayState - flash.display
- StageQuality - flash.display
- StageScaleMode - flash.display
- TriangleCulling - flash.display
- display3D
- textures
- Context3D - flash.display3D
- Context3DBlendFactor - flash.display3D
- Context3DBufferUsage - flash.display3D
- Context3DCompareMode - flash.display3D
- Context3DMipFilter - flash.display3D
- Context3DProfile - flash.display3D
- Context3DProgramType - flash.display3D
- Context3DRenderMode - flash.display3D
- Context3DStencilAction - flash.display3D
- Context3DTextureFilter - flash.display3D
- Context3DTextureFormat - flash.display3D
- Context3DTriangleFace - flash.display3D
- Context3DVertexBufferFormat - flash.display3D
- Context3DWrapMode - flash.display3D
- IndexBuffer3D - flash.display3D
- Program3D - flash.display3D
- VertexBuffer3D - flash.display3D
- errors
- events
- ErrorEvent - flash.events
- Event - flash.events
- EventDispatcher - flash.events
- EventPhase - flash.events
- FocusEvent - flash.events
- GameInputEvent - flash.events
- IEventDispatcher - flash.events
- IOErrorEvent - flash.events
- KeyboardEvent - flash.events
- MouseEvent - flash.events
- ProgressEvent - flash.events
- TextEvent - flash.events
- TouchEvent - flash.events
- UncaughtErrorEvents - flash.events
- external
- filters
- geom
- media
- AVCaptionStyle - flash.media
- AVPlayState - flash.media
- AVResult - flash.media
- AVSource - flash.media
- AVStream - flash.media
- Camera - flash.media
- ID3Info - flash.media
- Microphone - flash.media
- MicrophoneEnhancedMode - flash.media
- MicrophoneEnhancedOptions - flash.media
- Sound - flash.media
- SoundChannel - flash.media
- SoundCodec - flash.media
- SoundLoaderContext - flash.media
- SoundTransform - flash.media
- StageVideo - flash.media
- VideoStreamSettings - flash.media
- net
- FileFilter - flash.net
- FileReference - flash.net
- NetConnection - flash.net
- NetStream - flash.net
- NetStreamInfo - flash.net
- NetStreamMulticastInfo - flash.net
- NetStreamPlayOptions - flash.net
- ObjectEncoding - flash.net
- Responder - flash.net
- SharedObject - flash.net
- SharedObjectFlushStatus - flash.net
- URLLoader - flash.net
- URLLoaderDataFormat - flash.net
- URLRequest - flash.net
- URLRequestHeader - flash.net
- URLRequestMethod - flash.net
- system
- ApplicationDomain - flash.system
- Capabilities - flash.system
- IME - flash.system
- IMEConversionMode - flash.system
- ImageDecodingPolicy - flash.system
- LoaderContext - flash.system
- Security - flash.system
- SecurityDomain - flash.system
- SecurityPanel - flash.system
- System - flash.system
- TouchscreenType - flash.system
- text
- AntiAliasType - flash.text
- Font - flash.text
- FontStyle - flash.text
- FontType - flash.text
- GridFitType - flash.text
- StyleSheet - flash.text
- TextField - flash.text
- TextFieldAutoSize - flash.text
- TextFieldType - flash.text
- TextFormat - flash.text
- TextFormatAlign - flash.text
- TextFormatDisplay - flash.text
- TextInteractionMode - flash.text
- TextLineMetrics - flash.text
- TextSnapshot - flash.text
- ui
- ContextMenu - flash.ui
- ContextMenuBuiltInItems - flash.ui
- ContextMenuClipboardItems - flash.ui
- GameInput - flash.ui
- GameInputControl - flash.ui
- GameInputDevice - flash.ui
- KeyLocation - flash.ui
- Keyboard - flash.ui
- KeyboardType - flash.ui
- Mouse - flash.ui
- MouseCursor - flash.ui
- MouseCursorData - flash.ui
- Multitouch - flash.ui
- MultitouchInputMode - flash.ui
- utils
- xml
- Lib - flash
- Memory - flash
- Vector - flash
- flixel
- addons
- api
- display
- shapes
- FlxShape - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeArrow - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeBox - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeCircle - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeCross - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeDonut - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeDoubleCircle - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeGrid - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeLightning - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeLine - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeSquareDonut - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeType - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- LightningStyle - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- LineSegment - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- BackdropBlitMode - flixel.addons.display
- BackdropDrawParams - flixel.addons.display
- FlxBackdrop - flixel.addons.display
- FlxExtendedMouseSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxExtendedSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxGridOverlay - flixel.addons.display
- FlxMouseSpring - flixel.addons.display
- FlxNestedSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxPieDial - flixel.addons.display
- FlxPieDialShape - flixel.addons.display
- FlxPieDialUtils - flixel.addons.display
- FlxShaderMaskCamera - flixel.addons.display
- FlxSliceSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxSpriteAniRot - flixel.addons.display
- FlxStarField2D - flixel.addons.display
- FlxStarField3D - flixel.addons.display
- FlxTiledSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxZoomCamera - flixel.addons.display
- MouseCallback - flixel.addons.display
- shapes
- editors
- ogmo
- DecalData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- DecalLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- EntityData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- EntityLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- FlxOgmo3Loader - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- FlxOgmoLoader - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- GridLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- LayerData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- LevelData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- Point - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectEntityData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectLayerData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectTilesetData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- TileLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- pex
- spine
- tiled
- FlxTiledMapAsset - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- FlxTiledTileAsset - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TileAnimationData - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledGroupLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledImageLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledImageTile - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledLayerType - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledMap - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledObject - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledObjectLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledPropertySet - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTile - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTileLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTilePropertySet - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTileSet - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- ogmo
- effects
- chainable
- FlxEffectSprite - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxGlitchDirection - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxGlitchEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxOutlineEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxOutlineMode - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxRainbowEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxShakeEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxTrailEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxWaveDirection - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxWaveEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxWaveMode - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- IFlxEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxClothConstraint - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxClothPoint - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxClothSprite - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxSkewedSprite - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxTrail - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxTrailArea - flixel.addons.effects
- chainable
- nape
- plugin
- system
- text
- tile
- transition
- FlxTransitionSprite - flixel.addons.transition
- FlxTransitionableState - flixel.addons.transition
- GraphicTransTileCircle - flixel.addons.transition
- GraphicTransTileDiamond - flixel.addons.transition
- GraphicTransTileSquare - flixel.addons.transition
- Transition - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionCameraMode - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionData - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionEffect - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionFade - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionStatus - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionTileData - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionTiles - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionType - flixel.addons.transition
- TweenEndValues - flixel.addons.transition
- ui
- interfaces
- ICursorPointable - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IEventGetter - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFireTongue - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIButton - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIClickable - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIState - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIWidget - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IHasParams - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- ILabeled - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IResizable - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- Anchor - flixel.addons.ui
- AnchorPoint - flixel.addons.ui
- BorderDef - flixel.addons.ui
- ButtonLabelStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- CheckStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxBarStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxBaseMultiInput - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxButtonPlus - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxClickArea - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxInputText - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxMultiGamepad - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxMultiGamepadAnalogStick - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxMultiKey - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxSlider - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxTypedUIGroup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUI - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUI9SliceSprite - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIAssets - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIBar - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIButton - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUICheckBox - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIColorSwatch - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIColorSwatchSelecter - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUICursor - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUICursorInputFlag - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIDropDownHeader - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIDropDownMenu - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIDropDownMenuDropDirection - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIGroup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIInputText - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUILine - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIList - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUILoadingScreen - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIMouse - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUINumericStepper - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIPopup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIRadioGroup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIRegion - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISlider - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISprite - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISpriteButton - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIState - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISubState - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITabMenu - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIText - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITileTest - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltip - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltipData - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltipManager - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltipStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITypedButton - flixel.addons.ui
- FontDef - flixel.addons.ui
- FontFixer - flixel.addons.ui
- GamepadAutoConnectPreference - flixel.addons.ui
- LineAxis - flixel.addons.ui
- MaxMinSize - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedBool - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedFloat - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedInt - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedString - flixel.addons.ui
- Rounding - flixel.addons.ui
- SectionCounter - flixel.addons.ui
- SortMethod - flixel.addons.ui
- SortValue - flixel.addons.ui
- StickInput - flixel.addons.ui
- StrNameLabel - flixel.addons.ui
- SwatchData - flixel.addons.ui
- SwatchGraphic - flixel.addons.ui
- U - flixel.addons.ui
- UIEventCallback - flixel.addons.ui
- VarValue - flixel.addons.ui
- WidgetList - flixel.addons.ui
- XY - flixel.addons.ui
- interfaces
- util
- FlxAsyncLoop - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSM - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSMStack - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSMState - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSMTransitionTable - flixel.addons.util
- FlxScene - flixel.addons.util
- FlxSimplex - flixel.addons.util
- PNGEncoder - flixel.addons.util
- StatePool - flixel.addons.util
- Transition - flixel.addons.util
- weapon
- animation
- effects
- graphics
- atlas
- AseAtlas - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasArray - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasBase - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasCel - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasColor - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasFrame - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasLayer - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasMeta - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasSlice - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasSliceKey - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasTag - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasTagDirection - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasTagRepeat - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseBlendMode - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseObject - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasBase - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasFrame - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasPos - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasRect - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasSize - flixel.graphics.atlas
- FlxAtlas - flixel.graphics.atlas
- FlxNode - flixel.graphics.atlas
- HashOrArray - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlas - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlasArray - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlasFrame - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlasHash - flixel.graphics.atlas
- frames
- bmfont
- BMFont - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontChar - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontCommon - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontInfo - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontKerning - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontPadding - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontPage - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontSpacing - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontXml - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- FlxAtlasFrames - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxBitmapFont - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFilterFrames - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrame - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrameAngle - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrameCollectionType - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrameType - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFramesCollection - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxImageFrame - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxTileFrames - flixel.graphics.frames
- TexturePackerFrameData - flixel.graphics.frames
- TexturePackerFrameRect - flixel.graphics.frames
- TexturePackerObject - flixel.graphics.frames
- bmfont
- tile
- FlxAsepriteUtil - flixel.graphics
- FlxGraphic - flixel.graphics
- atlas
- group
- input
- actions
- ActionSetJson - flixel.input.actions
- ActionSetJsonArray - flixel.input.actions
- FlxAction - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionAnalog - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionDigital - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInput - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalog - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogClickAndDragMouseMotion - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogGamepad - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogMouseMotion - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogMousePosition - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogSteam - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigital - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalGamepad - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalIFlxInput - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalKeyboard - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalMouse - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalMouseWheel - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalSteam - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionManager - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionSet - flixel.input.actions
- FlxAnalogAxis - flixel.input.actions
- FlxAnalogState - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputDevice - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputDeviceID - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputDeviceObject - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputType - flixel.input.actions
- FlxSteamController - flixel.input.actions
- ResetPolicy - flixel.input.actions
- gamepad
- id
- LogitechID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- MFiID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- MayflashWiiRemoteID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- OUYAID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- PS4ID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- PSVitaID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- SwitchJoyconLeftID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- SwitchJoyconRightID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- SwitchProID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- WiiRemoteID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- XInputID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- lists
- FlxBaseGamepadList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadAnalogList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadAnalogStateList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadAnalogValueList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadButtonList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadMotionValueList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadPointerValueList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- mappings
- FlxGamepadMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- FlxTypedGamepadMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- LogitechMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- MFiMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- Manufacturer - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- MayflashWiiRemoteMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- OUYAMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- PS4Mapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- PSVitaMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- SwitchJoyconLeftMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- SwitchJoyconRightMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- SwitchProMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- WiiRemoteMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- XInputMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- FlxAnalogToDigitalMode - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepad - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAcceptMode - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAnalogStick - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAnalogStickSettings - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAttachment - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadButton - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadInputID - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadManager - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadMappedInput - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadModel - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxTypedGamepadAnalogStick - flixel.input.gamepad
- id
- keyboard
- mouse
- touch
- FlxBaseKeyList - flixel.input
- FlxInput - flixel.input
- FlxInputState - flixel.input
- FlxKeyManager - flixel.input
- FlxPointer - flixel.input
- FlxSwipe - flixel.input
- IFlxInput - flixel.input
- IFlxInputManager - flixel.input
- actions
- math
- path
- CenterMode - flixel.path
- FlxBasePath - flixel.path
- FlxDiagonalPathfinder - flixel.path
- FlxPath - flixel.path
- FlxPathAnchorMode - flixel.path
- FlxPathDirection - flixel.path
- FlxPathDrawData - flixel.path
- FlxPathLoopType - flixel.path
- FlxPathSimplifier - flixel.path
- FlxPathType - flixel.path
- FlxPathfinder - flixel.path
- FlxPathfinderData - flixel.path
- FlxPathfinderDataFactory - flixel.path
- FlxTilemapDiagonalPolicy - flixel.path
- FlxTypedBasePath - flixel.path
- FlxTypedPathfinder - flixel.path
- FlxTypedPathfinderData - flixel.path
- sound
- system
- debug
- completion
- console
- interaction
- tools
- Eraser - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- GraphicCursorCross - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Mover - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Pointer - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- ToggleBounds - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Tool - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Transform - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Interaction - flixel.system.debug.interaction
- tools
- log
- stats
- watch
- DebuggerUtil - flixel.system.debug
- FlxDebugger - flixel.system.debug
- FlxDebuggerLayout - flixel.system.debug
- Tooltip - flixel.system.debug
- TooltipOverlay - flixel.system.debug
- VCR - flixel.system.debug
- Window - flixel.system.debug
- frontEnds
- AssetFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- BitmapFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- BitmapLogFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- CameraFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- ConsoleFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- DebuggerFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- FlxAssetType - flixel.system.frontEnds
- InputFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- LogFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- PluginFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- SignalFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- SoundFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- VCRFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- WatchFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- macros
- replay
- scaleModes
- BaseScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- FillScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- FixedScaleAdjustSizeScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- FixedScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- PixelPerfectScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- RatioScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- RelativeScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- StageSizeScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- ui
- FlxAngelCodeAsset - flixel.system
- FlxAngelCodeXmlAsset - flixel.system
- FlxAsepriteJsonAsset - flixel.system
- FlxAssets - flixel.system
- FlxBGSprite - flixel.system
- FlxBasePreloader - flixel.system
- FlxBitmapFontGraphicAsset - flixel.system
- FlxGraphicAsset - flixel.system
- FlxGraphicSource - flixel.system
- FlxJsonAsset - flixel.system
- FlxLinkedList - flixel.system
- FlxPreloader - flixel.system
- FlxQuadTree - flixel.system
- FlxShader - flixel.system
- FlxSoundAsset - flixel.system
- FlxSplash - flixel.system
- FlxTexturePackerJsonAsset - flixel.system
- FlxTilemapGraphicAsset - flixel.system
- FlxVersion - flixel.system
- FlxXmlAsset - flixel.system
- GraphicLogo - flixel.system
- GraphicVirtualInput - flixel.system
- VirtualInputData - flixel.system
- debug
- text
- FlxBitmapFont - flixel.text
- FlxBitmapText - flixel.text
- FlxInputText - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextCase - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextChange - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextFilterMode - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextManager - flixel.text
- FlxText - flixel.text
- FlxTextAlign - flixel.text
- FlxTextBorderStyle - flixel.text
- FlxTextFormat - flixel.text
- FlxTextFormatMarkerPair - flixel.text
- IFlxInputText - flixel.text
- MoveCursorAction - flixel.text
- TypingAction - flixel.text
- TypingCommand - flixel.text
- WordSplitConditions - flixel.text
- Wrap - flixel.text
- tile
- FlxBaseTilemap - flixel.tile
- FlxTile - flixel.tile
- FlxTileProperties - flixel.tile
- FlxTileblock - flixel.tile
- FlxTilemap - flixel.tile
- FlxTilemapAutoTiling - flixel.tile
- FlxTilemapBuffer - flixel.tile
- FlxTypedTilemap - flixel.tile
- GraphicAuto - flixel.tile
- GraphicAutoAlt - flixel.tile
- GraphicAutoFull - flixel.tile
- tweens
- ui
- CircleSprite - flixel.ui
- FlxActionMode - flixel.ui
- FlxAnalog - flixel.ui
- FlxBar - flixel.ui
- FlxBarFillDirection - flixel.ui
- FlxBitmapTextButton - flixel.ui
- FlxButton - flixel.ui
- FlxButtonState - flixel.ui
- FlxDPadMode - flixel.ui
- FlxSpriteButton - flixel.ui
- FlxTypedButton - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualActionButtons - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualDPadButtons - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualInputID - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualPad - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualPadButton - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualPadButtons - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualStick - flixel.ui
- InvisibleCircleButton - flixel.ui
- util
- helpers
- typeLimit
- DrawStyle - flixel.util
- FlxArrayUtil - flixel.util
- FlxAxes - flixel.util
- FlxBitmapDataPool - flixel.util
- FlxBitmapDataUtil - flixel.util
- FlxCollision - flixel.util
- FlxColor - flixel.util
- FlxColorTransformUtil - flixel.util
- FlxDestroyUtil - flixel.util
- FlxDirection - flixel.util
- FlxDirectionFlags - flixel.util
- FlxGradient - flixel.util
- FlxHorizontalAlign - flixel.util
- FlxPool - flixel.util
- FlxSave - flixel.util
- FlxSaveStatus - flixel.util
- FlxSignal - flixel.util
- FlxSort - flixel.util
- FlxSpriteUtil - flixel.util
- FlxStringUtil - flixel.util
- FlxTimer - flixel.util
- FlxTimerManager - flixel.util
- FlxTypedSignal - flixel.util
- FlxVerticalAlign - flixel.util
- GradientMatrix - flixel.util
- Harmony - flixel.util
- IFlxDestroyable - flixel.util
- IFlxPool - flixel.util
- IFlxPooled - flixel.util
- IFlxSignal - flixel.util
- LabelValuePair - flixel.util
- LineStyle - flixel.util
- LoadFailureType - flixel.util
- LoadResult - flixel.util
- PoolFactory - flixel.util
- SaveFailureType - flixel.util
- TriadicHarmony - flixel.util
- CollisionDragType - flixel
- FlxBasic - flixel
- FlxCamera - flixel
- FlxCameraFollowStyle - flixel
- FlxG - flixel
- FlxGame - flixel
- FlxObject - flixel
- FlxRenderMethod - flixel
- FlxSprite - flixel
- FlxState - flixel
- FlxStrip - flixel
- FlxSubState - flixel
- FlxType - flixel
- IFlxBasic - flixel
- IFlxSprite - flixel
- addons
- haxe
- crypto
- display
- ClassFieldOccurrence - haxe.display
- ClassFieldOrigin - haxe.display
- ClassFieldOriginKind - haxe.display
- CompletionItemResolveParams - haxe.display
- CompletionItemResolveResult - haxe.display
- CompletionMode - haxe.display
- CompletionModeKind - haxe.display
- CompletionParams - haxe.display
- CompletionResponse - haxe.display
- CompletionResult - haxe.display
- Define - haxe.display
- DeterminePackageResult - haxe.display
- DisplayItem - haxe.display
- DisplayItemKind - haxe.display
- DisplayItemOccurrence - haxe.display
- DisplayLiteral - haxe.display
- DisplayLocal - haxe.display
- DisplayModuleType - haxe.display
- DisplayModuleTypeKind - haxe.display
- DisplayModuleTypeParameter - haxe.display
- EnumFieldOccurrence - haxe.display
- EnumFieldOrigin - haxe.display
- EnumFieldOriginKind - haxe.display
- FieldCompletionSubject - haxe.display
- FieldResolution - haxe.display
- FileParams - haxe.display
- FindReferencesKind - haxe.display
- FindReferencesParams - haxe.display
- FsPath - haxe.display
- GotoDefinitionResult - haxe.display
- GotoTypeDefinitionResult - haxe.display
- HaxeNotificationMethod - haxe.display
- HaxeRequestMethod - haxe.display
- HaxeResponseErrorData - haxe.display
- HaxeResponseErrorSeverity - haxe.display
- HoverDisplayItemOccurence - haxe.display
- HoverExpectedNameKind - haxe.display
- HoverResult - haxe.display
- ImportStatus - haxe.display
- InitializeParams - haxe.display
- InitializeResult - haxe.display
- JsonAbstract - haxe.display
- JsonAbstractBinop - haxe.display
- JsonAbstractCast - haxe.display
- JsonAbstractUnop - haxe.display
- JsonAnon - haxe.display
- JsonAnonStatus - haxe.display
- JsonAnonStatusKind - haxe.display
- JsonBinop - haxe.display
- JsonBinopKind - haxe.display
- JsonClass - haxe.display
- JsonClassField - haxe.display
- JsonClassFieldReference - haxe.display
- JsonClassFieldScope - haxe.display
- JsonClassFields - haxe.display
- JsonClassKind - haxe.display
- JsonClassKindKind - haxe.display
- JsonDoc - haxe.display
- JsonEnum - haxe.display
- JsonEnumField - haxe.display
- JsonEnumFields - haxe.display
- JsonExpr - haxe.display
- JsonFieldKind - haxe.display
- JsonFieldKindKind - haxe.display
- JsonFunctionArgument - haxe.display
- JsonFunctionSignature - haxe.display
- JsonMetadata - haxe.display
- JsonMetadataEntry - haxe.display
- JsonMethodKind - haxe.display
- JsonModulePath - haxe.display
- JsonModuleType - haxe.display
- JsonModuleTypeKind - haxe.display
- JsonModuleTypes - haxe.display
- JsonPackagePath - haxe.display
- JsonPos - haxe.display
- JsonStaticFieldPath - haxe.display
- JsonTConstant - haxe.display
- JsonTConstantKind - haxe.display
- JsonTExpr - haxe.display
- JsonTodo - haxe.display
- JsonType - haxe.display
- JsonTypeKind - haxe.display
- JsonTypeParameter - haxe.display
- JsonTypeParameters - haxe.display
- JsonTypePath - haxe.display
- JsonTypePathWithParams - haxe.display
- JsonTypedef - haxe.display
- JsonTypes - haxe.display
- JsonUnop - haxe.display
- JsonVarAccess - haxe.display
- JsonVarAccessKind - haxe.display
- Keyword - haxe.display
- KeywordKind - haxe.display
- Literal - haxe.display
- LocalOrigin - haxe.display
- Location - haxe.display
- Metadata - haxe.display
- MetadataTarget - haxe.display
- Module - haxe.display
- Package - haxe.display
- PatternCompletion - haxe.display
- Platform - haxe.display
- Position - haxe.display
- PositionParams - haxe.display
- Range - haxe.display
- Response - haxe.display
- SignatureHelpParams - haxe.display
- SignatureHelpResult - haxe.display
- SignatureInformation - haxe.display
- SignatureItem - haxe.display
- SignatureItemKind - haxe.display
- StructExtensionCompletion - haxe.display
- Timer - haxe.display
- ToplevelCompletion - haxe.display
- Version - haxe.display
- ds
- exceptions
- extern
- io
- iterators
- macro
- AbstractType - haxe.macro
- AnonType - haxe.macro
- BaseType - haxe.macro
- Case - haxe.macro
- Catch - haxe.macro
- ClassField - haxe.macro
- ClassType - haxe.macro
- CompilerConfiguration - haxe.macro
- DefType - haxe.macro
- DefineDescription - haxe.macro
- EnumField - haxe.macro
- EnumType - haxe.macro
- ExceptionsConfig - haxe.macro
- Expr - haxe.macro
- ExprOf - haxe.macro
- Field - haxe.macro
- Function - haxe.macro
- FunctionArg - haxe.macro
- ImportExpr - haxe.macro
- IncludePosition - haxe.macro
- MetaAccess - haxe.macro
- Metadata - haxe.macro
- MetadataDescription - haxe.macro
- MetadataEntry - haxe.macro
- NullSafetyMode - haxe.macro
- ObjectField - haxe.macro
- PlatformConfig - haxe.macro
- Position - haxe.macro
- Ref - haxe.macro
- TFunc - haxe.macro
- TVar - haxe.macro
- TypeDefinition - haxe.macro
- TypeParamDecl - haxe.macro
- TypeParameter - haxe.macro
- TypePath - haxe.macro
- TypedExpr - haxe.macro
- Var - haxe.macro
- VarScopingConfig - haxe.macro
- xml
- zip
- CallStack - haxe
- Constructible - haxe
- DynamicAccess - haxe
- EnumTools - haxe
- EnumValueTools - haxe
- Exception - haxe
- FlatEnum - haxe
- Function - haxe
- IMap - haxe
- Int32 - haxe
- Int64 - haxe
- Int64Helper - haxe
- Json - haxe
- Log - haxe
- NotVoid - haxe
- PosInfos - haxe
- Serializer - haxe
- Timer - haxe
- Unserializer - haxe
- ValueException - haxe
- hscript
- Argument - hscript
- CType - hscript
- ClassDecl - hscript
- Const - hscript
- Error - hscript
- Expr - hscript
- ExprDef - hscript
- FieldAccess - hscript
- FieldDecl - hscript
- FieldKind - hscript
- FunctionDecl - hscript
- Interp - hscript
- Metadata - hscript
- ModuleDecl - hscript
- ModuleType - hscript
- Parser - hscript
- Token - hscript
- Tools - hscript
- TypeDecl - hscript
- VarDecl - hscript
- lime
- app
- graphics
- cairo
- Cairo - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoAntialias - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoContent - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoExtend - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFillRule - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFilter - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFontFace - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFontOptions - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoGlyph - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoHintMetrics - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoHintStyle - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoLineCap - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoLineJoin - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoOperator - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoPattern - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoStatus - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoSubpixelOrder - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoSurface - lime.graphics.cairo
- opengl
- GL - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLActiveInfo - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLBuffer - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLContextAttributes - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLFramebuffer - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLProgram - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLQuery - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLRenderbuffer - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLSampler - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLShader - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLShaderPrecisionFormat - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLSync - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLTexture - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLTransformFeedback - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLUniformLocation - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLVertexArrayObject - lime.graphics.opengl
- CairoRenderContext - lime.graphics
- Canvas2DRenderContext - lime.graphics
- DOMRenderContext - lime.graphics
- FlashRenderContext - lime.graphics
- Image - lime.graphics
- ImageBuffer - lime.graphics
- ImageChannel - lime.graphics
- ImageFileFormat - lime.graphics
- ImageType - lime.graphics
- OpenGLES2RenderContext - lime.graphics
- OpenGLES3RenderContext - lime.graphics
- OpenGLRenderContext - lime.graphics
- PixelFormat - lime.graphics
- RenderContext - lime.graphics
- RenderContextAttributes - lime.graphics
- RenderContextType - lime.graphics
- WebGL2RenderContext - lime.graphics
- WebGLRenderContext - lime.graphics
- cairo
- math
- media
- net
- system
- CFFI - lime.system
- CFFIPointer - lime.system
- Clipboard - lime.system
- Deque - lime.system
- Display - lime.system
- DisplayMode - lime.system
- Endian - lime.system
- JSAsync - lime.system
- JobData - lime.system
- JobList - lime.system
- State - lime.system
- System - lime.system
- ThreadEvent - lime.system
- ThreadEventType - lime.system
- ThreadMode - lime.system
- ThreadPool - lime.system
- Tls - lime.system
- Transferable - lime.system
- WorkFunction - lime.system
- WorkOutput - lime.system
- text
- ui
- utils
- ArrayBuffer - lime.utils
- ArrayBufferView - lime.utils
- AssetBundle - lime.utils
- AssetCache - lime.utils
- AssetLibrary - lime.utils
- AssetManifest - lime.utils
- AssetType - lime.utils
- Assets - lime.utils
- BytePointer - lime.utils
- Bytes - lime.utils
- CompressionAlgorithm - lime.utils
- DataPointer - lime.utils
- Float32Array - lime.utils
- Float64Array - lime.utils
- Int16Array - lime.utils
- Int32Array - lime.utils
- Int8Array - lime.utils
- Log - lime.utils
- LogLevel - lime.utils
- Preloader - lime.utils
- UInt16Array - lime.utils
- UInt32Array - lime.utils
- UInt8Array - lime.utils
- UInt8ClampedArray - lime.utils
- nape
- callbacks
- BodyCallback - nape.callbacks
- BodyListener - nape.callbacks
- Callback - nape.callbacks
- CbEvent - nape.callbacks
- CbType - nape.callbacks
- CbTypeIterator - nape.callbacks
- CbTypeList - nape.callbacks
- ConstraintCallback - nape.callbacks
- ConstraintListener - nape.callbacks
- InteractionCallback - nape.callbacks
- InteractionListener - nape.callbacks
- InteractionType - nape.callbacks
- Listener - nape.callbacks
- ListenerIterator - nape.callbacks
- ListenerList - nape.callbacks
- ListenerType - nape.callbacks
- OptionType - nape.callbacks
- PreCallback - nape.callbacks
- PreFlag - nape.callbacks
- PreListener - nape.callbacks
- constraint
- AngleJoint - nape.constraint
- Constraint - nape.constraint
- ConstraintIterator - nape.constraint
- ConstraintList - nape.constraint
- DistanceJoint - nape.constraint
- LineJoint - nape.constraint
- MotorJoint - nape.constraint
- PivotJoint - nape.constraint
- PulleyJoint - nape.constraint
- UserConstraint - nape.constraint
- WeldJoint - nape.constraint
- dynamics
- Arbiter - nape.dynamics
- ArbiterIterator - nape.dynamics
- ArbiterList - nape.dynamics
- ArbiterType - nape.dynamics
- CollisionArbiter - nape.dynamics
- Contact - nape.dynamics
- ContactIterator - nape.dynamics
- ContactList - nape.dynamics
- FluidArbiter - nape.dynamics
- InteractionFilter - nape.dynamics
- InteractionGroup - nape.dynamics
- InteractionGroupIterator - nape.dynamics
- InteractionGroupList - nape.dynamics
- geom
- AABB - nape.geom
- ConvexResult - nape.geom
- ConvexResultIterator - nape.geom
- ConvexResultList - nape.geom
- Geom - nape.geom
- GeomPoly - nape.geom
- GeomPolyIterator - nape.geom
- GeomPolyList - nape.geom
- GeomVertexIterator - nape.geom
- IsoFunction - nape.geom
- IsoFunctionDef - nape.geom
- MarchingSquares - nape.geom
- Mat23 - nape.geom
- MatMN - nape.geom
- Ray - nape.geom
- RayResult - nape.geom
- RayResultIterator - nape.geom
- RayResultList - nape.geom
- Vec2 - nape.geom
- Vec2Iterator - nape.geom
- Vec2List - nape.geom
- Vec3 - nape.geom
- Winding - nape.geom
- phys
- Body - nape.phys
- BodyIterator - nape.phys
- BodyList - nape.phys
- BodyType - nape.phys
- Compound - nape.phys
- CompoundIterator - nape.phys
- CompoundList - nape.phys
- FluidProperties - nape.phys
- GravMassMode - nape.phys
- InertiaMode - nape.phys
- Interactor - nape.phys
- InteractorIterator - nape.phys
- InteractorList - nape.phys
- MassMode - nape.phys
- Material - nape.phys
- shape
- space
- util
- Config - nape
- TArray - nape
- callbacks
- openfl
- display
- Application - openfl.display
- Bitmap - openfl.display
- BitmapData - openfl.display
- BitmapDataChannel - openfl.display
- BlendMode - openfl.display
- CapsStyle - openfl.display
- DisplayObject - openfl.display
- DisplayObjectContainer - openfl.display
- FrameLabel - openfl.display
- FrameScript - openfl.display
- GradientType - openfl.display
- Graphics - openfl.display
- GraphicsBitmapFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsEndFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsGradientFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsPath - openfl.display
- GraphicsPathWinding - openfl.display
- GraphicsQuadPath - openfl.display
- GraphicsShader - openfl.display
- GraphicsShaderFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsSolidFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsStroke - openfl.display
- GraphicsTrianglePath - openfl.display
- IGraphicsData - openfl.display
- IGraphicsPath - openfl.display
- InteractiveObject - openfl.display
- InterpolationMethod - openfl.display
- JointStyle - openfl.display
- LineScaleMode - openfl.display
- Loader - openfl.display
- MovieClip - openfl.display
- MovieClip2 - openfl.display
- Preloader - openfl.display
- Scene - openfl.display
- Shader - openfl.display
- ShaderParameter - openfl.display
- Shape - openfl.display
- SpreadMethod - openfl.display
- Sprite - openfl.display
- Stage - openfl.display
- StageAlign - openfl.display
- StageDisplayState - openfl.display
- StageScaleMode - openfl.display
- Timeline - openfl.display
- TriangleCulling - openfl.display
- Window - openfl.display
- display3D
- errors
- events
- Event - openfl.events
- EventDispatcher - openfl.events
- EventType - openfl.events
- FocusEvent - openfl.events
- GameInputEvent - openfl.events
- IEventDispatcher - openfl.events
- IOErrorEvent - openfl.events
- KeyboardEvent - openfl.events
- MouseEvent - openfl.events
- ProgressEvent - openfl.events
- TextEvent - openfl.events
- TouchEvent - openfl.events
- UncaughtErrorEvents - openfl.events
- filters
- geom
- media
- net
- system
- text
- ui
- utils
- AssetBundle - openfl.utils
- AssetCache - openfl.utils
- AssetLibrary - openfl.utils
- AssetType - openfl.utils
- Assets - openfl.utils
- ByteArray - openfl.utils
- CompressionAlgorithm - openfl.utils
- Dictionary - openfl.utils
- Endian - openfl.utils
- Future - openfl.utils
- IAssetCache - openfl.utils
- IDataInput - openfl.utils
- IDataOutput - openfl.utils
- IExternalizable - openfl.utils
- Object - openfl.utils
- QName - openfl.utils
- Assets - openfl
- Lib - openfl
- Vector - openfl
- display
- spinehaxe
- animation
- Animation - spinehaxe.animation
- AnimationState - spinehaxe.animation
- AnimationStateData - spinehaxe.animation
- AttachmentTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- BaseListeners - spinehaxe.animation
- ColorTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- CurveTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- DeformTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- DrawOrderTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- EventListeners - spinehaxe.animation
- EventQueue - spinehaxe.animation
- EventTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- EventType - spinehaxe.animation
- IkConstraintTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- Listeners - spinehaxe.animation
- PathConstraintMixTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- PathConstraintPositionTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- PathConstraintSpacingTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- RotateTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- ScaleTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- ShearTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- Timeline - spinehaxe.animation
- TimelineType - spinehaxe.animation
- TrackEntry - spinehaxe.animation
- TransformConstraintTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- TranslateTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- atlas
- attachments
- AtlasAttachmentLoader - spinehaxe.attachments
- Attachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- AttachmentLoader - spinehaxe.attachments
- AttachmentType - spinehaxe.attachments
- BoundingBoxAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- MeshAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- PathAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- RegionAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- VertexAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- ArrayUtils - spinehaxe
- BlendMode - spinehaxe
- Bone - spinehaxe
- BoneData - spinehaxe
- Constraint - spinehaxe
- Event - spinehaxe
- EventData - spinehaxe
- Exception - spinehaxe
- IkConstraint - spinehaxe
- IkConstraintData - spinehaxe
- IllegalArgumentException - spinehaxe
- IllegalStateException - spinehaxe
- JsonNode - spinehaxe
- LinkedMesh - spinehaxe
- MathUtils - spinehaxe
- PathConstraint - spinehaxe
- PathConstraintData - spinehaxe
- Pool - spinehaxe
- Poolable - spinehaxe
- PositionMode - spinehaxe
- RotateMode - spinehaxe
- RuntimeException - spinehaxe
- SerializationException - spinehaxe
- Skeleton - spinehaxe
- SkeletonData - spinehaxe
- SkeletonJson - spinehaxe
- Skin - spinehaxe
- Slot - spinehaxe
- SlotData - spinehaxe
- SpacingMode - spinehaxe
- TransformConstraint - spinehaxe
- TransformConstraintData - spinehaxe
- TransformMode - spinehaxe
- Updatable - spinehaxe
- animation
- Any
- Array
- ArrayAccess
- Bool
- Class
- Date
- Dynamic
- EReg
- Enum
- EnumValue
- Float
- Int
- IntIterator
- Iterable
- Iterator
- KeyValueIterable
- KeyValueIterator
- Lambda
- List
- Map
- Math
- Null
- Reflect
- Std
- String
- StringBuf
- StringTools
- Type
- UInt
- UnicodeString
- ValueType
- Void
- Xml
- XmlType
class FlxTypedEmitter<T>
package flixel.effects.particles
extends FlxTypedGroup › FlxBasic
import flixel.effects.particles.FlxEmitter
@:directlyUsedFlxTypedEmitter is a lightweight particle emitter.
It can be used for one-time explosions or for continuous fx like rain and fire.
is not optimized or anything; all it does is launch FlxParticle
objects out
at set intervals by setting their positions and velocities accordingly.
It is easy to use and relatively efficient, relying on FlxGroup
@:value({ Size : 0, Y : 0, X : 0 })new(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, Size:Int = 0)
Creates a new FlxTypedEmitter
object at a specific position.
Does NOT automatically generate or attach particles!
X | The X position of the emitter. |
Y | The Y position of the emitter. |
Size | Optional, specifies a maximum capacity for this emitter. |
@:value(new FlxPointRangeBounds(0, 0))read onlyacceleration:FlxPointRangeBounds = new FlxPointRangeBounds(0, 0)
Sets the acceleration
range of particles launched from this emitter.
Set acceleration y-values to give particles gravity.
@:value(NONE)allowCollisions:FlxDirectionFlags = NONE
Sets the allowCollisions
value for particles launched from this emitter.
Set to NONE
by default. Don't forget to call FlxG.collide()
in your update loop!
@:value(new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(1))read onlyalpha:FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(1)
Sets alpha
range of particles launched from this emitter.
@:value(new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0))read onlyangle:FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0)
The angle range of particles launched from this emitter.
is ignored unless ignoreAngularVelocity
is set to true
@:value(new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 0))read onlyangularAcceleration:FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 0)
Set the angular acceleration range of particles launched from this emitter.
@:value(new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 0))read onlyangularDrag:FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 0)
Set the angular drag range of particles launched from this emitter.
@:value(new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 0))read onlyangularVelocity:FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 0)
The angular velocity range of particles launched from this emitter.
@:value(false)autoUpdateHitbox:Bool = false
Sets the autoUpdateHitbox
flag for particles launched from this emitter.
If true, the particles' hitbox will be updated to match scale.
@:value(new FlxRangeBounds(FlxColor.WHITE, FlxColor.WHITE))read onlycolor:FlxRangeBounds<FlxColor> = new FlxRangeBounds(FlxColor.WHITE, FlxColor.WHITE)
Sets color
range of particles launched from this emitter.
@:value(new FlxPointRangeBounds(0, 0))read onlydrag:FlxPointRangeBounds = new FlxPointRangeBounds(0, 0)
Sets X and Y drag component of particles launched from this emitter.
@:value(new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0))read onlyelasticity:FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0)
Sets the elasticity
, or bounce, range of particles launched from this emitter.
@:value(false)emitting:Bool = false
Determines whether the emitter is currently emitting particles. It is totally safe to directly toggle this.
@:value(0.1)frequency:Float = 0.1
How often a particle is emitted (if emitter is started with Explode == false
@:value(0)height:Float = 0
The height of this emitter. Particles can be randomly generated from anywhere within this box.
@:value(false)ignoreAngularVelocity:Bool = false
Set this if you want to specify the beginning and ending value of angle,
instead of using angularVelocity
(or angularAcceleration
@:value(false)immovable:Bool = false
Sets the immovable
flag for particles launched from this emitter.
@:value(false)keepScaleRatio:Bool = false
Keep the scale ratio of the particle. Uses the x
values of scale
@:value(new FlxBounds<Float>(-180, 180))read onlylaunchAngle:FlxBounds<Float> = new FlxBounds<Float>(-180, 180)
The angle range at which particles will be launched from this emitter.
Ignored unless launchMode
is set to FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE
@:value(FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE)launchMode:FlxEmitterMode = FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE
How particles should be launched. If CIRCLE
, particles will use launchAngle
and speed
Otherwise, particles will just use velocity.x
and velocity.y
@:value(new FlxBounds<Float>(3))read onlylifespan:FlxBounds<Float> = new FlxBounds<Float>(3)
The life, or duration, range of particles launched from this emitter.
@:value(cast FlxParticle)particleClass:Class<T> = cast FlxParticle
Set your own particle class type here. The custom class must extend FlxParticle
. Default is FlxParticle
@:value(new FlxPointRangeBounds(1, 1))read onlyscale:FlxPointRangeBounds = new FlxPointRangeBounds(1, 1)
Sets scale
range of particles launched from this emitter.
Shorthand for toggling allowCollisions
between ANY
(if true
) and NONE
(if false
Don't forget to call FlxG.collide()
in your update loop!
@:value(new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 100))read onlyspeed:FlxRangeBounds<Float> = new FlxRangeBounds<Float>(0, 100)
Set the speed range of particles launched from this emitter. Only used with FlxEmitterMode.CIRCLE
@:value(new FlxPointRangeBounds(-100, -100, 100, 100))read onlyvelocity:FlxPointRangeBounds = new FlxPointRangeBounds(-100, -100, 100, 100)
Sets the velocity range of particles launched from this emitter. Only used with FlxEmitterMode.SQUARE
@:value({ AutoBuffer : false, Multiple : false, bakedRotationAngles : 16, Quantity : 50 })loadParticles(Graphics:FlxGraphicAsset, Quantity:Int = 50, bakedRotationAngles:Int = 16, Multiple:Bool = false, AutoBuffer:Bool = false):FlxTypedEmitter<T>
This function generates a new array of particle sprites to attach to the emitter.
Graphics | If you opted to not pre-configure an array of |
Quantity | The number of particles to generate when using the "create from image" option. |
BakedRotations | How many frames of baked rotation to use (boosts performance). Set to zero to not use baked rotations. |
Multiple | Whether the image in the |
AutoBuffer | Whether to automatically increase the image size to accommodate rotated corners.
Default is |
This FlxEmitter
instance (nice for chaining stuff together).
@:value({ Quantity : 50, Color : FlxColor.WHITE, Height : 2, Width : 2 })makeParticles(Width:Int = 2, Height:Int = 2, Color:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE, Quantity:Int = 50):FlxTypedEmitter<T>
Similar to FlxSprite#makeGraphic()
, this function allows you to quickly make single-color particles.
Width | The width of the generated particles. Default is |
Height | The height of the generated particles. Default is |
Color | The color of the generated particles. Default is white. |
Quantity | How many particles to generate. Default is |
This FlxEmitter
instance (nice for chaining stuff together).
@:value({ Y : 0, X : 0 })inlinesetPosition(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0):Void
Helper function to set the coordinates of this object.
@:value({ Quantity : 0, Frequency : 0.1, Explode : true })start(Explode:Bool = true, Frequency:Float = 0.1, Quantity:Int = 0):FlxTypedEmitter<T>
Call this function to start emitting particles.
Explode | Whether the particles should all burst out at once. |
Frequency | Ignored if |
Quantity | How many particles to launch. |
This FlxEmitter
instance (nice for chaining stuff together).
Inherited Variables
Defined by FlxTypedGroup
@:value(0)read onlylength:Int = 0
The number of entries in the members array. For performance and safety you should check this
variable instead of members.length
unless you really know what you're doing!
The maximum capacity of this group. Default is 0
, meaning no max capacity, and the group can just grow.
read onlymemberAdded:FlxTypedSignal<T ‑> Void>
A FlxSignal
that dispatches when a child is added to this group.
.read onlymemberRemoved:FlxTypedSignal<T ‑> Void>
A FlxSignal
that dispatches when a child is removed from this group.
.Defined by FlxBasic
@:value(idEnumerator++)ID:Int = idEnumerator++
A unique ID starting from 0 and increasing by 1 for each subsequent FlxBasic
that is created.
@:value(true)alive:Bool = true
Useful state for many game objects - "dead" (!alive
) vs alive
. kill()
both flip this switch (along with exists
, but you can override that).
This determines on which FlxCamera
s this object will be drawn. If it is null
/ has not been
set, it uses the list of default draw targets, which is controlled via FlxG.camera.setDefaultDrawTarget
as well as the DefaultDrawTarget
argument of FlxG.camera.add
read onlycontainer:Null<FlxContainer>
The parent containing this basic, typically if you check this recursively you should reach the state
.Inherited Methods
Defined by FlxTypedGroup
Adds a new FlxBasic
subclass (FlxBasic
, FlxSprite
, Enemy
, etc) to the group.
will try to replace a null
member of the array first.
Failing that, FlxGroup
will add it to the end of the member array.
WARNING: If the group has a maxSize
that has already been met,
the object will NOT be added to the group!
basic | The |
The same FlxBasic
object that was passed in.
any(func:T ‑> Bool):Bool
Tests whether any member satisfies the function.
func | The function that tests the members |
Remove all instances of FlxBasic
subclasses (FlxSprite
, FlxTileblock
, etc) from the list.
WARNING: does not destroy()
or kill()
any of these objects!
Call this function to find out how many members of the group are dead.
The number of FlxBasic
s flagged as dead. Returns -1
if group is empty.
Call this function to find out how many members of the group are not dead.
The number of FlxBasic
s flagged as not dead. Returns -1
if group is empty.
every(func:T ‑> Bool):Bool
Tests whether every member satisfies the function.
func | The function that tests the members |
.@:value({ recurse : false })forEach(func:T ‑> Void, recurse:Bool = false):Void
Applies a function to all members.
func | A function that modifies one element at a time. |
recurse | Whether or not to apply the function to members of subgroups as well. |
@:value({ recurse : false })forEachAlive(func:T ‑> Void, recurse:Bool = false):Void
Applies a function to all alive
func | A function that modifies one element at a time. |
recurse | Whether or not to apply the function to members of subgroups as well. |
@:value({ recurse : false })forEachDead(func:T ‑> Void, recurse:Bool = false):Void
Applies a function to all dead members.
func | A function that modifies one element at a time. |
recurse | Whether or not to apply the function to members of subgroups as well. |
@:value({ recurse : false })forEachExists(func:T ‑> Void, recurse:Bool = false):Void
Applies a function to all existing members.
func | A function that modifies one element at a time. |
recurse | Whether or not to apply the function to members of subgroups as well. |
@:value({ recurse : false })forEachOfType<K>(objectClass:Class<K>, func:K ‑> Void, recurse:Bool = false):Void
getFirst(func:T ‑> Bool):Null<T>
Searches for, and returns the first member that satisfies the function.
func | The function that tests the members |
@:value({ force : false })getFirstAvailable(?objectClass:Class<T>, force:Bool = false):Null<T>
Call this function to retrieve the first object with exists == false
in the group.
This is handy for recycling in general, e.g. respawning enemies.
objectClass | An optional parameter that lets you narrow the results to instances of this particular class. |
force | Force the object to be an |
A FlxBasic
currently flagged as not existing.
getFirstIndex(func:T ‑> Bool):Int
Searches for, and returns the index of the first member that satisfies the function.
func | The function that tests the members |
Call this function to retrieve the first index set to null
Returns -1
if no index stores a null
An Int
indicating the first null
slot in the group.
getLast(func:T ‑> Bool):Null<T>
Searches for, and returns the last member that satisfies the function.
func | The function that tests the members |
.getLastIndex(func:T ‑> Bool):Int
Searches for, and returns the index of the last member that satisfies the function.
func | The function that tests the members |
.@:value({ length : 0, startIndex : 0 })getRandom(startIndex:Int = 0, length:Int = 0):T
Returns a member at random from the group.
startIndex | Optional offset off the front of the array.
Default value is |
length | Optional restriction on the number of values you want to randomly select from. |
A FlxBasic
from the members
insert(position:Int, object:T):T
Inserts a new FlxBasic
subclass (FlxBasic
, FlxSprite
, Enemy
, etc)
into the group at the specified position.
will try to replace a null
member at the specified position of the array first.
Failing that, FlxGroup
will insert it at the position of the member array.
WARNING: If the group has a maxSize
that has already been met,
the object will NOT be inserted to the group!
position | The position in the group where you want to insert the object. |
object | The object you want to insert into the group. |
The same FlxBasic
object that was passed in.
Calls kill()
on the group's unkilled members
. Revive them via reviveMembers()
.@:value({ revive : true, force : false })recycle(?objectClass:Class<T>, ?objectFactory:() ‑> T, force:Bool = false, revive:Bool = true):T
Recycling is designed to help you reuse game objects without always re-allocating or "newing" them.
It behaves differently depending on whether maxSize
equals 0
or is bigger than 0
maxSize > 0
/ "rotating-recycling" (used by FlxEmitter
- at capacity: returns the next object in line, no matter its properties like alive
, exists
- otherwise: returns a new object.
maxSize == 0
/ "grow-style-recycling"
- tries to find the first object with exists == false
- otherwise: adds a new object to the members
WARNING: If this function needs to create a new object, and no object class was provided,
it will return null
instead of a valid object!
objectClass | The class type you want to recycle (e.g. |
objectFactory | Optional factory function to create a new object
if there aren't any dead members to recycle.
If |
force | Force the object to be an |
revive | Whether recycled members should automatically be revived
(by calling |
A reference to the object that was created.
@:value({ splice : false })remove(basic:T, splice:Bool = false):T
Removes an object from the group.
basic | The |
splice | Whether the object should be cut from the array entirely or not. |
The removed object.
replace(oldObject:T, newObject:T):T
Replaces an existing FlxBasic
with a new one.
Does not do anything and returns null
if the old object is not part of the group.
oldObject | The object you want to replace. |
newObject | The new object you want to use instead. |
The new object.
Calls revive()
on the group's killed members and then on the group itself.
.@:value({ order : FlxSort.ASCENDING })inlinesort(func:(Int, T, T) ‑> Int, order:Int = FlxSort.ASCENDING):Void
Call this function to sort the group according to a particular value and order.
For example, to sort game objects for Zelda-style overlaps you might call
group.sort(FlxSort.byY, FlxSort.ASCENDING)
at the bottom of your FlxState#update()
func | The sorting function to use - you can use one of the premade ones in
order | A constant that defines the sort order.
Possible values are |
Defined by FlxBasic
The cameras that will draw this. Use this.cameras
to set specific cameras for this object,
otherwise the container's cameras are used, or the container's container and so on. If there
is no container, say, if this is inside FlxGroups
rather than a FlxContainer
then the
default draw cameras are returned.
The main camera that will draw this. Use this.cameras
to set specific cameras for this
object, otherwise the container's camera is used, or the container's container and so on.
If there is no container, say, if this is inside FlxGroups
rather than a FlxContainer
then FlxG.camera
is returned.