- flash
- accessibility
- desktop
- display
- ActionScriptVersion - flash.display
- Bitmap - flash.display
- BitmapData - flash.display
- BitmapDataChannel - flash.display
- BlendMode - flash.display
- CapsStyle - flash.display
- ColorCorrection - flash.display
- ColorCorrectionSupport - flash.display
- DisplayObject - flash.display
- DisplayObjectContainer - flash.display
- FrameLabel - flash.display
- GradientType - flash.display
- Graphics - flash.display
- GraphicsBitmapFill - flash.display
- GraphicsEndFill - flash.display
- GraphicsGradientFill - flash.display
- GraphicsPath - flash.display
- GraphicsPathWinding - flash.display
- GraphicsShaderFill - flash.display
- GraphicsSolidFill - flash.display
- GraphicsStroke - flash.display
- GraphicsTrianglePath - flash.display
- IBitmapDrawable - flash.display
- IGraphicsData - flash.display
- IGraphicsFill - flash.display
- IGraphicsPath - flash.display
- IGraphicsStroke - flash.display
- InteractiveObject - flash.display
- InterpolationMethod - flash.display
- JointStyle - flash.display
- LineScaleMode - flash.display
- Loader - flash.display
- LoaderInfo - flash.display
- MovieClip - flash.display
- NativeMenu - flash.display
- PixelSnapping - flash.display
- Scene - flash.display
- Shader - flash.display
- ShaderData - flash.display
- ShaderParameter - flash.display
- ShaderParameterType - flash.display
- ShaderPrecision - flash.display
- Shape - flash.display
- SpreadMethod - flash.display
- Sprite - flash.display
- Stage - flash.display
- Stage3D - flash.display
- StageAlign - flash.display
- StageDisplayState - flash.display
- StageQuality - flash.display
- StageScaleMode - flash.display
- TriangleCulling - flash.display
- display3D
- textures
- Context3D - flash.display3D
- Context3DBlendFactor - flash.display3D
- Context3DBufferUsage - flash.display3D
- Context3DCompareMode - flash.display3D
- Context3DMipFilter - flash.display3D
- Context3DProfile - flash.display3D
- Context3DProgramType - flash.display3D
- Context3DRenderMode - flash.display3D
- Context3DStencilAction - flash.display3D
- Context3DTextureFilter - flash.display3D
- Context3DTextureFormat - flash.display3D
- Context3DTriangleFace - flash.display3D
- Context3DVertexBufferFormat - flash.display3D
- Context3DWrapMode - flash.display3D
- IndexBuffer3D - flash.display3D
- Program3D - flash.display3D
- VertexBuffer3D - flash.display3D
- errors
- events
- ErrorEvent - flash.events
- Event - flash.events
- EventDispatcher - flash.events
- EventPhase - flash.events
- FocusEvent - flash.events
- GameInputEvent - flash.events
- IEventDispatcher - flash.events
- IOErrorEvent - flash.events
- KeyboardEvent - flash.events
- MouseEvent - flash.events
- ProgressEvent - flash.events
- TextEvent - flash.events
- TouchEvent - flash.events
- UncaughtErrorEvents - flash.events
- external
- filters
- geom
- media
- AVCaptionStyle - flash.media
- AVPlayState - flash.media
- AVResult - flash.media
- AVSource - flash.media
- AVStream - flash.media
- Camera - flash.media
- ID3Info - flash.media
- Microphone - flash.media
- MicrophoneEnhancedMode - flash.media
- MicrophoneEnhancedOptions - flash.media
- Sound - flash.media
- SoundChannel - flash.media
- SoundCodec - flash.media
- SoundLoaderContext - flash.media
- SoundTransform - flash.media
- StageVideo - flash.media
- VideoStreamSettings - flash.media
- net
- FileFilter - flash.net
- FileReference - flash.net
- NetConnection - flash.net
- NetStream - flash.net
- NetStreamInfo - flash.net
- NetStreamMulticastInfo - flash.net
- NetStreamPlayOptions - flash.net
- ObjectEncoding - flash.net
- Responder - flash.net
- SharedObject - flash.net
- SharedObjectFlushStatus - flash.net
- URLLoader - flash.net
- URLLoaderDataFormat - flash.net
- URLRequest - flash.net
- URLRequestHeader - flash.net
- URLRequestMethod - flash.net
- system
- ApplicationDomain - flash.system
- Capabilities - flash.system
- IME - flash.system
- IMEConversionMode - flash.system
- ImageDecodingPolicy - flash.system
- LoaderContext - flash.system
- Security - flash.system
- SecurityDomain - flash.system
- SecurityPanel - flash.system
- System - flash.system
- TouchscreenType - flash.system
- text
- AntiAliasType - flash.text
- Font - flash.text
- FontStyle - flash.text
- FontType - flash.text
- GridFitType - flash.text
- StyleSheet - flash.text
- TextField - flash.text
- TextFieldAutoSize - flash.text
- TextFieldType - flash.text
- TextFormat - flash.text
- TextFormatAlign - flash.text
- TextFormatDisplay - flash.text
- TextInteractionMode - flash.text
- TextLineMetrics - flash.text
- TextSnapshot - flash.text
- ui
- ContextMenu - flash.ui
- ContextMenuBuiltInItems - flash.ui
- ContextMenuClipboardItems - flash.ui
- GameInput - flash.ui
- GameInputControl - flash.ui
- GameInputDevice - flash.ui
- KeyLocation - flash.ui
- Keyboard - flash.ui
- KeyboardType - flash.ui
- Mouse - flash.ui
- MouseCursor - flash.ui
- MouseCursorData - flash.ui
- Multitouch - flash.ui
- MultitouchInputMode - flash.ui
- utils
- xml
- Lib - flash
- Memory - flash
- Vector - flash
- flixel
- addons
- api
- display
- shapes
- FlxShape - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeArrow - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeBox - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeCircle - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeCross - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeDonut - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeDoubleCircle - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeGrid - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeLightning - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeLine - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeSquareDonut - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- FlxShapeType - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- LightningStyle - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- LineSegment - flixel.addons.display.shapes
- BackdropBlitMode - flixel.addons.display
- BackdropDrawParams - flixel.addons.display
- FlxBackdrop - flixel.addons.display
- FlxExtendedMouseSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxExtendedSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxGridOverlay - flixel.addons.display
- FlxMouseSpring - flixel.addons.display
- FlxNestedSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxPieDial - flixel.addons.display
- FlxPieDialShape - flixel.addons.display
- FlxPieDialUtils - flixel.addons.display
- FlxShaderMaskCamera - flixel.addons.display
- FlxSliceSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxSpriteAniRot - flixel.addons.display
- FlxStarField2D - flixel.addons.display
- FlxStarField3D - flixel.addons.display
- FlxTiledSprite - flixel.addons.display
- FlxZoomCamera - flixel.addons.display
- MouseCallback - flixel.addons.display
- shapes
- editors
- ogmo
- DecalData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- DecalLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- EntityData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- EntityLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- FlxOgmo3Loader - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- FlxOgmoLoader - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- GridLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- LayerData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- LevelData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- Point - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectEntityData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectLayerData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- ProjectTilesetData - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- TileLayer - flixel.addons.editors.ogmo
- pex
- spine
- tiled
- FlxTiledMapAsset - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- FlxTiledTileAsset - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TileAnimationData - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledGroupLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledImageLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledImageTile - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledLayerType - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledMap - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledObject - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledObjectLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledPropertySet - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTile - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTileLayer - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTilePropertySet - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- TiledTileSet - flixel.addons.editors.tiled
- ogmo
- effects
- chainable
- FlxEffectSprite - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxGlitchDirection - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxGlitchEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxOutlineEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxOutlineMode - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxRainbowEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxShakeEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxTrailEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxWaveDirection - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxWaveEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxWaveMode - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- IFlxEffect - flixel.addons.effects.chainable
- FlxClothConstraint - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxClothPoint - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxClothSprite - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxSkewedSprite - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxTrail - flixel.addons.effects
- FlxTrailArea - flixel.addons.effects
- chainable
- nape
- plugin
- system
- text
- tile
- transition
- FlxTransitionSprite - flixel.addons.transition
- FlxTransitionableState - flixel.addons.transition
- GraphicTransTileCircle - flixel.addons.transition
- GraphicTransTileDiamond - flixel.addons.transition
- GraphicTransTileSquare - flixel.addons.transition
- Transition - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionCameraMode - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionData - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionEffect - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionFade - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionStatus - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionTileData - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionTiles - flixel.addons.transition
- TransitionType - flixel.addons.transition
- TweenEndValues - flixel.addons.transition
- ui
- interfaces
- ICursorPointable - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IEventGetter - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFireTongue - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIButton - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIClickable - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIState - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IFlxUIWidget - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IHasParams - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- ILabeled - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- IResizable - flixel.addons.ui.interfaces
- Anchor - flixel.addons.ui
- AnchorPoint - flixel.addons.ui
- BorderDef - flixel.addons.ui
- ButtonLabelStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- CheckStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxBarStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxBaseMultiInput - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxButtonPlus - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxClickArea - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxInputText - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxMultiGamepad - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxMultiGamepadAnalogStick - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxMultiKey - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxSlider - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxTypedUIGroup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUI - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUI9SliceSprite - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIAssets - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIBar - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIButton - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUICheckBox - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIColorSwatch - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIColorSwatchSelecter - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUICursor - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUICursorInputFlag - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIDropDownHeader - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIDropDownMenu - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIDropDownMenuDropDirection - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIGroup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIInputText - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUILine - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIList - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUILoadingScreen - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIMouse - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUINumericStepper - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIPopup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIRadioGroup - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIRegion - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISlider - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISprite - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISpriteButton - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIState - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUISubState - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITabMenu - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUIText - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITileTest - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltip - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltipData - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltipManager - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITooltipStyle - flixel.addons.ui
- FlxUITypedButton - flixel.addons.ui
- FontDef - flixel.addons.ui
- FontFixer - flixel.addons.ui
- GamepadAutoConnectPreference - flixel.addons.ui
- LineAxis - flixel.addons.ui
- MaxMinSize - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedBool - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedFloat - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedInt - flixel.addons.ui
- NamedString - flixel.addons.ui
- Rounding - flixel.addons.ui
- SectionCounter - flixel.addons.ui
- SortMethod - flixel.addons.ui
- SortValue - flixel.addons.ui
- StickInput - flixel.addons.ui
- StrNameLabel - flixel.addons.ui
- SwatchData - flixel.addons.ui
- SwatchGraphic - flixel.addons.ui
- U - flixel.addons.ui
- UIEventCallback - flixel.addons.ui
- VarValue - flixel.addons.ui
- WidgetList - flixel.addons.ui
- XY - flixel.addons.ui
- interfaces
- util
- FlxAsyncLoop - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSM - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSMStack - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSMState - flixel.addons.util
- FlxFSMTransitionTable - flixel.addons.util
- FlxScene - flixel.addons.util
- FlxSimplex - flixel.addons.util
- PNGEncoder - flixel.addons.util
- StatePool - flixel.addons.util
- Transition - flixel.addons.util
- weapon
- animation
- effects
- graphics
- atlas
- AseAtlas - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasArray - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasBase - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasCel - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasColor - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasFrame - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasLayer - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasMeta - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasSlice - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasSliceKey - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasTag - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasTagDirection - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseAtlasTagRepeat - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseBlendMode - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AseObject - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasBase - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasFrame - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasPos - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasRect - flixel.graphics.atlas
- AtlasSize - flixel.graphics.atlas
- FlxAtlas - flixel.graphics.atlas
- FlxNode - flixel.graphics.atlas
- HashOrArray - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlas - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlasArray - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlasFrame - flixel.graphics.atlas
- TexturePackerAtlasHash - flixel.graphics.atlas
- frames
- bmfont
- BMFont - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontChar - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontCommon - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontInfo - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontKerning - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontPadding - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontPage - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontSpacing - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- BMFontXml - flixel.graphics.frames.bmfont
- FlxAtlasFrames - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxBitmapFont - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFilterFrames - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrame - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrameAngle - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrameCollectionType - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFrameType - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxFramesCollection - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxImageFrame - flixel.graphics.frames
- FlxTileFrames - flixel.graphics.frames
- TexturePackerFrameData - flixel.graphics.frames
- TexturePackerFrameRect - flixel.graphics.frames
- TexturePackerObject - flixel.graphics.frames
- bmfont
- tile
- FlxAsepriteUtil - flixel.graphics
- FlxGraphic - flixel.graphics
- atlas
- group
- input
- actions
- ActionSetJson - flixel.input.actions
- ActionSetJsonArray - flixel.input.actions
- FlxAction - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionAnalog - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionDigital - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInput - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalog - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogClickAndDragMouseMotion - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogGamepad - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogMouseMotion - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogMousePosition - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputAnalogSteam - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigital - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalGamepad - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalIFlxInput - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalKeyboard - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalMouse - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalMouseWheel - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionInputDigitalSteam - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionManager - flixel.input.actions
- FlxActionSet - flixel.input.actions
- FlxAnalogAxis - flixel.input.actions
- FlxAnalogState - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputDevice - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputDeviceID - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputDeviceObject - flixel.input.actions
- FlxInputType - flixel.input.actions
- FlxSteamController - flixel.input.actions
- ResetPolicy - flixel.input.actions
- gamepad
- id
- LogitechID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- MFiID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- MayflashWiiRemoteID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- OUYAID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- PS4ID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- PSVitaID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- SwitchJoyconLeftID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- SwitchJoyconRightID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- SwitchProID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- WiiRemoteID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- XInputID - flixel.input.gamepad.id
- lists
- FlxBaseGamepadList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadAnalogList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadAnalogStateList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadAnalogValueList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadButtonList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadMotionValueList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- FlxGamepadPointerValueList - flixel.input.gamepad.lists
- mappings
- FlxGamepadMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- FlxTypedGamepadMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- LogitechMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- MFiMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- Manufacturer - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- MayflashWiiRemoteMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- OUYAMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- PS4Mapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- PSVitaMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- SwitchJoyconLeftMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- SwitchJoyconRightMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- SwitchProMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- WiiRemoteMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- XInputMapping - flixel.input.gamepad.mappings
- FlxAnalogToDigitalMode - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepad - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAcceptMode - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAnalogStick - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAnalogStickSettings - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadAttachment - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadButton - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadDeadZoneMode - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadInputID - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadManager - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadMappedInput - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxGamepadModel - flixel.input.gamepad
- FlxTypedGamepadAnalogStick - flixel.input.gamepad
- id
- keyboard
- mouse
- touch
- FlxBaseKeyList - flixel.input
- FlxInput - flixel.input
- FlxInputState - flixel.input
- FlxKeyManager - flixel.input
- FlxPointer - flixel.input
- FlxSwipe - flixel.input
- IFlxInput - flixel.input
- IFlxInputManager - flixel.input
- actions
- math
- path
- CenterMode - flixel.path
- FlxBasePath - flixel.path
- FlxDiagonalPathfinder - flixel.path
- FlxPath - flixel.path
- FlxPathAnchorMode - flixel.path
- FlxPathDirection - flixel.path
- FlxPathDrawData - flixel.path
- FlxPathLoopType - flixel.path
- FlxPathSimplifier - flixel.path
- FlxPathType - flixel.path
- FlxPathfinder - flixel.path
- FlxPathfinderData - flixel.path
- FlxPathfinderDataFactory - flixel.path
- FlxTilemapDiagonalPolicy - flixel.path
- FlxTypedBasePath - flixel.path
- FlxTypedPathfinder - flixel.path
- FlxTypedPathfinderData - flixel.path
- sound
- system
- debug
- completion
- console
- interaction
- tools
- Eraser - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- GraphicCursorCross - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Mover - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Pointer - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- ToggleBounds - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Tool - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Transform - flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools
- Interaction - flixel.system.debug.interaction
- tools
- log
- stats
- watch
- DebuggerUtil - flixel.system.debug
- FlxDebugger - flixel.system.debug
- FlxDebuggerLayout - flixel.system.debug
- Tooltip - flixel.system.debug
- TooltipOverlay - flixel.system.debug
- VCR - flixel.system.debug
- Window - flixel.system.debug
- frontEnds
- AssetFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- BitmapFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- BitmapLogFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- CameraFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- ConsoleFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- DebuggerFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- FlxAssetType - flixel.system.frontEnds
- InputFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- LogFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- PluginFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- SignalFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- SoundFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- VCRFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- WatchFrontEnd - flixel.system.frontEnds
- macros
- replay
- scaleModes
- BaseScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- FillScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- FixedScaleAdjustSizeScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- FixedScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- PixelPerfectScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- RatioScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- RelativeScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- StageSizeScaleMode - flixel.system.scaleModes
- ui
- FlxAngelCodeAsset - flixel.system
- FlxAngelCodeXmlAsset - flixel.system
- FlxAsepriteJsonAsset - flixel.system
- FlxAssets - flixel.system
- FlxBGSprite - flixel.system
- FlxBasePreloader - flixel.system
- FlxBitmapFontGraphicAsset - flixel.system
- FlxGraphicAsset - flixel.system
- FlxGraphicSource - flixel.system
- FlxJsonAsset - flixel.system
- FlxLinkedList - flixel.system
- FlxPreloader - flixel.system
- FlxQuadTree - flixel.system
- FlxShader - flixel.system
- FlxSoundAsset - flixel.system
- FlxSplash - flixel.system
- FlxTexturePackerJsonAsset - flixel.system
- FlxTilemapGraphicAsset - flixel.system
- FlxVersion - flixel.system
- FlxXmlAsset - flixel.system
- GraphicLogo - flixel.system
- GraphicVirtualInput - flixel.system
- VirtualInputData - flixel.system
- debug
- text
- FlxBitmapFont - flixel.text
- FlxBitmapText - flixel.text
- FlxInputText - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextCase - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextChange - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextFilterMode - flixel.text
- FlxInputTextManager - flixel.text
- FlxText - flixel.text
- FlxTextAlign - flixel.text
- FlxTextBorderStyle - flixel.text
- FlxTextFormat - flixel.text
- FlxTextFormatMarkerPair - flixel.text
- IFlxInputText - flixel.text
- MoveCursorAction - flixel.text
- TypingAction - flixel.text
- TypingCommand - flixel.text
- WordSplitConditions - flixel.text
- Wrap - flixel.text
- tile
- FlxBaseTilemap - flixel.tile
- FlxTile - flixel.tile
- FlxTileProperties - flixel.tile
- FlxTileblock - flixel.tile
- FlxTilemap - flixel.tile
- FlxTilemapAutoTiling - flixel.tile
- FlxTilemapBuffer - flixel.tile
- FlxTypedTilemap - flixel.tile
- GraphicAuto - flixel.tile
- GraphicAutoAlt - flixel.tile
- GraphicAutoFull - flixel.tile
- tweens
- ui
- CircleSprite - flixel.ui
- FlxActionMode - flixel.ui
- FlxAnalog - flixel.ui
- FlxBar - flixel.ui
- FlxBarFillDirection - flixel.ui
- FlxBitmapTextButton - flixel.ui
- FlxButton - flixel.ui
- FlxButtonState - flixel.ui
- FlxDPadMode - flixel.ui
- FlxSpriteButton - flixel.ui
- FlxTypedButton - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualActionButtons - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualDPadButtons - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualInputID - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualPad - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualPadButton - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualPadButtons - flixel.ui
- FlxVirtualStick - flixel.ui
- InvisibleCircleButton - flixel.ui
- util
- helpers
- typeLimit
- DrawStyle - flixel.util
- FlxArrayUtil - flixel.util
- FlxAxes - flixel.util
- FlxBitmapDataPool - flixel.util
- FlxBitmapDataUtil - flixel.util
- FlxCollision - flixel.util
- FlxColor - flixel.util
- FlxColorTransformUtil - flixel.util
- FlxDestroyUtil - flixel.util
- FlxDirection - flixel.util
- FlxDirectionFlags - flixel.util
- FlxGradient - flixel.util
- FlxHorizontalAlign - flixel.util
- FlxPool - flixel.util
- FlxSave - flixel.util
- FlxSaveStatus - flixel.util
- FlxSignal - flixel.util
- FlxSort - flixel.util
- FlxSpriteUtil - flixel.util
- FlxStringUtil - flixel.util
- FlxTimer - flixel.util
- FlxTimerManager - flixel.util
- FlxTypedSignal - flixel.util
- FlxVerticalAlign - flixel.util
- GradientMatrix - flixel.util
- Harmony - flixel.util
- IFlxDestroyable - flixel.util
- IFlxPool - flixel.util
- IFlxPooled - flixel.util
- IFlxSignal - flixel.util
- LabelValuePair - flixel.util
- LineStyle - flixel.util
- LoadFailureType - flixel.util
- LoadResult - flixel.util
- PoolFactory - flixel.util
- SaveFailureType - flixel.util
- TriadicHarmony - flixel.util
- CollisionDragType - flixel
- FlxBasic - flixel
- FlxCamera - flixel
- FlxCameraFollowStyle - flixel
- FlxG - flixel
- FlxGame - flixel
- FlxObject - flixel
- FlxRenderMethod - flixel
- FlxSprite - flixel
- FlxState - flixel
- FlxStrip - flixel
- FlxSubState - flixel
- FlxType - flixel
- IFlxBasic - flixel
- IFlxSprite - flixel
- addons
- haxe
- crypto
- display
- ClassFieldOccurrence - haxe.display
- ClassFieldOrigin - haxe.display
- ClassFieldOriginKind - haxe.display
- CompletionItemResolveParams - haxe.display
- CompletionItemResolveResult - haxe.display
- CompletionMode - haxe.display
- CompletionModeKind - haxe.display
- CompletionParams - haxe.display
- CompletionResponse - haxe.display
- CompletionResult - haxe.display
- Define - haxe.display
- DeterminePackageResult - haxe.display
- DisplayItem - haxe.display
- DisplayItemKind - haxe.display
- DisplayItemOccurrence - haxe.display
- DisplayLiteral - haxe.display
- DisplayLocal - haxe.display
- DisplayModuleType - haxe.display
- DisplayModuleTypeKind - haxe.display
- DisplayModuleTypeParameter - haxe.display
- EnumFieldOccurrence - haxe.display
- EnumFieldOrigin - haxe.display
- EnumFieldOriginKind - haxe.display
- FieldCompletionSubject - haxe.display
- FieldResolution - haxe.display
- FileParams - haxe.display
- FindReferencesKind - haxe.display
- FindReferencesParams - haxe.display
- FsPath - haxe.display
- GotoDefinitionResult - haxe.display
- GotoTypeDefinitionResult - haxe.display
- HaxeNotificationMethod - haxe.display
- HaxeRequestMethod - haxe.display
- HaxeResponseErrorData - haxe.display
- HaxeResponseErrorSeverity - haxe.display
- HoverDisplayItemOccurence - haxe.display
- HoverExpectedNameKind - haxe.display
- HoverResult - haxe.display
- ImportStatus - haxe.display
- InitializeParams - haxe.display
- InitializeResult - haxe.display
- JsonAbstract - haxe.display
- JsonAbstractBinop - haxe.display
- JsonAbstractCast - haxe.display
- JsonAbstractUnop - haxe.display
- JsonAnon - haxe.display
- JsonAnonStatus - haxe.display
- JsonAnonStatusKind - haxe.display
- JsonBinop - haxe.display
- JsonBinopKind - haxe.display
- JsonClass - haxe.display
- JsonClassField - haxe.display
- JsonClassFieldReference - haxe.display
- JsonClassFieldScope - haxe.display
- JsonClassFields - haxe.display
- JsonClassKind - haxe.display
- JsonClassKindKind - haxe.display
- JsonDoc - haxe.display
- JsonEnum - haxe.display
- JsonEnumField - haxe.display
- JsonEnumFields - haxe.display
- JsonExpr - haxe.display
- JsonFieldKind - haxe.display
- JsonFieldKindKind - haxe.display
- JsonFunctionArgument - haxe.display
- JsonFunctionSignature - haxe.display
- JsonMetadata - haxe.display
- JsonMetadataEntry - haxe.display
- JsonMethodKind - haxe.display
- JsonModulePath - haxe.display
- JsonModuleType - haxe.display
- JsonModuleTypeKind - haxe.display
- JsonModuleTypes - haxe.display
- JsonPackagePath - haxe.display
- JsonPos - haxe.display
- JsonStaticFieldPath - haxe.display
- JsonTConstant - haxe.display
- JsonTConstantKind - haxe.display
- JsonTExpr - haxe.display
- JsonTodo - haxe.display
- JsonType - haxe.display
- JsonTypeKind - haxe.display
- JsonTypeParameter - haxe.display
- JsonTypeParameters - haxe.display
- JsonTypePath - haxe.display
- JsonTypePathWithParams - haxe.display
- JsonTypedef - haxe.display
- JsonTypes - haxe.display
- JsonUnop - haxe.display
- JsonVarAccess - haxe.display
- JsonVarAccessKind - haxe.display
- Keyword - haxe.display
- KeywordKind - haxe.display
- Literal - haxe.display
- LocalOrigin - haxe.display
- Location - haxe.display
- Metadata - haxe.display
- MetadataTarget - haxe.display
- Module - haxe.display
- Package - haxe.display
- PatternCompletion - haxe.display
- Platform - haxe.display
- Position - haxe.display
- PositionParams - haxe.display
- Range - haxe.display
- Response - haxe.display
- SignatureHelpParams - haxe.display
- SignatureHelpResult - haxe.display
- SignatureInformation - haxe.display
- SignatureItem - haxe.display
- SignatureItemKind - haxe.display
- StructExtensionCompletion - haxe.display
- Timer - haxe.display
- ToplevelCompletion - haxe.display
- Version - haxe.display
- ds
- exceptions
- extern
- io
- iterators
- macro
- AbstractType - haxe.macro
- AnonType - haxe.macro
- BaseType - haxe.macro
- Case - haxe.macro
- Catch - haxe.macro
- ClassField - haxe.macro
- ClassType - haxe.macro
- CompilerConfiguration - haxe.macro
- DefType - haxe.macro
- DefineDescription - haxe.macro
- EnumField - haxe.macro
- EnumType - haxe.macro
- ExceptionsConfig - haxe.macro
- Expr - haxe.macro
- ExprOf - haxe.macro
- Field - haxe.macro
- Function - haxe.macro
- FunctionArg - haxe.macro
- ImportExpr - haxe.macro
- IncludePosition - haxe.macro
- MetaAccess - haxe.macro
- Metadata - haxe.macro
- MetadataDescription - haxe.macro
- MetadataEntry - haxe.macro
- NullSafetyMode - haxe.macro
- ObjectField - haxe.macro
- PlatformConfig - haxe.macro
- Position - haxe.macro
- Ref - haxe.macro
- TFunc - haxe.macro
- TVar - haxe.macro
- TypeDefinition - haxe.macro
- TypeParamDecl - haxe.macro
- TypeParameter - haxe.macro
- TypePath - haxe.macro
- TypedExpr - haxe.macro
- Var - haxe.macro
- VarScopingConfig - haxe.macro
- xml
- zip
- CallStack - haxe
- Constructible - haxe
- DynamicAccess - haxe
- EnumTools - haxe
- EnumValueTools - haxe
- Exception - haxe
- FlatEnum - haxe
- Function - haxe
- IMap - haxe
- Int32 - haxe
- Int64 - haxe
- Int64Helper - haxe
- Json - haxe
- Log - haxe
- NotVoid - haxe
- PosInfos - haxe
- Serializer - haxe
- Timer - haxe
- Unserializer - haxe
- ValueException - haxe
- hscript
- Argument - hscript
- CType - hscript
- ClassDecl - hscript
- Const - hscript
- Error - hscript
- Expr - hscript
- ExprDef - hscript
- FieldAccess - hscript
- FieldDecl - hscript
- FieldKind - hscript
- FunctionDecl - hscript
- Interp - hscript
- Metadata - hscript
- ModuleDecl - hscript
- ModuleType - hscript
- Parser - hscript
- Token - hscript
- Tools - hscript
- TypeDecl - hscript
- VarDecl - hscript
- lime
- app
- graphics
- cairo
- Cairo - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoAntialias - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoContent - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoExtend - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFillRule - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFilter - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFontFace - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoFontOptions - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoGlyph - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoHintMetrics - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoHintStyle - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoLineCap - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoLineJoin - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoOperator - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoPattern - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoStatus - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoSubpixelOrder - lime.graphics.cairo
- CairoSurface - lime.graphics.cairo
- opengl
- GL - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLActiveInfo - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLBuffer - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLContextAttributes - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLFramebuffer - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLProgram - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLQuery - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLRenderbuffer - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLSampler - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLShader - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLShaderPrecisionFormat - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLSync - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLTexture - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLTransformFeedback - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLUniformLocation - lime.graphics.opengl
- GLVertexArrayObject - lime.graphics.opengl
- CairoRenderContext - lime.graphics
- Canvas2DRenderContext - lime.graphics
- DOMRenderContext - lime.graphics
- FlashRenderContext - lime.graphics
- Image - lime.graphics
- ImageBuffer - lime.graphics
- ImageChannel - lime.graphics
- ImageFileFormat - lime.graphics
- ImageType - lime.graphics
- OpenGLES2RenderContext - lime.graphics
- OpenGLES3RenderContext - lime.graphics
- OpenGLRenderContext - lime.graphics
- PixelFormat - lime.graphics
- RenderContext - lime.graphics
- RenderContextAttributes - lime.graphics
- RenderContextType - lime.graphics
- WebGL2RenderContext - lime.graphics
- WebGLRenderContext - lime.graphics
- cairo
- math
- media
- net
- system
- CFFI - lime.system
- CFFIPointer - lime.system
- Clipboard - lime.system
- Deque - lime.system
- Display - lime.system
- DisplayMode - lime.system
- Endian - lime.system
- JSAsync - lime.system
- JobData - lime.system
- JobList - lime.system
- State - lime.system
- System - lime.system
- ThreadEvent - lime.system
- ThreadEventType - lime.system
- ThreadMode - lime.system
- ThreadPool - lime.system
- Tls - lime.system
- Transferable - lime.system
- WorkFunction - lime.system
- WorkOutput - lime.system
- text
- ui
- utils
- ArrayBuffer - lime.utils
- ArrayBufferView - lime.utils
- AssetBundle - lime.utils
- AssetCache - lime.utils
- AssetLibrary - lime.utils
- AssetManifest - lime.utils
- AssetType - lime.utils
- Assets - lime.utils
- BytePointer - lime.utils
- Bytes - lime.utils
- CompressionAlgorithm - lime.utils
- DataPointer - lime.utils
- Float32Array - lime.utils
- Float64Array - lime.utils
- Int16Array - lime.utils
- Int32Array - lime.utils
- Int8Array - lime.utils
- Log - lime.utils
- LogLevel - lime.utils
- Preloader - lime.utils
- UInt16Array - lime.utils
- UInt32Array - lime.utils
- UInt8Array - lime.utils
- UInt8ClampedArray - lime.utils
- nape
- callbacks
- BodyCallback - nape.callbacks
- BodyListener - nape.callbacks
- Callback - nape.callbacks
- CbEvent - nape.callbacks
- CbType - nape.callbacks
- CbTypeIterator - nape.callbacks
- CbTypeList - nape.callbacks
- ConstraintCallback - nape.callbacks
- ConstraintListener - nape.callbacks
- InteractionCallback - nape.callbacks
- InteractionListener - nape.callbacks
- InteractionType - nape.callbacks
- Listener - nape.callbacks
- ListenerIterator - nape.callbacks
- ListenerList - nape.callbacks
- ListenerType - nape.callbacks
- OptionType - nape.callbacks
- PreCallback - nape.callbacks
- PreFlag - nape.callbacks
- PreListener - nape.callbacks
- constraint
- AngleJoint - nape.constraint
- Constraint - nape.constraint
- ConstraintIterator - nape.constraint
- ConstraintList - nape.constraint
- DistanceJoint - nape.constraint
- LineJoint - nape.constraint
- MotorJoint - nape.constraint
- PivotJoint - nape.constraint
- PulleyJoint - nape.constraint
- UserConstraint - nape.constraint
- WeldJoint - nape.constraint
- dynamics
- Arbiter - nape.dynamics
- ArbiterIterator - nape.dynamics
- ArbiterList - nape.dynamics
- ArbiterType - nape.dynamics
- CollisionArbiter - nape.dynamics
- Contact - nape.dynamics
- ContactIterator - nape.dynamics
- ContactList - nape.dynamics
- FluidArbiter - nape.dynamics
- InteractionFilter - nape.dynamics
- InteractionGroup - nape.dynamics
- InteractionGroupIterator - nape.dynamics
- InteractionGroupList - nape.dynamics
- geom
- AABB - nape.geom
- ConvexResult - nape.geom
- ConvexResultIterator - nape.geom
- ConvexResultList - nape.geom
- Geom - nape.geom
- GeomPoly - nape.geom
- GeomPolyIterator - nape.geom
- GeomPolyList - nape.geom
- GeomVertexIterator - nape.geom
- IsoFunction - nape.geom
- IsoFunctionDef - nape.geom
- MarchingSquares - nape.geom
- Mat23 - nape.geom
- MatMN - nape.geom
- Ray - nape.geom
- RayResult - nape.geom
- RayResultIterator - nape.geom
- RayResultList - nape.geom
- Vec2 - nape.geom
- Vec2Iterator - nape.geom
- Vec2List - nape.geom
- Vec3 - nape.geom
- Winding - nape.geom
- phys
- Body - nape.phys
- BodyIterator - nape.phys
- BodyList - nape.phys
- BodyType - nape.phys
- Compound - nape.phys
- CompoundIterator - nape.phys
- CompoundList - nape.phys
- FluidProperties - nape.phys
- GravMassMode - nape.phys
- InertiaMode - nape.phys
- Interactor - nape.phys
- InteractorIterator - nape.phys
- InteractorList - nape.phys
- MassMode - nape.phys
- Material - nape.phys
- shape
- space
- util
- Config - nape
- TArray - nape
- callbacks
- openfl
- display
- Application - openfl.display
- Bitmap - openfl.display
- BitmapData - openfl.display
- BitmapDataChannel - openfl.display
- BlendMode - openfl.display
- CapsStyle - openfl.display
- DisplayObject - openfl.display
- DisplayObjectContainer - openfl.display
- FrameLabel - openfl.display
- FrameScript - openfl.display
- GradientType - openfl.display
- Graphics - openfl.display
- GraphicsBitmapFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsEndFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsGradientFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsPath - openfl.display
- GraphicsPathWinding - openfl.display
- GraphicsQuadPath - openfl.display
- GraphicsShader - openfl.display
- GraphicsShaderFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsSolidFill - openfl.display
- GraphicsStroke - openfl.display
- GraphicsTrianglePath - openfl.display
- IGraphicsData - openfl.display
- IGraphicsPath - openfl.display
- InteractiveObject - openfl.display
- InterpolationMethod - openfl.display
- JointStyle - openfl.display
- LineScaleMode - openfl.display
- Loader - openfl.display
- MovieClip - openfl.display
- MovieClip2 - openfl.display
- Preloader - openfl.display
- Scene - openfl.display
- Shader - openfl.display
- ShaderParameter - openfl.display
- Shape - openfl.display
- SpreadMethod - openfl.display
- Sprite - openfl.display
- Stage - openfl.display
- StageAlign - openfl.display
- StageDisplayState - openfl.display
- StageScaleMode - openfl.display
- Timeline - openfl.display
- TriangleCulling - openfl.display
- Window - openfl.display
- display3D
- errors
- events
- Event - openfl.events
- EventDispatcher - openfl.events
- EventType - openfl.events
- FocusEvent - openfl.events
- GameInputEvent - openfl.events
- IEventDispatcher - openfl.events
- IOErrorEvent - openfl.events
- KeyboardEvent - openfl.events
- MouseEvent - openfl.events
- ProgressEvent - openfl.events
- TextEvent - openfl.events
- TouchEvent - openfl.events
- UncaughtErrorEvents - openfl.events
- filters
- geom
- media
- net
- system
- text
- ui
- utils
- AssetBundle - openfl.utils
- AssetCache - openfl.utils
- AssetLibrary - openfl.utils
- AssetType - openfl.utils
- Assets - openfl.utils
- ByteArray - openfl.utils
- CompressionAlgorithm - openfl.utils
- Dictionary - openfl.utils
- Endian - openfl.utils
- Future - openfl.utils
- IAssetCache - openfl.utils
- IDataInput - openfl.utils
- IDataOutput - openfl.utils
- IExternalizable - openfl.utils
- Object - openfl.utils
- QName - openfl.utils
- Assets - openfl
- Lib - openfl
- Vector - openfl
- display
- spinehaxe
- animation
- Animation - spinehaxe.animation
- AnimationState - spinehaxe.animation
- AnimationStateData - spinehaxe.animation
- AttachmentTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- BaseListeners - spinehaxe.animation
- ColorTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- CurveTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- DeformTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- DrawOrderTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- EventListeners - spinehaxe.animation
- EventQueue - spinehaxe.animation
- EventTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- EventType - spinehaxe.animation
- IkConstraintTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- Listeners - spinehaxe.animation
- PathConstraintMixTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- PathConstraintPositionTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- PathConstraintSpacingTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- RotateTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- ScaleTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- ShearTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- Timeline - spinehaxe.animation
- TimelineType - spinehaxe.animation
- TrackEntry - spinehaxe.animation
- TransformConstraintTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- TranslateTimeline - spinehaxe.animation
- atlas
- attachments
- AtlasAttachmentLoader - spinehaxe.attachments
- Attachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- AttachmentLoader - spinehaxe.attachments
- AttachmentType - spinehaxe.attachments
- BoundingBoxAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- MeshAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- PathAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- RegionAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- VertexAttachment - spinehaxe.attachments
- ArrayUtils - spinehaxe
- BlendMode - spinehaxe
- Bone - spinehaxe
- BoneData - spinehaxe
- Constraint - spinehaxe
- Event - spinehaxe
- EventData - spinehaxe
- Exception - spinehaxe
- IkConstraint - spinehaxe
- IkConstraintData - spinehaxe
- IllegalArgumentException - spinehaxe
- IllegalStateException - spinehaxe
- JsonNode - spinehaxe
- LinkedMesh - spinehaxe
- MathUtils - spinehaxe
- PathConstraint - spinehaxe
- PathConstraintData - spinehaxe
- Pool - spinehaxe
- Poolable - spinehaxe
- PositionMode - spinehaxe
- RotateMode - spinehaxe
- RuntimeException - spinehaxe
- SerializationException - spinehaxe
- Skeleton - spinehaxe
- SkeletonData - spinehaxe
- SkeletonJson - spinehaxe
- Skin - spinehaxe
- Slot - spinehaxe
- SlotData - spinehaxe
- SpacingMode - spinehaxe
- TransformConstraint - spinehaxe
- TransformConstraintData - spinehaxe
- TransformMode - spinehaxe
- Updatable - spinehaxe
- animation
- Any
- Array
- ArrayAccess
- Bool
- Class
- Date
- Dynamic
- EReg
- Enum
- EnumValue
- Float
- Int
- IntIterator
- Iterable
- Iterator
- KeyValueIterable
- KeyValueIterator
- Lambda
- List
- Map
- Math
- Null
- Reflect
- Std
- String
- StringBuf
- StringTools
- Type
- UInt
- UnicodeString
- ValueType
- Void
- Xml
- XmlType
class FlxUIDropDownMenu
package flixel.addons.ui
extends FlxTypedUIGroup › FlxTypedSpriteContainer › FlxTypedSpriteGroup › FlxSprite › FlxObject › FlxBasic
implements IHasParams, IFlxUIClickable, IFlxUIWidget
@:directlyUsedStatic variables
Static methods
@:value({ UseIndexID : false })staticmakeStrIdLabelArray(StringArray:Array<String>, UseIndexID:Bool = false):Array<StrNameLabel>
Helper function to easily create a data list for a dropdown menu from an array of strings.
StringArray | The strings to use as data - used for both label and string ID. |
UseIndexID | Whether to use the integer index of the current string as ID. |
The StrIDLabel array ready to be used in FlxUIDropDownMenu's constructor
@:value({ Y : 0, X : 0 })new(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, DataList:Array<StrNameLabel>, ?Callback:String ‑> Void, ?Header:FlxUIDropDownHeader, ?DropPanel:FlxUI9SliceSprite, ?ButtonList:Array<FlxUIButton>, ?UIControlCallback:(Bool, FlxUIDropDownMenu) ‑> Void)
This creates a new dropdown menu.
X | x position of the dropdown menu |
Y | y position of the dropdown menu |
DataList | The data to be displayed |
Callback | Optional Callback |
Header | The header of this dropdown menu |
DropPanel | Optional 9-slice-background for actual drop down menu |
ButtonList | Optional list of buttons to be used for the corresponding entry in DataList |
UIControlCallback | Used internally by FlxUI |
@:value([])list:Array<FlxUIButton> = []
The list of items that is shown when the toggle button is clicked.
Change the contents with a new data list Replaces the old content with the new content
Inherited Variables
Defined by FlxTypedUIGroup
@:value(true)autoBounds:Bool = true
Will automatically adjust the width and height to the members, on add/remove calls
@:value(true)broadcastToFlxUI:Bool = true
If true, will issue FlxUI.event() and FlxUI.request() calls
Defined by FlxTypedSpriteGroup
@:value(false)directAlpha:Bool = false
Whether to attempt to preserve the ratio of alpha values of group members, or set them directly through
the alpha property. Defaults to false
.read onlylength:Int
The number of entries in the members array. For performance and safety you should check this
variable instead of members.length
unless you really know what you're doing!
Defined by FlxSprite
@:value(1.0)alpha:Float = 1.0
Set alpha to a number between 0
and 1
to change the opacity of the sprite.
See also:
Class that handles adding and playing animations on this sprite.
See also:
@:value(defaultAntialiasing)antialiasing:Bool = defaultAntialiasing
Controls whether the object is smoothed when rotated, affects performance.
@:value(0)read onlybakedRotationAngle:Float = 0
The minimum angle (out of 360°) for which a new baked rotation exists. Example: 90
means there
are 4 baked rotations in the spritesheet. 0
if this sprite does not have any baked rotations.
See also:
Clipping rectangle for this sprite.
Changing the rect's properties directly doesn't have any effect,
reassign the property to update it (sprite.clipRect = sprite.clipRect;
Set to null
to discard graphic frame clipping.
@:value(0xffffff)color:FlxColor = 0xffffff
Tints the whole sprite to a color (0xRRGGBB
format) - similar to OpenGL vertex colors. You can use
colors, but the alpha value will simply be ignored. To change the opacity use alpha
See also:
@:value(true)dirty:Bool = true
Set this flag to true to force the sprite to update during the draw()
NOTE: Rarely if ever necessary, most sprite operations will flip this flag automatically.
@:value(RIGHT)facing:FlxDirectionFlags = RIGHT
Can be set to LEFT
, UP
, and DOWN
to take advantage
of flipped sprites and/or just track player orientation more easily.
See also:
@:value(0)read onlyframeHeight:Int = 0
The height of the actual graphic or image being displayed (not necessarily the game object/bounding box).
The current display state of the sprite including current animation frame,
tint, flip etc... may be null
unless useFramePixels
is true
@:value(0)read onlyframeWidth:Int = 0
The width of the actual graphic or image being displayed (not necessarily the game object/bounding box).
read onlynumFrames:Int
The total number of frames in this image. WARNING: assumes each row in the sprite sheet is full!
read onlyoffset:FlxPoint
The position of the sprite's graphic relative to its hitbox. For example, offset.x = 10;
show the graphic 10 pixels left of the hitbox. Likely needs to be adjusted after changing a sprite's
, height
or scale
read onlyorigin:FlxPoint
WARNING: The origin
of the sprite will default to its center. If you change this,
the visuals and the collisions will likely be pretty out-of-sync if you do any rotation.
This sprite's graphic / BitmapData
Automatically adjusts graphic size and render helpers if changed.
read onlyscale:FlxPoint
Change the size of your sprite's graphic.
NOTE: The hitbox is not automatically adjusted, use updateHitbox()
for that.
WARNING: With FlxG.renderBlit
, scaling sprites decreases rendering performance by a factor of about x10!
See also:
GLSL shader for this sprite. Avoid changing it frequently as this is a costly operation.
.@:value(false)read onlyuseColorTransform:Bool = false
Whether or not to use a ColorTransform
set via setColorTransform()
@:value(true)useFramePixels:Bool = true
Always true
on FlxG.renderBlit
. On FlxG.renderTile
it determines whether
is used and defaults to false
for performance reasons.
Defined by FlxObject
read onlyacceleration:FlxPoint
How fast the speed of this object is changing (in pixels per second). Useful for smooth movement and gravity.
@:value(FlxDirectionFlags.ANY)allowCollisions:FlxDirectionFlags = FlxDirectionFlags.ANY
Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating collision directions. Use bitwise operators to check the values stored here. Useful for things like one-way platforms (e.g. allowCollisions = UP;). The accessor "solid" just flips this variable between NONE and ANY.
@:value(0)angle:Float = 0
Set the angle (in degrees) of a sprite to rotate it. WARNING: rotating sprites decreases their rendering performance by a factor of ~10x when using blitting!
@:value(0)angularAcceleration:Float = 0
How fast the spin speed should change (in degrees per second).
@:value(0)angularVelocity:Float = 0
This is how fast you want this sprite to spin (in degrees per second).
@:value(IMMOVABLE)collisionXDrag:CollisionDragType = IMMOVABLE
Whether this sprite is dragged along with the horizontal movement of objects it collides with (makes sense for horizontally-moving platforms in platformers for example). Use values IMMOVABLE, ALWAYS, HEAVIER or NEVER
.@:value(NEVER)collisionYDrag:CollisionDragType = NEVER
Whether this sprite is dragged along with the vertical movement of objects it collides with (for sticking to vertically-moving platforms in platformers for example). Use values IMMOVABLE, ALWAYS, HEAVIER or NEVER
.@:value(null)debugBoundingBoxColor:Null<FlxColor> = null
Overriding this will force a specific color to be used for debug rect (ignoring any of the other debug bounding box colors specified).
@:value(FlxColor.BLUE)debugBoundingBoxColorNotSolid:FlxColor = FlxColor.BLUE
Color used for the debug rect if allowCollisions == NONE
.@:value(FlxColor.GREEN)debugBoundingBoxColorPartial:FlxColor = FlxColor.GREEN
Color used for the debug rect if this object collides partially
in the case of FlxObject
, or allowCollisions
not equal to
in the case of tiles in FlxTilemap
.@:value(FlxColor.RED)debugBoundingBoxColorSolid:FlxColor = FlxColor.RED
Color used for the debug rect if allowCollisions == ANY
.read onlydrag:FlxPoint
This isn't drag exactly, more like deceleration that is only applied
when acceleration
is not affecting the sprite.
@:value(0)elasticity:Float = 0
The bounciness of this object. Only affects collisions. Default value is 0, or "not bouncy at all."
@:value(1)health:Float = 1
Handy for storing health percentage or armor points or whatever.
The height of this object's hitbox. For sprites, use offset
to control the hitbox position.
@:value(false)ignoreDrawDebug:Bool = false
Setting this to true
will prevent the object's bounding box from appearing
when FlxG.debugger.drawDebug
is true
read onlylast:FlxPoint
Important variable for collision processing.
By default this value is set automatically during at the start of update()
@:value(1)mass:Float = 1
The virtual mass of the object. Default value is 1. Currently only used with elasticity during collision resolution. Change at your own risk; effects seem crazy unpredictable so far!
@:value(10000)maxAngular:Float = 10000
Use in conjunction with angularAcceleration for fluid spin speed control.
read onlymaxVelocity:FlxPoint
If you are using acceleration
, you can use maxVelocity
with it
to cap the speed automatically (very useful!).
@:value(defaultMoves)moves:Bool = defaultMoves
Set this to false
if you want to skip the automatic motion/movement stuff (see updateMotion()
and FlxSprite
default to true
. FlxText
, FlxTileblock
and FlxTilemap
default to false
@:value(null)path:FlxPath = null
The path this object follows. Not initialized by default.
Assign a new FlxPath()
object and start()
it if you want to this object to follow a path.
Set path
to null
again to stop following the path.
See flixel.util.FlxPath
for more info and usage examples.
@:value(true)pixelPerfectPosition:Bool = true
Whether or not the position of this object should be rounded before any draw()
or collision checking.
Whether or not the coordinates should be rounded during rendering.
Does not affect copyPixels()
, which can only render on whole pixels.
Defaults to the camera's global pixelPerfectRender
but overrides that value if not equal to null
read onlyscrollFactor:FlxPoint
Controls how much this object is affected by camera scrolling. 0
= no movement (e.g. a background layer),
= same movement speed as the foreground. Default value is (1,1)
except for UI elements like FlxButton
where it's (0,0)
Whether the object collides or not. For more control over what directions the object will collide from,
use collision constants (like LEFT
, etc) to set the value of allowCollisions
@:value(FlxDirectionFlags.NONE)touching:FlxDirectionFlags = FlxDirectionFlags.NONE
Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating surface contacts. Use bitwise operators to check the values stored here, or use isTouching(), justTouched(), etc. You can even use them broadly as boolean values if you're feeling saucy!
@:value(FlxDirectionFlags.NONE)wasTouching:FlxDirectionFlags = FlxDirectionFlags.NONE
Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating surface contacts from the previous game loop step. Use bitwise operators to check the values stored here, or use isTouching(), justTouched(), etc. You can even use them broadly as boolean values if you're feeling saucy!
Defined by FlxBasic
@:value(idEnumerator++)ID:Int = idEnumerator++
A unique ID starting from 0 and increasing by 1 for each subsequent FlxBasic
that is created.
@:value(true)alive:Bool = true
Useful state for many game objects - "dead" (!alive
) vs alive
. kill()
both flip this switch (along with exists
, but you can override that).
This determines on which FlxCamera
s this object will be drawn. If it is null
/ has not been
set, it uses the list of default draw targets, which is controlled via FlxG.camera.setDefaultDrawTarget
as well as the DefaultDrawTarget
argument of FlxG.camera.add
read onlycontainer:Null<FlxContainer>
The parent containing this basic, typically if you check this recursively you should reach the state
.Inherited Methods
Defined by FlxTypedUIGroup
Calculates the bounds of the group and sets width/height
rect | If supplied, populates this with the boundaries of the group |
Defined by FlxTypedSpriteContainer
Defined by FlxTypedSpriteGroup
Remove all instances of FlxSprite
from the list.
WARNING: does not destroy()
or kill()
any of these objects!
Recursive cloning method: it will create a copy of this group which will hold copies of all sprites
copy of this sprite group
Call this function to find out how many members of the group are dead.
The number of FlxSprite
s flagged as dead. Returns -1
if group is empty.
Call this function to find out how many members of the group are not dead.
The number of FlxSprite
s flagged as not dead. Returns -1
if group is empty.
Returns the right-most position of the right-most member. If there are no members, x is returned.
Returns the top-most position of the top-most member. If there are no members, y is returned.
Returns the left-most position of the left-most member. If there are no members, x is returned.
Returns the top-most position of the top-most member. If there are no members, y is returned.
.@:value({ Recurse : false })inlineforEach(Function:T ‑> Void, Recurse:Bool = false):Void
Applies a function to all members.
Function | A function that modifies one element at a time. |
Recurse | Whether or not to apply the function to members of subgroups as well. |
@:value({ Recurse : false })inlineforEachAlive(Function:T ‑> Void, Recurse:Bool = false):Void
Applies a function to all alive
Function | A function that modifies one element at a time. |
Recurse | Whether or not to apply the function to members of subgroups as well. |
@:value({ Recurse : false })inlineforEachDead(Function:T ‑> Void, Recurse:Bool = false):Void
Applies a function to all dead members.
Function | A function that modifies one element at a time. |
Recurse | Whether or not to apply the function to members of subgroups as well. |
@:value({ Recurse : false })inlineforEachExists(Function:T ‑> Void, Recurse:Bool = false):Void
Applies a function to all existing members.
Function | A function that modifies one element at a time. |
Recurse | Whether or not to apply the function to members of subgroups as well. |
@:value({ Recurse : false })inlineforEachOfType<K>(ObjectClass:Class<K>, Function:K ‑> Void, Recurse:Bool = false):Void
@:value({ Force : false })inlinegetFirstAvailable(?ObjectClass:Class<T>, Force:Bool = false):T
Call this function to retrieve the first object with exists == false
in the group.
This is handy for recycling in general, e.g. respawning enemies.
ObjectClass | An optional parameter that lets you narrow the results to instances of this particular class. |
Force | Force the object to be an |
A FlxSprite
currently flagged as not existing.
Call this function to retrieve the first index set to null
Returns -1
if no index stores a null
An Int
indicating the first null
slot in the group.
@:value({ Length : 0, StartIndex : 0 })inlinegetRandom(StartIndex:Int = 0, Length:Int = 0):T
Returns a member at random from the group.
StartIndex | Optional offset off the front of the array.
Default value is |
Length | Optional restriction on the number of values you want to randomly select from. |
A FlxSprite
from the members
insert(Position:Int, Sprite:T):T
Inserts a new FlxSprite
subclass to the group at the specified position.
Position | The position that the new sprite or sprite group should be inserted at. |
Sprite | The sprite or sprite group you want to insert into the group. |
The same object that was passed in.
Check and see if any sprite in this group is currently on screen.
Camera | Specify which game camera you want. If |
Whether the object is on screen or not.
inlineiterator(?filter:T ‑> Bool):FlxTypedGroupIterator<T>
Iterate through every member
An iterator
Calls kill()
on the group's members and then on the group itself.
You can revive this group later via revive()
after this.
@:value({ Unique : false, Height : 0, Width : 0, Animated : false })loadGraphic(Graphic:FlxGraphicAsset, Animated:Bool = false, Width:Int = 0, Height:Int = 0, Unique:Bool = false, ?Key:String):FlxSprite
This functionality isn't supported in SpriteGroup
this sprite group
This functionality isn't supported in SpriteGroup
this sprite group
@:value({ AutoBuffer : false, AntiAliasing : false, Frame : -1, Rotations : 16 })loadRotatedGraphic(Graphic:FlxGraphicAsset, Rotations:Int = 16, Frame:Int = -1, AntiAliasing:Bool = false, AutoBuffer:Bool = false, ?Key:String):FlxSprite
This functionality isn't supported in SpriteGroup
this sprite group
@:value({ Unique : false, Color : FlxColor.WHITE })makeGraphic(Width:Int, Height:Int, Color:Int = FlxColor.WHITE, Unique:Bool = false, ?Key:String):FlxSprite
This functionality isn't supported in SpriteGroup
this sprite group
@:genericmultiTransformChildren<V>(FunctionArray:Array<(T, V) ‑> Void>, ValueArray:Array<V>):Void
@:value({ InScreenSpace : false })overlapsPoint(point:FlxPoint, InScreenSpace:Bool = false, ?Camera:FlxCamera):Bool
Checks to see if a point in 2D world space overlaps any FlxSprite
object from this group.
Point | The point in world space you want to check. |
InScreenSpace | Whether to take scroll factors into account when checking for overlap. |
Camera | Specify which game camera you want. If |
Whether or not the point overlaps this group.
@:value({ Mask : 0xFF })pixelsOverlapPoint(point:FlxPoint, Mask:Int = 0xFF, ?Camera:FlxCamera):Bool
Checks to see if a point in 2D world space overlaps any of FlxSprite object's current displayed pixels. This check is ALWAYS made in screen space, and always takes scroll factors into account.
Point | The point in world space you want to check. |
Mask | Used in the pixel hit test to determine what counts as solid. |
Camera | Specify which game camera you want. If |
Whether or not the point overlaps this object.
@:value({ Revive : true, Force : false })inlinerecycle(?ObjectClass:Class<T>, ?ObjectFactory:() ‑> T, Force:Bool = false, Revive:Bool = true):T
Recycling is designed to help you reuse game objects without always re-allocating or "newing" them.
It behaves differently depending on whether maxSize
equals 0
or is bigger than 0
maxSize > 0
/ "rotating-recycling" (used by FlxEmitter
- at capacity: returns the next object in line, no matter its properties like alive
, exists
- otherwise: returns a new object.
maxSize == 0
/ "grow-style-recycling"
- tries to find the first object with exists == false
- otherwise: adds a new object to the members
WARNING: If this function needs to create a new object, and no object class was provided,
it will return null
instead of a valid object!
ObjectClass | The class type you want to recycle (e.g. |
ObjectFactory | Optional factory function to create a new object
if there aren't any dead members to recycle.
If |
Force | Force the object to be an |
Revive | Whether recycled members should automatically be revived
(by calling |
A reference to the object that was created.
inlinereplace(oldObject:T, newObject:T):T
Replaces an existing FlxSprite
with a new one.
oldObject | The sprite you want to replace. |
newObject | The new object you want to use instead. |
The new sprite.
@:value({ FetchPositions : false })replaceColor(Color:Int, NewColor:Int, FetchPositions:Bool = false):Array<FlxPoint>
Replaces all pixels with specified Color
with NewColor
WARNING: very expensive (especially on big graphics) as it iterates over every single pixel.
Color | Color to replace |
NewColor | New color |
FetchPositions | Whether we need to store positions of pixels which colors were replaced. |
with replaced pixels positions
@:value({ Y : 0, X : 0 })setPosition(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0):Void
Helper function to set the coordinates of this object. Handy since it only requires one line of code.
X | The new x position |
Y | The new y position |
@:value({ Order : FlxSort.ASCENDING })inlinesort(Function:(Int, T, T) ‑> Int, Order:Int = FlxSort.ASCENDING):Void
Call this function to sort the group according to a particular value and order.
For example, to sort game objects for Zelda-style overlaps you might call
group.sort(FlxSort.byY, FlxSort.ASCENDING)
at the bottom of your FlxState#update()
Function | The sorting function to use - you can use one of the premade ones in
Order | A constant that defines the sort order.
Possible values are |
@:value({ Y : 0, X : 0 })inlinestamp(Brush:FlxSprite, X:Int = 0, Y:Int = 0):Void
This functionality isn't supported in SpriteGroup
@:generictransformChildren<V>(Function:(T, V) ‑> Void, Value:V):Void
Handy function that allows you to quickly transform one property of sprites in this group at a time.
Function | Function to transform the sprites. Example:
Value | Value which will passed to lambda function. |
Defined by FlxSprite
@:value({ AdjustPosition : false })centerOffsets(AdjustPosition:Bool = false):Void
Helper function that adjusts the offset automatically to center the bounding box within the graphic.
AdjustPosition | Adjusts the actual X and Y position just once to match the offset change. |
Sets the sprite's origin to its center - useful after adjusting
to make sure rotations work as expected.
@:value({ Force : false })drawFrame(Force:Bool = false):Void
Request (or force) that the sprite update the frame before rendering. Useful if you are doing procedural generation or other weirdness!
Force | Force the frame to redraw, even if its not flagged as necessary. |
Retrieves the world bounds of this sprite's graphic
Note: Ignores scrollFactor
, to get the screen position of the graphic use
rect | The resulting rect, if |
Retrieve the midpoint of this sprite's graphic in world coordinates.
point | The resulting point, if |
getPixelAt(worldPoint:FlxPoint, ?camera:FlxCamera):Null<FlxColor>
Determines which of this sprite's pixels are at the specified world coordinate, if any.
Factors in scale
, angle
, offset
, origin
, and scrollFactor
worldPoint | The point in world space |
camera | The camera, used for |
a FlxColor
, if the point is in the sprite's graphic, otherwise null
is returned.
.getPixelAtScreen(screenPoint:FlxPoint, ?camera:FlxCamera):Null<FlxColor>
Determines which of this sprite's pixels are at the specified screen coordinate, if any.
Factors in scale
, angle
, offset
, origin
, and scrollFactor
screenPoint | The point in screen space |
camera | The desired "screen" space. If |
a FlxColor
, if the point is in the sprite's graphic, otherwise null
is returned.
Calculates the smallest globally aligned bounding box that encompasses this
sprite's width and height, at its current rotation.
Note, if called on a FlxSprite
, the origin is used, but scale and offset are ignored.
Use getScreenBounds
to use these properties.
newRect | The optional output |
A globally aligned FlxRect
that fully contains the input object's width and height.
.getScreenBounds(?newRect:FlxRect, ?camera:FlxCamera):FlxRect
Calculates the smallest globally aligned bounding box that encompasses this sprite's graphic as it would be displayed. Honors scrollFactor, rotation, scale, offset and origin.
newRect | Optional output |
camera | Optional camera used for scrollFactor, if null |
A globally aligned FlxRect
that fully contains the input sprite.
Called whenever a new graphic is loaded for this sprite (after loadGraphic()
, makeGraphic()
Returns the result of isSimpleRenderBlit()
if FlxG.renderBlit
, or false
if FlxG.renderTile
is true
Determines the function used for rendering in blitting:
for simple sprites, draw()
for complex ones.
Sprites are considered simple when they have an angle
of 0
, a scale
of 1
don't use blend
and pixelPerfectRender
is true
camera | If a camera is passed its |
@:value({ autoBuffer : false, antiAliasing : false, rotations : 16 })loadRotatedFrame(frame:FlxFrame, rotations:Int = 16, antiAliasing:Bool = false, autoBuffer:Bool = false):FlxSprite
Helper method which allows using FlxFrame
as graphic source for sprite's loadRotatedGraphic()
frame | Frame to load into this sprite. |
rotations | The number of rotation frames the final sprite should have.
For small sprites this can be quite a large number ( |
antiAliasing | Whether to use high quality rotations when creating the graphic. Default is |
autoBuffer | Whether to automatically increase the image size to accommodate rotated corners. Will create frames that are 150% larger on each axis than the original frame or graphic. |
this FlxSprite with loaded rotated graphic in it.
Helper method just for convenience, so you don't need to type
sprite.frame = sprite.frame;
You may need this method in tile render mode,
when you want sprite to use its original graphic, not the graphic generated from its framePixels
@:value({ alphaOffset : 0.0, blueOffset : 0.0, greenOffset : 0.0, redOffset : 0.0, alphaMultiplier : 1.0, blueMultiplier : 1.0, greenMultiplier : 1.0, redMultiplier : 1.0 })setColorTransform(redMultiplier:Float = 1.0, greenMultiplier:Float = 1.0, blueMultiplier:Float = 1.0, alphaMultiplier:Float = 1.0, redOffset:Float = 0.0, greenOffset:Float = 0.0, blueOffset:Float = 0.0, alphaOffset:Float = 0.0):Void
Sets the sprite's color transformation with control over color offsets.
With FlxG.renderTile
, offsets are only supported on OpenFL Next version 3.6.0 or higher.
redMultiplier | The value for the red multiplier, in the range from |
greenMultiplier | The value for the green multiplier, in the range from |
blueMultiplier | The value for the blue multiplier, in the range from |
alphaMultiplier | The value for the alpha transparency multiplier, in the range from |
redOffset | The offset value for the red color channel, in the range from |
greenOffset | The offset value for the green color channel, in the range from |
blueOffset | The offset for the blue color channel value, in the range from |
alphaOffset | The offset for alpha transparency channel value, in the range from |
inlinesetFacingFlip(Direction:FlxDirectionFlags, FlipX:Bool, FlipY:Bool):Void
Set how a sprite flips when facing in a particular direction.
Direction | Use constants |
FlipX | Whether to flip the sprite on the X axis. |
FlipY | Whether to flip the sprite on the Y axis. |
@:value({ saveAnimations : true })@:access(flixel.animation.FlxAnimationController)setFrames(Frames:FlxFramesCollection, saveAnimations:Bool = true):FlxSprite
Sets frames and allows you to save animations in sprite's animation controller
Frames | Frames collection to set for this sprite. |
saveAnimations | Whether to save animations in animation controller or not. |
This sprite with loaded frames
@:value({ height : 0.0, width : 0.0 })setGraphicSize(width:Float = 0.0, height:Float = 0.0):Void
Helper function to set the graphic's dimensions by using scale
, allowing you to keep the current aspect ratio
should one of the numbers be <= 0
. It might make sense to call updateHitbox()
width | How wide the graphic should be. If |
height | How high the graphic should be. If |
transformScreenToPixels(screenPoint:FlxPoint, ?camera:FlxCamera, ?result:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
Converts the point from screen coordinates to this sprite's pixel coordinates where (0,0)
is the top left of the graphic.
Factors in scale
, angle
, offset
, origin
, and scrollFactor
screenPoint | The screen coordinates |
camera | The desired "screen" space. If |
result | Optional arg for the returning point |
transformWorldToPixels(worldPoint:FlxPoint, ?camera:FlxCamera, ?result:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
Converts the point from world coordinates to this sprite's pixel coordinates where (0,0)
is the top left of the graphic.
Factors in scale
, angle
, offset
, origin
, and scrollFactor
worldPoint | The world coordinates |
camera | The camera, used for |
result | Optional arg for the returning point |
transformWorldToPixelsSimple(worldPoint:FlxPoint, ?result:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
Converts the point from world coordinates to this sprite's pixel coordinates where (0,0)
is the top left of the graphic. Same as worldToPixels
but never uses a camera,
therefore scrollFactor
is ignored
worldPoint | The world coordinates. |
result | Optional arg for the returning point |
Retrieves the BitmapData
of the current FlxFrame
. Updates framePixels
Updates the sprite's hitbox (width
, height
, offset
) according to the current scale
Also calls centerOrigin()
Defined by FlxObject
Override this function to draw custom "debug mode" graphics to the
specified camera while the debugger's drawDebug
mode is toggled on.
Camera | Which camera to draw the debug visuals to. |
Returns the world position of this object.
result | Optional arg for the returning point. |
The world position of this object.
getScreenPosition(?result:FlxPoint, ?camera:FlxCamera):FlxPoint
Returns the screen position of this object.
result | Optional arg for the returning point |
camera | The desired "screen" coordinate space. If |
The screen position of this object.
Reduces the health
variable of this object by the amount specified in Damage
Calls kill()
if health drops to or below zero.
Damage | How much health to take away (use a negative number to give a health bonus). |
Check and see if this object is currently within the world bounds - useful for killing objects that get too far away.
Whether the object is within the world bounds or not.
Check if object is rendered pixel perfect on a specific camera.
Handy function for checking if this object is touching a particular surface.
Note: These flags are set from FlxG.collide
calls, and get reset in super.update()
direction | Any of the collision flags (e.g. |
Whether the object is touching an object in (any of) the specified direction(s) this frame.
Handy function for checking if this object is just landed on a particular surface.
Note: These flags are set from FlxG.collide
calls, and get reset in super.update()
direction | Any of the collision flags (e.g. |
Whether the object just landed on (any of) the specified surface(s) this frame.
@:value({ inScreenSpace : false })@:access(flixel.group.FlxTypedGroup)overlaps(objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, inScreenSpace:Bool = false, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
Checks to see if some FlxObject
overlaps this FlxObject
or FlxGroup
If the group has a LOT of things in it, it might be faster to use FlxG.overlap()
WARNING: Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks!
objectOrGroup | The object or group being tested. |
inScreenSpace | Whether to take scroll factors into account when checking for overlap.
Default is |
camera | The desired "screen" space. If |
Whether or not the two objects overlap.
@:value({ inScreenSpace : false })@:access(flixel.group.FlxTypedGroup)overlapsAt(x:Float, y:Float, objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, inScreenSpace:Bool = false, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
Checks to see if this FlxObject
were located at the given position,
would it overlap the FlxObject
or FlxGroup
This is distinct from overlapsPoint()
, which just checks that point,
rather than taking the object's size into account.
WARNING: Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks!
x | The X position you want to check. Pretends this object (the caller, not the parameter) is located here. |
y | The Y position you want to check. Pretends this object (the caller, not the parameter) is located here. |
objectOrGroup | The object or group being tested. |
inScreenSpace | Whether to take scroll factors into account when checking for overlap.
Default is |
camera | The desired "screen" space. If |
Whether or not the two objects overlap.
@:value({ axes : XY })inlinescreenCenter(axes:FlxAxes = XY):FlxObject
Defined by FlxBasic
The cameras that will draw this. Use this.cameras
to set specific cameras for this object,
otherwise the container's cameras are used, or the container's container and so on. If there
is no container, say, if this is inside FlxGroups
rather than a FlxContainer
then the
default draw cameras are returned.
The main camera that will draw this. Use this.cameras
to set specific cameras for this
object, otherwise the container's camera is used, or the container's container and so on.
If there is no container, say, if this is inside FlxGroups
rather than a FlxContainer
then FlxG.camera
is returned.